Question # 1
The development team is building a complex LINK cartridge for a hosted checkout solution. The provider s database is used as a single source of truth, but the information in the Basket on B2C Commerce side needs to be synchronized.This is implemented asynchronously the back end when the customers interact will the hosted checkout page and change their shipping/biding details.
As an Architect you have to advise the development team with how to implement the logging to ensure that there will be a mechanism available to allow troubleshooting in the case something goes wrong on production.
Which solution should the Architect suggest? | A. Report info level message for the back-end asynchronous communication between both systems Report allerrors at errorlevel message. | B. Report debug level message for the back-end asynchronous communication between both systems. Report al errors at error-level message. | C. Get logger for cartridge specific category. Report debug level message for the back end asynchronouscommunication between both systems. Report all errors at error level message. | D. Get logger for cartridge-specific category. Report Info level message for the back-end asynchronous communication between both systems. Report all errors at error level message. |
D. Get logger for cartridge-specific category. Report Info level message for the back-end asynchronous communication between both systems. Report all errors at error level message.
Question # 2
The storefront integrates with a REST based Address verification service (AVS) that uses token based security. The sequence of calls in the API documentation for this AVS looks like the following
1. Client authentication call, which contains the merchantId and secret in a GET request and returns a token in the response.
2. Address verification call, which contains the token and the address to verify in a POST request.
Once the token is obtained, it is valid for hours and it is not needed to request a new one for subsequent address verification calls, the AVS charges for every request made no matter if it is client authentication call or address verificationcall.
Which three strategies couldbe applied to allow for efficient use of the service without compromising security? Choose 3 answers | A. Apply page caching to the client authentication controller that is used with AJAX. | B. Obtain the token from local storage of the browser and update it once It expires. | C. Obtain the token from a custom cache before making the client authentication call. | D. Use HTTPService caching for the client authentication call. | E. Use a job to store and update the token in a custom object that is used from the storefront code |
A. Apply page caching to the client authentication controller that is used with AJAX. C. Obtain the token from a custom cache before making the client authentication call. D. Use HTTPService caching for the client authentication call.
Question # 3
An Architect is configuring a data replication schedule.
Which task(s) can be removed In order to reduce replication times? | A. Campaign | B. Static content | C. Storefront URLs | D. Search Indexes |
D. Search Indexes
Question # 4
A third party survey provider offers both an API endpoint for individual survey data and an SFTP server endpoint that can accept batch survey data. The initial implementation of the integration includes
1. Marking the order as requiring a survey before order placement
2. On the order confirmation pace, the survey form is displayed for the customer to fill
3. The data is sent to the survey provider API, and the order it marked as not requiring a survey
Later it was identified that this solution is not fit for purpose as the following issues and additional requirements were identified:
1. If the API call fails, the corresponding survey data is lost. The Business requires to avoid data loss.
2. Some customers skipped the form. The Business require sending a survey email to such customers.
3. The Order Management System (OMS) uses a non-standard XML parser it did not manage to parse orders with the survey, until the survey attribute was manually removedfrom the xml.
How should the Architect address the issues and requirements described above? | A. Create a custom session attribute when the survey is required. Send to the API endpoint in real-time. On failure, capture the survey data in the session and reprocess,use me session attribute to send emails for the cases when survey was skipped. | B. Create a custom object to store the survey data. Send to the API endpoint using a job. On success, remove the custom object. On failure, send the survey data with APIfromthe next execution of the same job. Use the custom object to send emails for the cases when the survey was skipped. | C. Create a custom object when the survey is required Send to the API endpoint in real- time. On success, remove the object. Onfailure, capture the survey data in the custom object and later reprocess with a job. Use the custom object to send emails for the cases when survey was skipped. | D. Send the survey data to the API endpoint in real-time until the survey data is successfullycaptured. Instruct the OMS development team to update their XML parser, use the Order survey attribute to send emails for the cases when the survey was skipped. |
C. Create a custom object when the survey is required Send to the API endpoint in real- time. On success, remove the object. Onfailure, capture the survey data in the custom object and later reprocess with a job. Use the custom object to send emails for the cases when survey was skipped.
Question # 5
The client provided these business requirements:
• The B2C Commerce platform will integrate with the client’s Order Management System (OMS).
• The OMS supports Integration us-nolegacy RPC style SOAP services.
• The OMS is hosted on client s infrastructure.
What is the right cartridge folder to place the WSDL provided for the OMS service? | A. /cartridge/webreferences2 | B. /cartridge/webreferences | C. /cartridge | D. /cartridge/services |
B. /cartridge/webreferences
Question # 6
The client provided these business requirements:
• The B2C Commerce platform will integratewith theClient s Order Management System (OMS).
• The OMS supports Integration using REST services.
• The OMS is hosted on the Clients infrastructure.
Whet configurations are needed for this integration with the OMS? | A. A service configuration, a hostname alias configuration, and a user credential configuration. | B. A service profile configuration, a WAF configuration, and a service credential configuration. | C. A service configuration, a service profile configuration, and a user credential configuration. | D. A service configuration, a service profile configuration, and a service credential configuration. |
D. A service configuration, a service profile configuration, and a service credential configuration.
Question # 7
A clientuses an externalmarketing toot to manage promotions and coupons for its multiple brands. They currently have only one brand on B2C Commerce and thev get Import-ready feeds created by this tool on en SFTP location.
The marketing team completes the data preparation by the end of the work day. How should the Architect handle this import? | A. Create a Job and define three steps: one step uses ExecuteScriptModule to download the files from SFTP, end two standard steps to Import the promotion end coupons. | B. Create a Job and define three steps: one standard step to download files from sftp end two steps that use Execute Script Module to import the promotion end coupons. | C. Create a job and define three steps: one custom step to download the files from SFTP, and two standard stepsto import the promotion and coupons. | D. Create a Job and define three custom steps: download the files from SFTP, import promotions, import coupons |
C. Create a job and define three steps: one custom step to download the files from SFTP, and two standard stepsto import the promotion and coupons.
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