Question # 1
Which SAP Build Work Zone administrator types require an assignment of a role collection? (Choose three.) | A. Company administrator | B. Sub-Workspace administrator | C. Support administrator | D. Workspace administrator |
A. Company administrator C. Support administrator D. Workspace administrator
SAP Build Work Zone administrator types are divided into three levels: company, workspace, and area. Each level has a corresponding role collection that needs to be assigned to the users who perform administrative tasks at that level. The company administrator role collection enables users to manage the overall SAP Build Work Zone service instance, such as creating workspaces, assigning workspace administrators, and configuring global settings. The support administrator role collection enables users to access the support portal and perform tasks such as viewing logs, monitoring performance, and managing incidents. The workspace administrator role collection enables users to manage a specific workspace, such as creating areas, assigning area administrators, and configuring workspace settings. The sub-workspace administrator and area administrator types do not require a role collection assignment, as they are created and managed within the SAP Build Work Zone content manager by the workspace administrator or the area administrator respectively. References:
SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition - SAP Online Help
Explaining the Provisioning of Users and Roles in SAP Build Work Zone
Question # 2
Which of the following key deliverables are part of the SAP Activate Explore phase? (Choose two.) | A. Integration setup | B. Fit-to-Standard Analysis | C. Cloud System Provisioning | D. Data Load Preparation |
B. Fit-to-Standard Analysis D. Data Load Preparation
The SAP Activate Explore phase is the phase where the project team validates the fit of the standard SAP solution to the customer’s business requirements and identifies any gaps or deltas that need to be addressed1. The key deliverables of this phase are2:
Fit-to-Standard Analysis: This is a series of workshops where the project team demonstrates the predefined scenarios and processes in the SAP solution using the customer’s starter system and sample data. The customer validates the fit of the standard solution to their business needs and identifies any gaps or deltas that require additional configuration, customization, or extension3.
Data Load Preparation: This is the process of preparing the data migration objects and templates, defining the data migration strategy and approach, and performing data quality checks and cleansing. The project team also executes the initial data load to the quality system and validates the results4.
The other options are not part of the SAP Activate Explore phase, but rather of the following phases:
Integration setup: This is part of the SAP Activate Realize phase, where the project team configures and tests the integration scenarios between the SAP solution and other systems, such as legacy systems, third-party applications, or cloud services5.
Cloud System Provisioning: This is part of the SAP Activate Prepare phase, where the project team requests and receives the access to the SAP cloud systems, such as the starter system, the quality system, and the production system6.
References: 1: SAP Activate Elements and Phases | SAP Blogs 2: SAP Activate – Explore Phase: Use Fit-to-Standard to confirm business process fit and identify gaps in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud Implementation | SAP Blogs 3: Fit-to-Standard Analysis | SAP Help Portal 4: Data Load Preparation | SAP Help Portal 5: Integration Setup | SAP Help Portal 6: Cloud System Provisioning | SAP Help Portal
Question # 3
Where can users share feed updates including photos, comments and other status updates? (Choose two.) | A. Tools | B. My Workspace | C. Workspace | D. Profile |
C. Workspace D. Profile
Users can share feed updates including photos, comments and other status updates in the Workspace and Profile sections of SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition. The Workspace section allows users to create and join workspaces that are dedicated to specific projects, teams, or topics. Users can post updates, share files, and collaborate with other members in the workspace feed. The Profile section displays activities and updates that directly affect the user on their profile wall. For example, the user will see all status updates and content posted by them or directly addressed to them (@mentions). The user can also see updates on changes to their profile information. The Tools section is where users can access various tools and applications that are integrated with SAP Build Work Zone, such as SAP Build Process Automation, SAP Build Application Studio, and SAP Analytics Cloud. The My Workspace section is where users can access their personal dashboard, tasks, notifications, and bookmarks. Neither of these sections allow users to share feed updates. References:
My Workspace
Question # 4
Which of the following are workspace types? (Choose three.) | A. Hidden | B. Public | C. Private | D. Recommended | E. External |
B. Public C. Private E. External
Workspace types are the categories that define the visibility and accessibility of workspaces in SAP Build Work Zone. There are three types of workspaces: public, private, and external. Public workspaces are open to all users of the system and can be discovered and joined by anyone. Private workspaces are restricted to invited members only and cannot be searched or accessed by others. External workspaces are created for external users who are not part of the system and can only access the workspace through a unique URL. Hidden and recommended are not workspace types, but workspace attributes. Hidden workspaces are those that are marked as hidden by the workspace owner or administrator and do not appear in the workspace list or recommendations. Recommended workspaces are those that are suggested to the user based on their profile, preferences, or activities. References:
What are SAP Build Work Zone workspaces? |Summer Tutorial Series |Lesson 3: Workspaces, section “Step 1 – Creating a new workspace”
[SAP Build Work Zone Administrator Guide], section “Workspaces”
Question # 5
Please match actions to the SCIM API user endpoints.POST /Users PATCH /Users/{id} GET /Users PUT /Users/{id}
| A. Update the entire user profile | B. Update specific fields of a user profile | C. Create a user profile | D. Return a list of user profiles |
C. Create a user profile
Create a user profile
POST /Users
Update specific fields of a user profile
PATCH /Users/{id}
Update the entire user profile
PUT /Users/{id}
Return a list of user profiles
GET /Users
The {id} parameter is a unique identifier for each user profile. The POST, PATCH, and PUT methods require a JSON body that contains the user attributes and values to be created or updated. The GET method can accept query parameters to filter, sort, or paginate the user profiles. For more details, you can refer to the SCIM 2.0 specification1 or the Microsoft Entra SCIM implementation2
Question # 6
What must you do to implement SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition in a multi-tier landscape? | A. Create multiple sites within a single subscription. | B. Create multiple subscriptions in an SAP BTP subaccount. | C. Create multiple services instances in an SAP BTP subaccount | D. Create subscriptions in separate SAP BTP subaccounts. |
D. Create subscriptions in separate SAP BTP subaccounts.
To implement SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition in a multi-tier landscape, you need to create subscriptions in separate SAP BTP subaccounts. This is because SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition is a subscription-based service that requires a dedicated subaccount for each tenant. You cannot create multiple subscriptions or service instances in the same subaccount, nor can you create multiple sites within a single subscription. Each subscription represents a separate site with its own content,configuration, and users. By creating subscriptions in separate subaccounts, you can align your SAP Build Work Zone landscape with your core business system landscape and enable content transport across different tiers. References:
Explaining the Planning Landscape for SAP Build Work Zone
Getting Started With SAP Build Work Zone
Question # 7
Which of the following artifacts can be included in a content package? (Choose three.) | A. UI Integration Cards | B. Workspace templates | C. SAP Fiori applications | D. Workflows | E. Launchpad (shell) plugins |
A. UI Integration Cards B. Workspace templates D. Workflows
A content package is a collection of content items that are bundled together in a ZIP file that can be easily uploaded and installed into your subaccount. According to the SAP Help Portal1, the content items that can be part of a content package are:
Workspace templates
Home pages
Therefore, the correct answer is A, B, and D. UI Integration Cards, workspace templates, and workflows are all examples of content items that can be included in a content package. SAP Fiori applications and launchpad (shell) plugins are not content items that can be part of a content package. References: 1: Content Packages | SAP Help Portal
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