Question # 1
Which configurations are required for HTTP Listener to enable mTLS authentication? | A. Set an appropriate reconnection strategy and use persistent connections for the listener | B. Set an appropriate keystore configuration and use persistent connections for the listener | C. Set an appropriate keystore and truststore configuration for the listener | D. Set an appropriate truststore configuration and reconnection strategy for the listener |
C. Set an appropriate keystore and truststore configuration for the listener
To enable mTLS authentication for HTTP Listener, the developer needs to set an appropriate keystore and truststore configuration for the listener. The keystore contains the certificate and private key of the Mule application that are used to prove its identity to clients. The truststore contains the certificates of trusted clients that are allowed to access the Mule application. References:
Question # 2
An API has been developed and deployed to CloudHub Among the policies applied to this
API is an allowlist of IP addresses. A developer wants to run a test in Anypoint Studio and
does not want any policies applied because their workstation is not included in the allowlist.
What must the developer do in order to run this test locally without the policies applied? | A. Create a properties file specifically for local development and set the API instance ID to
a value that is not used in API Manager | B. Pass in the runtime parameter ‘’-Danpow.platform.gatekeeper=disabled’’ | C. Deactivate the API in API Manager so the Autodiscovery element will not find the
application when it runs in Studio | D. Run the test as-s, with no changes because the Studio runtime will not attempt to
connect to API Manager |
B. Pass in the runtime parameter ‘’-Danpow.platform.gatekeeper=disabled’’
To run a test locally without the policies applied, the developer should create
a properties file specifically for local development and set the API instance ID to a value
that is not used in API Manager. This way, the developer can use different configuration
properties for different environments and avoid triggering API autodiscovery when running
tests locally. API autodiscovery is a mechanism that associates an API implementation with
its corresponding API specification and policies in API Manager based on its API instance
ID. By setting this ID to a value that does not exist in API Manager, the developer can
prevent API autodiscovery from finding and applying any policies to the local test.
Question # 3
A heathcare customer wants to use hospital system data, which includes code that was developed using legacy tools and methods. The customer has created reusable Java libraries in order to read the data from the system.
What is the most effective way to develop an API retrieve the data from the hospital system? | A. Refer to JAR files in the code | B. Include the libraries writes deploying the code into the runtime | C. Create the Java code in your project and invoice the data from the code | D. Install libraries in a local repository and refer to it in the pm.xml file |
D. Install libraries in a local repository and refer to it in the pm.xml file
To develop an API that retrieves data from a hospital system using reusable Java libraries, the developer should install libraries in a local repository and refer to it in the pom.xml file. This way, the developer can use Maven to manage dependencies and invoke Java code from Mule applications using Java Module operations. References: runtime/4.3/java-module-reference#add-the-java-module-to-your-project
Question # 4
Two APIs are deployed to a two-node on-prem cluster. Due to a requirements change, the two APIs must communicate to exchange data asynchronously. | A. If the two APIs use the same domain, the VM Connector can be leveraged | B. The VM Connector is used to inter-application communication, so it is not possible to use the VM Connector | C. Instead of using the VM Connector use directly | D. It is not possible to use the VM Connector since the APIs are running in a cluster mode and each mode has it own set of VM Queues |
A. If the two APIs use the same domain, the VM Connector can be leveraged
To communicate asynchronously between two APIs deployed to a two-node on-prem cluster, the developer can use the VM Connector if the two APIs use the same domain. The VM Connector allows passing messages between different Mule applications within a single Mule runtime instance or across different instances using shared memory or persistent storage. If two APIs are deployed under the same domain, they can share resources such as VM queues and communicate asynchronously using VM Connector operations.
Question # 5
A Mule application deployed to multiple Cloudhub 2.0 replicas needs to temporarily persist
large files over 10MB between flow executions, and routinely needs to query whether the
file data exists on separate executions.
How can this be achieved? | A. Store the contents of the file on separate storage, and store the key and location of the
file Object using Object Store v2 | B. Use an in-memory Object Store | C. Store the key and full contents of the file in an Object Store | D. Store the key and full contents of the file, caching the filename and location between
requests |
A. Store the contents of the file on separate storage, and store the key and location of the
file Object using Object Store v2
To temporarily persist large files over 10MB between flow executions, and
routinely query whether the file data exists on separate executions, the developer should
store the contents of the file on separate storage, and store the key and location of the file
object using Object Store v2. This way, the developer can avoid storing large files in
memory or exceeding the size limit of Object Store v2 (10MB per object). The developer
can also use Object Store v2 operations to query, retrieve, or delete the file object by its
key. References:
Question # 6
Which statement is true about using mutual TLS to secure an application? | A. Mutual TLS requires a hardware security module to be used | B. Mutual TLS authenticates the identity of the server before the identity of the client | C. Mutual TLS ensures only authorized end users are allowed to access an endpoint | D. Mutual TLS increases the encryption strength versus server-side TLS alone |
B. Mutual TLS authenticates the identity of the server before the identity of the client
Mutual TLS (mTLS) is an extension of TLS that requires both parties (client
and server) to present their certificates to each other during the handshake process. This
way, both parties can verify each other’s identity and establish a secure connection. The
authentication of the server happens before the authentication of the client, as the server
sends its certificate first and then requests the client’s certificate. References:
Question # 7
A Mule application includes a subflow containing a Scatter.Gather scope. Within each log
of the Scatter.Gatter. an HTTP connector calls a PUT endpoint to modify records in
different upstream system. The subflow is called inside an Unit successful scope to retry if
a transitory exception is raised.
A technical spike is being performed to increase reliability of the Mule application.
Which steps should be performed within the Mule flow above the ensure idempontent
| A. Change the PUT requests inside the Scatter-Gather to POST requests | B. Ensure an error-handling flow performs corrective actions to roll back all changes if any
leg of the Scatter-Gather fails | C. Remove the Put requests from the Scatter-Getter and perform them sequentially | D. None, the flow already exhibits idempotent behavior |
B. Ensure an error-handling flow performs corrective actions to roll back all changes if any
leg of the Scatter-Gather fails
To ensure idempotent behavior within a Mule flow that contains a subflow
with a Scatter-Gather scope, the developer should ensure an error-handling flow performs
corrective actions to roll back all changes if any leg of the Scatter-Gather fails.
Idempotency means that multiple identical requests have the same effect as a single
request. Therefore, if one of the HTTP requests inside the Scatter-Gather fails, the errorhandling flow should undo any changes made by other successful requests to ensure
consistency and avoid partial updates.
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