Question # 1
A health provider company is building a new application for its medical officers. The company wants to display medical test reports for patients. Medical test reports is acustom object, related to the Patients object. For e< patient, the company needs to list each medical test report including the report name, date requested, and d generated. From each medical test report, the user should be able to take the following actions:
• Approve
• Print for Review
• Send for Retest
Which OmniStudio tools should the consultant use to design a solution to meet these requirements?
| A. Salesforce list view with custom buttons/links | B. Multiple FlexCards with single action | C. OmnlScript with multiple Step elements | D. Single FlexCard with multiple actions |
D. Single FlexCard with multiple actions
The OmniStudio tools that the consultant should use to design a solution to meet these requirements are: Single FlexCard with multiple actions. A FlexCard is a tool that can display data and actions in a card format. The consultant can use a single FlexCard to display the medical test reports for each patient, including the report name, date requested, and date generated. A FlexCard can also have multiple actions, such as buttons or links, that can invoke OmniScripts or Integration Procedures. The consultant can use multiple actions to enable the user to approve, print for review, or send for retest each medical test report
Question # 2
A business has been experiencing a downturn in customer satisfaction due to billing Issues. The business lear that when customers are allowed to schedule an inquiry call with an agent, customer satisfaction improves.
For this reason, the business decides to create an OmniScript that asks the customer to rate their customer satisfaction using a 1-5 rating scale. If the customer satisfaction is less than 2, it should allow the customer t request a call back on a certain date and then create a case that includes a list of bills from an external system the last 5 months in the case description.
In what order should the consultant design the elements of the OmniScript to meet these requirements?
| A. Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action | B. Date Input, Radio Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action | C. HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action, Date Input, Radio Input | D. HTTP Action, Radio Input, Date Input, DataRaptor Post Action |
A. Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action
The order that the consultant should design the elements of the OmniScript to meet these requirements is: Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action. A Radio Input element can display a list of options for the user to choose from, such as customer satisfaction rating. A Radio Input element allows only one option to be selected at a time, and can also have icons for each option. A Date Input element can display a field for the user to enter a date value, such as call back date. A Date Input element can also have validation and formatting options, such as minimum and maximum dates, calendar picker, etc. An HTTP Action element can invoke a REST or SOAP service to retrieve data from an external system, such as a list of bills from the last 5 months. An HTTP Action element can store the response data in a JSON object for further processing. A DataRaptor Post Action element can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API, such as creating a case with the list of bills in the case description
Question # 3
A business implements a simple OmniScript in their call center that allows agents to quickly create a case when on the phone with customers. The OmniScript has been running successfully in the call center for over a year. The business decides it wants to allow partners to create cases directly from their Community portal.
What is the most efficient solution that the consultant can propose to meet this new requirement? | A. Deploy the existing OmniScript to the Community portal using OmniOut. | B. Embed the existing OmniScript as a reusable component within a new Community OmniScript. | C. Clone the existing OmniScript to a new LWC OmniScript and deploy to the Community portal. | D. Duplicate the existing OmniScript and deploy the new script on the website. |
C. Clone the existing OmniScript to a new LWC OmniScript and deploy to the Community portal.
The most efficient solution is to clone the existing OmniScript to a new LWC OmniScript and deploy it to the Community portal. LWC OmniScripts are designed for web-based interactions and can be easily embedded in any web page. OmniOut is not a tool for deploying OmniScripts, but a feature that allows users to export data from an OmniScript. Embedding the existing OmniScript as a reusable component within a new Community OmniScript would require creating an unnecessary wrapper script. Duplicating the existing OmniScript would create redundant code and maintenance issues.
Question # 4
An investment portfolio manager wants to build a console to display:
• Client information
• Profile attributes
• Investment instrument information
There are more than 20 profile attributes. Each investment instrument has 15 fields of
information to display. The fields should be grouped logically.
How should the consultant design a solution to meet the requirements? | A. A header FlexCard for client information with a Flyout for profile attributes• Child
FlexCards for investment instruments with a Flyout for additional information | B. A header FlexCard for client information and profile attributes• FlexCards for
investment instrument information | C. An OmniScript with a Step for client information• Block Elements for investment
instruments | D. A header FlexCard for client information and profile attributes• Child FlexCards for
investment instruments with a Flyout for additional information |
C. An OmniScript with a Step for client information• Block Elements for investment
Explanation: The consultant should design a solution using an OmniScript with multiple
Step elements to meet the requirements. An OmniScript is a tool that can design customer
interactions using elements and actions. The consultant can use an OmniScript to display
client information, profile attributes, and investment instrument information. A Step element
can group related fields and elements in an OmniScript, and display them in a page or a
section. The consultant can use multiple Step elements to organize the information into
logical groups, such as client information, profile attributes, and investment instruments
Question # 5
What business problem does DataRaptor solve? | A. lt removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations. | B. It allows developers to create complex API queries declaratively. | C. It combines multiple steps and processes into a single server call. | D. It guides humans through a complex business process. |
A. lt removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations.
The business problem that DataRaptor solves is that it removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations. DataRaptor allows the designer to declaratively define how data is read, transformed, and written between Salesforce and external systems. It does not allow developers to create complex API queries declaratively, as this is done by Integration Procedures. It does not combine multiple steps and processes into a single server call, as this is done by Calculation Procedures. It does not guide humans through a complex business process, as this is done by OmniScripts.
Question # 6
When a customer calls to report a product issue, agents need to check all open cases related to that product to see if there are any solutions that can resolve the customer's issue. Products that have been purchased are stored as assets, and there is a lookup relationship from case to asset that allows cases to be linked to the products customers have purchased.
What type of DataRaptor can be used to retrieve a list of cases filtered by the customer's asset and the last service date of the asset?
| A. DataRaptor Turbo | B. DataRaptor Extract | C. DataRaptor Load | D. DataRaptor Transform |
B. DataRaptor Extract
Explanation: The type of DataRaptor that can be used to retrieve a list of cases filtered by the customer’s asset and the last service date of the asset is DataRaptor Extract.
DataRaptor Extract allows the designer to retrieve data from Salesforce or an external system using filters and relationships. In this case, a filter can be used to match the asset ID and the last service date, and a relationship can be used to join the case and asset objects. DataRaptor Turbo is not a type of DataRaptor, but a feature that enables batch mode for DataRaptor Extract. DataRaptor Load is used to write data to Salesforce or an external system. DataRaptor Transform is used to transform data from one format to another using templates.
Question # 7
The design team creates a mock-up proposal of an OmniScript for sales that includes more than 25 steps. Th consultant reviews the proposal and sees that the OmniScript will be used for three different and complex sal processes: change of plan, new sale, and loyalty. The user will select the type of sale at the beginning of the interaction, and then the OmniScript will branch into either change of plan, new sales, or loyalty processes. E process will contain multiple decision points for the user.
Following best practices, what should the consultant recommend to improve the planned design of this OmniScript?
| A. Pass the process type as an input
parameter. | B. Add more conditional views to branch the OmniScript into logical sections. | C. Add more Step elements to create shorter pages. | D. Create a specific OmniScript for each business process. |
D. Create a specific OmniScript for each business process.
The consultant should recommend creating a specific OmniScript for each business process to improve the planned design of this OmniScript. Having one OmniScript for three different and complex sales processes will make the OmniScript too long and complicated, and will affect the performance and maintainability. Creating separate OmniScripts for each process will make them more manageable and user-friendly, and will also allow for more customization and flexibility
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certification designed for professionals with experience consulting and
building cloud applications using OmniStudio tools. This credential validates
an individuals expertise in leveraging OmniStudio functionalities to deliver
innovative solutions in a customer-facing role.
Exam Overview
- Content:
The exam consists of 60 scored multiple-choice/multiple-select questions
and up to 5 non-scored questions.
- Duration:
Candidates are allotted 105 minutes to complete the exam.
- Passing
Score: A passing score of 63% is required, which equates to correctly
answering 38 out of 60 questions.
- Registration
Fee: The fee to register for the exam is USD 200, plus any applicable
taxes as per local law.
- Retake
Fee: If a retake is necessary, the fee is USD 100, plus applicable
- Prerequisites:
There are no formal prerequisites for this exam.
- Delivery:
The exam can be taken onsite at a test center or in a proctored
Exam Preparation
RealBraindumps provides various Salesforce
OmniStudio-Consultant resources to help candidates prepare for the
OmniStudio-Consultant Exam. These include:
- Exam
Guide: A detailed guide that outlines the structure and content of the
exam is available on
- Trailmix: Salesforce Trailhead offers a curated learning
path that includes approximately 28 hours and 5 minutes of study material
to prepare for exams.
- Community
Collaboration: Candidates can join the Trailblazer Community to study and collaborate
with fellow aspirants.
- Maintenance
Modules: To maintain the credential, candidates must complete
maintenance modules by the specified deadlines.
Exam Content Outline
The exam covers various aspects of the OmniStudio toolset, including:
- FlexCards:
Understanding the capabilities, use cases, and design of FlexCards to meet
customer requirements.
- OmniScripts:
Knowledge of the basic structure of OmniScripts and validating developed
processes to align with client expectations.
- Data
Tools: Insight into Integration Procedures, DataRaptors, Calculation
Matrices, and Procedures.
- Best
Fit Solutioning: Ability to gather, analyze, and simplify business
requirements to design solutions using OmniStudio tools.
Why Obtain the Certification?
Obtaining the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant certification
can significantly enhance a professionals credibility and demonstrate their
hands-on experience with Salesforce. It can lead to new opportunities and
recognition in cloud application development and consultancy.
For those looking to pursue this certification,
it is recommended to thoroughly review the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant exam guide, engage with
the community, and utilize the study materials provided by RealBraindumps to
ensure a comprehensive understanding of the OmniStudio tools and best
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We are providing Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Braindumps with practice exam question answers. These will help you to prepare your Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant Exam (SU24) exam. Buy Salesforce Consultant OmniStudio-Consultant - Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant Exam OmniStudio-Consultant dumps and boost your knowledge.
FAQs of OmniStudio-Consultant Exam
is the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam?
Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam is a certification exam that assesses a
candidate's ability to design and implement OmniStudio applications and
solutions using Salesforce's OmniStudio tools.
topics are covered in the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam?
exam covers topics such as OmniStudio fundamentals, FlexCards, OmniScripts,
DataRaptors, Integration Procedures, industry-specific use cases, and
deployment and configuration best practices.
can I register for the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam?
can register for the exam through the Salesforce
certification website. The exam can be taken either onsite at a testing
center or online in a proctored environment.
kind of jobs can I get with a Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant certification?
this certification, you can pursue roles such as Salesforce Consultant,
OmniStudio Consultant, Salesforce Developer, and Solution Architect, among
are the career benefits of becoming a certified Salesforce
can enhance your credibility, improve your job prospects, and potentially lead
to higher salaries. It also demonstrates your expertise in a specialized area
of Salesforce, making you more valuable to employers.
does the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant certification affect future career
certification can open doors to advanced consulting roles, leadership
positions, and opportunities in high-demand industries that rely on Salesforce
solutions. It also keeps you competitive in a rapidly evolving job market.
there any continuing education requirements for maintaining the Salesforce
OmniStudio-Consultant certification?
certifications typically require periodic maintenance exams to ensure that
certified professionals stay up-to-date with the latest platform features and best
can the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam Questions help me prepare for the
certification exam?
OmniStudio-Consultant Exam Questions
provide accurate and high-quality questions and answers verified by experts.
These materials are designed to help you familiarize yourself with the exam
format, understand the types of questions that will be asked, and assess your
knowledge through practice tests, thereby enhancing your preparation and
confidence for the actual exam.
are FlexCards in OmniStudio, and how are they used in the exam?
are UI components used to display data from multiple sources in a concise and
interactive manner. The exam may test your ability to design and configure
FlexCards to meet specific business requirements.
important are OmniScripts in the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam?
are crucial as they are used to create guided user interfaces for complex
business processes. The exam will assess your proficiency in creating,
configuring, and deploying OmniScripts.
role do DataRaptors play in the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam?
are essential for extracting, transforming, and loading data within OmniStudio.
The exam will test your knowledge of configuring DataRaptors for various data
management tasks.
are Integration Procedures evaluated in the exam?
Procedures are used for data processing and service calls. The exam will
evaluate your ability to set up and configure Integration Procedures to
streamline data flows and integrate with external systems.
type of industry-specific use cases should I expect on the exam?
should be familiar with applying OmniStudio tools to solve industry-specific
challenges, such as in healthcare, finance, or telecommunications. The exam may
include scenarios that require you to design solutions tailored to these
the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Braindumps updated regularly?
when you purchase the Salesforce
Consultant OmniStudio-Consultant Braindumps, you receive 3 months of free
updates. This ensures that you have access to the most current and relevant
exam questions, keeping you up-to-date with any changes in the exam content.
does obtaining the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant certification benefit IT
the Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant certification demonstrates your expertise
and knowledge in Salesforce OmniStudio solutions. This certification can
enhance your professional credentials, boost your career prospects, and
increase your value in the IT job market by showcasing your commitment to
professional development and proficiency in Salesforce technologies.