Question # 1
You provide channel strategy recommendations to your organization and want to ensure
the right level of information visibility. In which situation would a private channel best suit
the needs of the teams involved? | A. A team of human resources members and hiring team members need to have an
ongoing discussion regarding an open role, including discussion of rote requirements,
compensation, and candidate information. | B. A team within your organization has announced that they’re kicking off a new project
and will need a channel to collaborate. | C. A cross functional team would like to explore new ideas for providing customer value on
a new product line. | D. Your organization is globally distributed and would Iike to create a channel specific to
events occurring at your organizations headquarters location. |
A. A team of human resources members and hiring team members need to have an
ongoing discussion regarding an open role, including discussion of rote requirements,
compensation, and candidate information.
Question # 2
Nicole manages the global onboarding for new hires at her company.
Each time a user joins the company, Nicole ensures they have the correct training
materials to get started on their team. She has noticed that new hires are posting in
announcement channels on their first day. Hiring is quickly increasing. Nicole has her
largest new-hire group starting next week, and an even larger one the week after.
What should she do to ensure she doesn't have to manage incorrectly-posted messages
and to ensure she can manage the large number of new hires? | A. Create a "How to use Slack guide" and post it in all of the team-specific channels so that
the new hires see it. | B. Create a custom Slackbot response that welcomes teammates to channels when the
words "new hire" are used in Slack. | C. Email a "How to use Slack guide" to new hires before they start. | D. Use Workflow Builder to welcome teammates to channels with automatic onboarding
messages, including a link to "How to use Slack" guides. |
D. Use Workflow Builder to welcome teammates to channels with automatic onboarding
messages, including a link to "How to use Slack" guides.
Question # 3
A finance team wants to nominate a team member to be a Slack Workspace Admin.
Which team member's prior experience would make them the optimal candidate for this role?
(Select the best answer) | A. The candidate encourages Slack etiquette in channels and frequently answers slack-related questions from colleagues. They provide feedback to the current Workspace Admins on Slack settings and policies at the company. | B.
The candidate has experience creating custom integrations to improve the onboarding process for the company's new hires. | C. The candidate worked closely with the finance team to set up and request Slack Connect channels with external partners. They also helped design the process for approving Slack Connect channel requests at the company. | D. The candidate relies on Slack in their day to day role and frequently asks the IT team questions about Slack features. |
C. The candidate worked closely with the finance team to set up and request Slack Connect channels with external partners. They also helped design the process for approving Slack Connect channel requests at the company.
Question # 4
You're an Org Admin for an organization with sales associates who travel the globe selling products One of the risks of having so many associates traveling is That corporate mobile devices are sometimes lost or stolen You need to ensure that your associates are available to communicate on Slack via their mobile devices, but you also need to make sure that internal organization information on the mobile devices is as secure as possible.
What is the best option to increase the likelihood of keeping information on mobile devices secure even if the device is lost or stolen? | A. Require users to sign out of Slack on their mobile device when its not in use.
| B. Require mobile devices to have a passcode.
| C. Turn on Mobile Session Duration to invoke an automatic logout from the Slack mobile app after specified time frame.
| D. Do not allow Slack app download on corporate mobile dev ccs. |
C. Turn on Mobile Session Duration to invoke an automatic logout from the Slack mobile app after specified time frame.
Question # 5
Kathleen is a Workspace Owner who leads the marketing department at a mid-sized
company in Pune, India.
She keeps receiving new campaigns at her desk to review and approve, but she has never
heard of these initiatives. Many of her colleagues are equally confused. She has a few key
public channels where she has explained to her team that marketing conversations should
take place, so she wonders where her team is
communicating. Upon investigation, she discovers that users are creating their own unique
channels for each marketing campaign. Subsequently, important employees have been
excluded, duplicate projects exist, and information is fragmented.
To enhance transparency and collaboration, Kathleen emphasizes that users should
discuss projects together in the agreed-upon channels, as they often involve the same
Which settings and permissions should Kathleen change to reinforce this message? | A. Change the channel management permission for creating private and public channels to
Workspace Admins/Owners only. | B. Change the setting for join and leave messages, so they do not show in channels when
employees come and go. | C. Change the invitations permission to require Workspace Admins/Owners approval. | D. Change the channel management permission for managing posting permissions in all
channels to Everyone. |
A. Change the channel management permission for creating private and public channels to
Workspace Admins/Owners only.
Question # 6
Tam Corp sells 15 versions of their software to customers around the world. They have a
global team (e.g., sales, engineering, support, and human resources) of 500 employees.
Tam Corp is moving to the Enterprise Grid plan from two workspaces on the Plus plan. On
their current Plus plan, they organize one workspace by team (e.g., #sales-team,
#engineering-team, and #support-team), and the other workspace is primarily for recruiting
discussions and the leadership team.
Leadership does not want the move from Plus to Grid to significantly impact how teams are
communicating today.
When considering how to structure the Enterprise Grid, what is the structure that aligns
with leadership and allows the teams to communicate most effectively? | A. Create workspaces for each department and sub-department in the company. | B. Create workspaces for each product line sold, where each workspace is the "primary" workspace for the employee. | C. Create workspaces based on how information is shared, and where employees have
one "primary" workspace where they spend 80% of their time. | D. Create one workspace, where each product line sold has its own channel. |
B. Create workspaces for each product line sold, where each workspace is the "primary" workspace for the employee.
Question # 7
You're an Org Admin who recently joined an organization with multiple workspaces, many
of which were redundant. After working with Slack Professional Services to consolidate
these workspaces, your leadership team has decided that all future workspace requests
should only be approved if they meet specific requirements. You need to create a process
that will most efficiently allow for new workspace requests and approvals.
What should you do? | A. Enable workspace creation requests via Org Settings. | B. Post the requirements in the #general channel so that your members can see them. | C. Inform users that if they want a new workspace they should reach out to you via direct
message (DM). | D. Create a workflow in the #help-admins channel that requires users to provide
justification for their request. |
D. Create a workflow in the #help-admins channel that requires users to provide
justification for their request.
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