Question # 1
What should the administrator use when creating a Windows10gold image using Calm for
Citrix MCS persistent desktops? | A. VMware optimized Windows 10image. | B. Sysprepped Microsoft Windows10image | C. Snapshot of Citrix optimized Windows 10image. | D. Microsoft downloaded Windows10ISOimage. |
C. Snapshot of Citrix optimized Windows 10image.
Question # 2
An administrator needs to configure a license server to be accessible by Frame desktops.
Which server should the administrator configure? | A. utility Server | B. Sandbox | C. EC2 VM Instance | D. Azure VM Instance |
A. utility Server
Explanation: Frame is a cloud-based desktop-as-a-service platform that allows users to
access Windows applications and desktops from any device1. A license server is a server
that hosts a network licensing manager for software that requires licenses to run2. Frame
supports using a utility server as a license server for Frame desktops1. A utility server is a
stand-alone, general purpose Windows server that can be configured and managed from
the Frame dashboard1.
Question # 3
The operations team have been tasked with increasing overall datacenter efficiency with a
target minimumof80% CPU, memory, and storage capacity utilization. They are requesting
usage data from all application owners be sent on a monthly basis to be ingested in to their
capacity management software.
An administrator has an implementation of four Nutanix clusters under the management of
a single Prism Central Instance.
How should the administrator best provide the data needed to the operations team to
ensure adherence to the data center utilization directive? | A. Export the CPU Memory end Storage Usage metrics under Virtual Infrastructure/VMsin
Prism Central and FTP the file to the operations team's FTP server. | B. Schedule a monthly email report with CPU, Memory, and Storage Usage data across
all clusters under the Reporting facility in Prism Central. | C. Create a Metric Chart in Prism Central with CPU, Memory, and Storage usage across
all clusters and export the data to be sent to the operations team, | D. Review the VM Efficiencies widget in Prism Central and export the data to a
commadelimited file to be sent to the operation steam. |
B. Schedule a monthly email report with CPU, Memory, and Storage Usage data across
all clusters under the Reporting facility in Prism Central.
Question # 4
What disaster recovery feature does the Nutanix platform provide in a VMware Horizon
environment? | A. Nutanix is the only vendor that supports replication of linked clones. | B. Nutanix is the only vendor that supports replication of full clones. | C. Block awareness permits smaller clusters to lose up to four nodes | D. Rack awareness permits smaller clusters to lose up to six nodes |
A. Nutanix is the only vendor that supports replication of linked clones.
Question # 5
A new client has just deployed a new Frame account, During the testing phase, the security
team found that they had bidirectionalclipboard,capabilities, the ability to transfer files, and
connectivity to unauthorized external storage devices.
What should the administrator do to secure the environment, based on the security team's
feedback? | A. Apply Group Policies to limit the endusers abilities. | B. Implement a Mobile Device Managementsolution. | C. Disable unauthorized storage providers andfeatures. | D. Deploy a device visibility & controlplatform. |
C. Disable unauthorized storage providers andfeatures.
Explanation: According to the certification details1, one of the objectives is to “Configure
and manage security features such as role-based access control (RBAC), SSL certificates, encryption at rest, and data protection.”
This answer seems to align with the security team’s feedback and the objective of
managing security features using Nutanix technologies.
Question # 6
A Windows IO VM fails to power on With an NVIDIA vCPU profile in ESXi 7. The VM is
configured with NVIDIA profile by selecting Shared PCl Device, adding the NVIDIA GRID
vCPU device. and selecting the Profile under VM settings.
The following error message is displayed in the vSphere web client:

What should be done to resolve this issue? | A. Change the Graphics mode of the host from Shared to Shared Direct | B. Change the Graphics mode of the host from Shared to Shared Direct | C. Switch the GPU mode to graphics mode using gpumodeswitch command. | D. changethe Graphics mode of the host from Shared Direct to Shared. | E. Switch the GPU mode to compute mode using gpumodeswitchcommand. |
C. Switch the GPU mode to graphics mode using gpumodeswitch command.
Explanation: gpumodeswitch is a command-line tool that is used to switch supported
NVIDIA GPUs between compute and graphics mode. Compute mode allows multiple VMs
to share a GPU for CUDA workloads. Graphics mode allows a single VM to use a GPU for
graphics workloads12.
Question # 7
A company is using Citrix for virtual desktops on Nutanix with AHV. The studio has 10,000
users who will be connecting to this infrastructure and have deployed a dedicated Files
cluster for holding the user home shares.
Since this is a dedicated cluster with dual Intel 6242 28 GHz 16 Core processors and
192GB of RAM, what should be done for the FSVM and CVM configuration to allow for optimal performance? | A. Increase the CVM vCPUs to 16 and the FSW vCPUs to 12. | B. Increase the CVM RAM to 64GB and the FSVM RAM to 96GB. | C. Leave the CVM vCPUs et 12 and increase the FSVM vCPUs to 8, | D. Leave the CVM RAM at 32GB and increase the FSVM RAM to 96GB. |
D. Leave the CVM RAM at 32GB and increase the FSVM RAM to 96GB.
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