Question # 1
A client’s data consists of three data streams as follows:
Data Stream A:

* The data streams should be linked together through a parent-child relationship.
* Out of the three data streams, Data Stream C is considered the source of truth for both the dimensions and measurements.
Assuming the data was ingested properly and the Parent Child was created correctly according to the client's requirements, what is the total Impressions value for Campaign Key ‘CK_3’? | A. N-A | B. 100 | C. 300 | D. 150 |
B. 100
Explanation: Assuming that Data Stream A is set correctly with parent-child relationships: To find the total impressions for Campaign Key 'CK_3', you would look in Data Stream A, since it contains the 'Impressions' metric. As per the provided data, Campaign Key ‘CK_3’ has 100 impressions.
Question # 2
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below: The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status.

Given the above file and logic and assume that the file is mapped in the OPPORTUNITIES Data Stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — “Created Date” “Opportunity Key” + Opportunity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Opportunity Stage
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 11th. What is the number of‘opportunitiesin the Confirmed Interest stage? | A. 2 | B. 1 | C. 3 | D. 0 |
D. 0
Explanation: pivot table is filtered on January 11th, we refer to the Opportunity file and see that there are no records for January 11th. Thus, there would be zero opportunities in the Confirmed Interest stage on that date. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence's pivot table feature allows for the display of counts of entities based on the filtered criteria, which in this scenario would show zero since no records exist for the filtered date. Reference: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence documentation on pivot table functionalities.
Question # 3
A client's data consists of three data streams as follows:
Data Stream A:
The data streams should be linked together through a parent-child relationship.
Out of the three data streams, Data Stream C is considered the source of truth for both the dimensions and measurements.
The client would like to have a "Site Revenue" measurement.
This measurement should return the highest revenue value per Site, for example: For Site Key ‘SK_C_2’, the "Site Revenue" should be $7.00.
When aggregated by date, the "Site Revenue" measurement should return the total sum of the results of all sites.
For example:
For the date 1 Apr 2020, "Site Revenue" should be $11.00 (sum of Site Revenue for Site Keys ‘SK_C_1' ($4.00) and ‘SK_C_2’ ($7.00))

Which options will yield the desired result;
| A. Option #1 & Option #4 | B. Option #1 & Option #3 | C. Option #2 & Option #3 | D. Option #2 & Option #4 |
D. Option #2 & Option #4
Option #2: It suggests using the 'SUM' function to aggregate the 'Site Revenue' for each 'Site Key'. This is necessary to ensure that when aggregated by date, 'Site Revenue' should return the total sum of the highest revenue for all sites.
Option #4: It indicates changing the Aggregation Function of Revenue to 'MAX' within Data Stream C. This ensures that for a given 'Site Key', the highest revenue value is selected, which is correct for individual site revenue determination.
Combining Option #2 and Option #4 will provide the desired result:
For an individual 'Site Key', it will give the highest revenue (using MAX aggregation in Option #4).
When aggregating by date across all 'Site Key's, it will sum the highest revenues (using the SUM function in Option #2).
Question # 4
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status

Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Generic Entity Key 2
“Opportunity Count” — Generic Custom Metric
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on January (entire month). What is the number of opportunities in the Interest stage? | A. 1 | B. 3 | C. 2 | D. 0 |
B. 3
Explanation: Based on the Opportunity file, the Opportunity Stage of 'Interest' occurs 3 times across unique Opportunity Keys. Since the pivot table is filtered to present the entire month of January and the Opportunity Stage 'Interest' is listed three times with different Opportunity Keys, the count of opportunities in the 'Interest' stage would be 3.
Question # 5
An implementation engineer has been provided with 4 different source files: 03m 48s
1. Twitter Ads ~
2. Creative Classification
3. Placement Classification
4, Campaign Category Classification
The main source is Twitter Ads (which includes various fields and KPIs), and the rest are classification files that connect to Twitter Ads and enrich different fields within it.
The connections between the files are described as follows: 1st Party Creative Classification File structure/headers:
| A. Option A | B. Option B | C. Option C | D. Option D |
A. Option A
Explanation: In Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence, connections between source files and classification files are established through common keys that link data records. For this scenario:
The "1st Party Creative Classification" file has a "Creative ID" field which corresponds to the "Creative Key" in the "Twitter Ads" data. This link enables enrichment of Twitter Ads data with creative classification details.
The "1st Party Placement Classification" file will contain a "Placement ID" that connects to a corresponding field in the "Twitter Ads" data, enabling the enrichment of placement classification details.
Option A appears to accurately depict this setup where data streams for "Creative Classification" and "Placement Classification" are connected to the "Twitter Ads" data stream using the "Creative ID" and "Placement ID", respectively. This structure allows for the enhancement of the main Twitter Ads data with additional classification information.
Question # 6
A client Ingested the following We into Marketing Cloud Intelligence:

The mapping of the above file can be seen below:
Date — Day
Media Buy Key — Media Buy Key
Campaign Name — Campaign Name
Campaign Group -. Campaign Custom Attribute 01
Clicks —> Clicks
Media Cost —> Media Cost
Campaign Planned Clicks —> Delivery Custom Metric 01
The client would like to have a "Campaign Planned Clicks" measurement.
This measurement should return the "Campaign Planned Clicks" value per Campaign, for
For Campaign Name 'Campaign AAA", the "Campaign Planned Clicks" should be 2000, rather than 6000 (the total sum by the number of Media Buy keys).
In order to create this measurement, the client considered multiple approaches. Please review the different approaches and answer the following question:

Which two options will yield a false result: | A. Option 2 | B. Option 5 | C. Option 3 | D. Option 4 | E. Option 1 |
B. Option 5 E. Option 1
Explanation: The goal is to obtain a "Campaign Planned Clicks" value per Campaign, not accumulated by Media Buy keys. Option 1 (SUM aggregation function) would sum all the "Campaign Planned Clicks" across Media Buy keys which would not yield the unique value per Campaign. Similarly, Option 5 (AVG aggregation function at Campaign Key level) would incorrectly average the values. Both options do not provide a way to return a singular "Campaign Planned Clicks" value for each Campaign.
Question # 7
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below: The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed
Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status

Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key “Opportunity Stage” — Main Generic Entity Attribute “Opportunity Count” — Generic Custom Metric
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 11th. What is the number of opportunities in the Interest stage? | A. 1 | B. 3 | C. 2 | D. 0 |
D. 0
Explanation: Since the pivot table is filtered on January 11th and the provided Opportunity file does not show any records dated January 11th, there are zero opportunities in the Interest stage for that date. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence allows users to create pivot tables and filter data based on specific criteria, such as dates. In this case, the filter would exclude all rows that do not match the specified date, resulting in a count of zero for the Interest stage. This would apply to any stage since there are no records for January 11th. Reference can be made to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence documentation on filtering and pivot tables.
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