Question # 1
An integration team follows MuleSoft’s recommended approach to full lifecycle API development.
Which activity should this team perform during the API implementation phase? | A. Validate the API specification | B. Use the API specification to build the MuleSoft application | C. Design the API specification | D. Use the API specification to monitor the MuleSoft application |
B. Use the API specification to build the MuleSoft application
During the API implementation phase, the integration team should use the API specification to build the MuleSoft application. This involves leveraging the defined API contract to guide the development of the API’s actual implementation. By adhering to the specification, developers ensure that the API meets the agreed-upon requirements and behaviors. This phase includes coding, integrating with backend systems, and ensuring that the implementation aligns with the design and functional requirements outlined in the API specification.
API-led Connectivity Best Practices
API Lifecycle Management
Question # 2
An organization currently uses a multi-node Mule runtime deployment model within their datacenter, so each Mule runtime hosts several Mule applications. The organization is planning to transition to a deployment model based on Docker containers in a Kubernetes cluster. The organization has already created a standard Docker image containing a Mule runtime and all required dependencies (including a JVM), but excluding the Mule application itself.
What is an expected outcome of this transition to container-based Mule application deployments?
| A. Required redesign of Mule applications to follow microservice architecture principles | B. Required migration to the Docker and Kubernetes-based Anypoint Platform - Private Cloud Edition | C. Required change to the URL endpoints used by clients to send requests to the Mule applications | D. Guaranteed consistency of execution environments across all deployments of a Mule application |
A. Required redesign of Mule applications to follow microservice architecture principles
Explanation: Explanation
* Organization can continue using existing load balancer even if backend application changes are there. So option A is ruled out.
* As Mule runtime is within their datacenter, this model is RTF and not PCE. So option C is ruled out.
Mule runtime deployment model within their datacenter, so each Mule runtime hosts several Mule applications -- This mean PCE or Hybird not RTF - Also mentioned in Question is that - Mule runtime is hosting several Mule Application, so that also rules out RTF and as for hosting multiple Application it will have Domain project which need redesign to make it microservice architecture
Correct Answer: Required redesign of Mule applications to follow microservice architecture principles
Question # 3
As a part of project , existing java implementation is being migrated to Mulesoft. Business is very tight on the budget and wish to complete the project in most economical way possible.
Canonical object model using java is already a part of existing implementation. Same object model is required by mule application for a business use case. What is the best way to achieve this?
| A. Make use of Java module | B. Create similar model for Mule applications | C. Create a custom application to read Java code and make it available for Mule application | D. Use Anypoint exchange |
A. Make use of Java module
Explanation: Explanation Mule 4 is built to:
• Minimize the need for custom code.
• Avoid the need for you to know or understand Java.
However, some advanced uses cases require integration with custom Java code, such as:
• Reuse of a library, such as a tax calculation library.
• Reuse of a canonical object model that is standard in the organization.
• Execution of custom logic using Java.
Question # 4
As part of a growth strategy, a supplier signs a trading agreement with a large customer. The customer sends purchase orders to the supplier according to the ANSI X12 EDI standard, and the supplier creates the orders in its ERP system using the information in the EDI document.
The agreement also requires that the supplier provide a new RESTful API to process request from the customer for current product inventory level from the supplier’ s ERP system.
Which two fundamental integration use cases does the supplier need to deliver to provide an end-to-end solution for this business scenario? (Choose two.)
| A. Synchronized data transfer | B. Sharing data with external partners | C. User interface integration | D. Streaming data ingestion | E. Data mashups |
A. Synchronized data transfer B. Sharing data with external partners
Explanation: In this business scenario, the supplier needs to deliver two fundamental integration use cases to provide an end-to-end solution:
A. Synchronized data transfer: This involves ensuring that the customer’s purchase orders (sent using ANSI X12 EDI standard) are accurately and timely transferred and reflected in the supplier’s ERP system. This synchronization ensures data consistency between the EDI transactions and the ERP system.
B. Sharing data with external partners: This involves providing the customer with a RESTful API to access current product inventory levels from the supplier’s ERP system. Sharing data through a RESTful API allows the customer to retrieve up-to-date inventory information as needed.
EDI Integration with APIs
Integrating with External Partners Using APIs
Question # 5
Which Anypoint Platform component should a MuleSoft developer use to create an API specification prior to building the API implementation? | A. MUnit | B. API Designer | C. API Manager | D. Runtime Manager |
B. API Designer
Explanation: A MuleSoft developer should use API Designer to create an API specification prior to building the API implementation. API Designer is a component of Anypoint Platform that provides a web-based interface for designing and documenting APIs. It supports API modeling languages such as RAML and OAS, enabling developers to define the structure, resources, and operations of an API before proceeding with implementation. This approach aligns with the design-first methodology, ensuring a well-defined contract for the API.
Question # 6
A corporation has deployed Mule applications to different customer-hosted Mule runtimes. Mule applications deployed to these Mule runtimes are managed by Anypoint Platform.
What needs to be installed or configured (if anything) to monitor these Mule applications from Anypoint Monitoring, and how is monitoring data from each Mule application sent to Anypoint Monitoring? | A. Enable monitoring of individual Mule applications from the Runtime Manager
application settings.
Runtime Manager sends monitoring data to Anypoint Monitoring for each deployed Mule application. | B. Install a Runtime Manager agent on each Mule runtime.
Each Runtime Manager agent sends monitoring data from the Mule applications
running in its Mule runtime to Runtime Manager, then Runtime Manager sends
monitoring data to Anypoint Monitoring. | C. Leave the out-of-the-box Anypoint Monitoring agent unchanged in its default Mule
runtime installation.
Each Anypoint Monitoring agent sends monitoring data from the Mule applications
running in its Mule runtime to Runtime Manager, then Runtime Manager sends
monitoring data to Anypoint Monitoring. | D. Install an Anypoint Monitoring agent on each Mule runtime.
Each Anypoint Monitoring agent sends monitoring data from the Mule applications
running in its Mule runtime to Anypoint Monitoring. |
D. Install an Anypoint Monitoring agent on each Mule runtime.
Each Anypoint Monitoring agent sends monitoring data from the Mule applications
running in its Mule runtime to Anypoint Monitoring.
To monitor Mule applications deployed to different customer-hosted Mule runtimes using Anypoint Monitoring, follow these steps:
Install Anypoint Monitoring Agent: Install an Anypoint Monitoring agent on each Mule runtime. This agent is responsible for collecting monitoring data from the Mule applications running on that runtime.
Data Transmission: Each Anypoint Monitoring agent sends the collected monitoring data directly to Anypoint Monitoring. This ensures that performance metrics, logs, and other relevant data are available for analysis and monitoring within the Anypoint Platform.
By using the Anypoint Monitoring agent, organizations can effectively monitor their Mule applications across various environments, ensuring visibility and operational efficiency.
MuleSoft Documentation on Anypoint Monitoring
Installing and Configuring Anypoint Monitoring Agent
Question # 7
A company is using Mulesoft to develop API's and deploy them to Cloudhub and on premises targets. Recently it has decided to enable Runtime Fabric deployment option as well and infrastructure is set up for this option.
What can be used to deploy Runtime Fabric?
| A. AnypointCLI | B. Anypoint platform REST API's | C. Directly uploading ajar file from the Runtime manager | D. Mule maven plug-in |
A. AnypointCLI
When deploying to Runtime Fabric, there are several tools available within the Anypoint Platform ecosystem that facilitate the deployment process. These include:
AnypointCLI: This command-line interface tool provides comprehensive
capabilities for deploying applications to Runtime Fabric. Using AnypointCLI, you can script and automate deployments, which is useful for integrating into CI/CD pipelines.
Anypoint Platform REST APIs: These APIs allow for programmatic deployment and management of applications on Runtime Fabric. They provide flexibility for integrating deployment processes with other systems and tools.
Mule Maven Plugin: This plugin can be used within a Maven project to package and deploy Mule applications to Runtime Fabric as part of a build process.
However, directly uploading a JAR file from the Runtime Manager is not a supported method for deploying to Runtime Fabric.
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