Question # 1
An API is protected with a Client ID Enforcement policy and uses the default configuration.
Access is requested for the client application to the API, and an approved contract now exists between the client application and the API
How can a consumer of this API avoid a 401 error "Unauthorized or invalid client application credentials"?
| A. Send the obtained token as a header in every call | B. Send the obtained: client_id and client_secret in the request body | C. Send the obtained clent_id and clent_secret as URI parameters in every call | D. Send the obtained clent_id and client_secret in the header of every API Request call |
C. Send the obtained clent_id and clent_secret as URI parameters in every call
Question # 2
An online store's marketing team has noticed an increase in customers leaving online baskets without checking out. They suspect a technology issue is at the root cause of the baskets being left behind. They approach the Center for Enablement to ask for help identifying the issue. Multiple APIs from across all the layers of their application network are involved in the shopping application.
Which feature of the Anypoint Platform can be used to view metrics from all involved APIs at the same time?
| A. Custom dashboards | B. Built-in dashboards | C. Functional monitoring | D. API Manager |
B. Built-in dashboards
Question # 3
How are an API implementation, API client, and API consumer combined to invoke and process an API? | A. The API consumer creates an API implementation, which receives API invocations from an API such that they are processed for an API client | B. The API client creates an API consumer, which receives API invocations from an API such that they are processed for an API implementation | C. The ApI consumer creates an API client, which sends API invocations to an API such that they are processed by an API implementation | D. The ApI client creates an API consumer, which sends API invocations to an API such that they are processed by an API implementation |
C. The ApI consumer creates an API client, which sends API invocations to an API such that they are processed by an API implementation
Correct Answer: The API consumer creates an API client, which sends API invocations to an API such that they are processed by an API implementation
API Client - It is a piece of code or program the is written to invoke an API
API Consumer - An owner/entity who owns the API Client. API Consumers write API clients.
API - The provider of the API functionality. Typically an API Instance on API Manager where they are managed and operated.
API Implementation - The actual piece of code written by API provider where the functionality of the API is implemented. Typically, these are Mule Applications running on Runtime Manager.
Question # 4
What CANNOT be effectively enforced using an API policy in Anypoint Platform?
| A. Guarding against Denial of Service attacks | B. Maintaining tamper-proof credentials between APIs | C. Logging HTTP requests and responses | D. Backend system overloading |
A. Guarding against Denial of Service attacks
Correct Answer: Guarding against Denial of Service attacks
>> Backend system overloading can be handled by enforcing "Spike Control Policy"
>> Logging HTTP requests and responses can be done by enforcing "Message Logging
>> Credentials can be tamper-proofed using "Security" and "Compliance" Policies
However, unfortunately, there is no proper way currently on Anypoint Platform to guard
against DOS attacks.
Question # 5
Which scenario is suited for MUnit tests instead of integration tests? | A. For read-only interactions to any dependencies (such as other web APIs) | B. When testing does not require knowledge of implementation details | C. When no mocking is permissible | D. For tests that are implemented using SoapUI |
A. For read-only interactions to any dependencies (such as other web APIs)
Explanation: MUnit is MuleSoft’s testing framework for creating and running automated tests within Anypoint Studio. It is specifically designed for unit testing Mule applications and is best suited when testing doesn’t require understanding the inner workings or implementation details of the components being tested.
✑ Ideal Use Cases for MUnit:
✑ Why Option B is Correct:
✑ Explanation of Incorrect Options:
ReferencesFor more on MUnit best practices, refer to MuleSoft’s MUnit documentation.
Question # 6
An organization requires several APIs to be secured with OAuth 2.0, and PingFederate has been identified as the identity provider for API client authorization, The
PingFederate Client Provider is configured in access management, and the PingFederate OAuth 2.0 Token Enforcement policy is configured for the API instances required by the
organization. The API instances reside in two business groups (Group A and Group B) within the Master Organization (Master Org).
What should be done to allow API consumers to access the API instances?
| A. The API administrator should configure the correct client discovery URL in both child business groups, and the API consumer should request access to the API in Ping Identity | B. The API administrator should grant access to the API consumers by creating contracts in the relevant API instances in API Manager | C. The APL consumer should create a client application and request access to the APT in Anypoint Exchange, and the API administrator should approve the request | D. The APT consumer should create a client application and request access to the API in Ping Identity, and the organization's Ping Identity workflow will grant access |
C. The APL consumer should create a client application and request access to the APT in Anypoint Exchange, and the API administrator should approve the request
Question # 7
How can the application of a rate limiting API policy be accurately reflected in the RAML definition of an API? | A. By refining the resource definitions by adding a description of the rate limiting policy behavior | B. By refining the request definitions by adding a remaining Requests query parameter with description, type, and example | C. By refining the response definitions by adding the out-of-the-box Anypoint Platform rate- limit-enforcement securityScheme with description, type, and example | D. By refining the response definitions by adding the x-ratelimit-* response headers with description, type, and example |
D. By refining the response definitions by adding the x-ratelimit-* response headers with description, type, and example
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