Question # 1
An administrator is tasked with providing VMs outbound internet connectivity in AWS.
Which components would the administrator need to create in the VPC to achieve this? | A. Public Subnet NAT Gateway, Public EIP, Route Table
| B. Private Subnet NAT Gateway, Public EIP, Route Table
| C. Private Subnet Flow Gateway, Public EIP, Route Table
| D. Public Subnet Flow Gateway, Public EIP, Route Table |
B. Private Subnet NAT Gateway, Public EIP, Route Table
To provide VMs with outbound internet connectivity in AWS using a private subnet, the administrator needs
to create the following components in the VPC:
Private Subnet: A private subnet is required to house the VMs that need outbound internet access but
do not require direct inbound access from the internet.
NAT Gateway: A NAT (Network Address Translation) Gateway is necessary to allow instances in the
private subnet to connect to the internet or other AWS services while preventing the internet from
initiating a connection with those instances.
Public EIP (Elastic IP Address): An EIP is associated with the NAT Gateway to provide a persistent
public IP address that allows outbound internet traffic from the private subnet to be routed correctly.
Route Table: A route table is configured to route traffic from the private subnet to the NAT Gateway
for outbound internet access.
Question # 2
An administrator has been tasked with deploying an NC2 cluster on AWS with the requirement to protect
workloads. Which two options are valid to protect the workloads on this cluster? (Choose two.) | A. Deploy one-node cluster in another availability zone.
| B. Create a second NCZ cluster in a different availability zone.
| C. Use an existing on-prem Nutanix cluster as a disaster recovery target.
| D. Deploy a cluster across two availability zones. |
B. Create a second NCZ cluster in a different availability zone.
To protect workloads on an NC2 cluster on AWS, deploying strategies that ensure high availability and
disaster recovery are essential. The two valid options are:
Create a Second NC2 Cluster in a Different Availability Zone:
High Availability: Deploying a second NC2 cluster in a different availability zone ensures that
workloads can be quickly recovered in case of an availability zone failure.
Disaster Recovery: This setup enables asynchronous replication between clusters, providing a
robust disaster recovery solution.
Use an Existing On-Prem Nutanix Cluster as a Disaster Recovery Target:
Hybrid DR: Leveraging an existing on-premises Nutanix cluster for disaster recovery provides a
cost-effective and efficient DR solution.
Replication: Set up replication policies to ensure data is consistently copied from the NC2 cluster
on AWS to the on-premises cluster.
Why Not Other Options:
One-node cluster in another availability zone: Not a valid DR solution as a single-node cluster
cannot provide the required resilience and high availability.
Deploy a cluster across two availability zones: While this can enhance availability, it is not a typical
approach for Nutanix clusters which are designed to operate within a single availability zone for
simplicity and performance reasons.
Question # 3
When selecting the NC2 subscription plan from the Nutanix Billing portal, which options are available. | A. Pay-as-you-Go (PayG), Cloud Provider Credits, Bring your own License (BYOL)
| B. Reserved Instances, Cloud Provider Credits, Bring your own License (BYOL)
| C. Pay-as-you-Go (PayG), Bring your own License (BYOL)
| D. Reserved Instances, Bring your own License (BYOL) |
C. Pay-as-you-Go (PayG), Bring your own License (BYOL)
When selecting the NC2 subscription plan from the Nutanix Billing portal, the available options include:
Pay-as-you-Go (PayG): A flexible payment option where users are billed based on their actual
usage, providing cost efficiency for variable workloads.
Bring your own License (BYOL): Allows users to utilize existing Nutanix licenses they have
purchased, offering a cost-effective way to leverage existing investments in Nutanix software.
Question # 4
What is the purpose of an organization in the NC2 console? | A. To link with NC2 subscription plans
| B. To map the on-premises Prism Central environment
| C. To segregate clusters based on specific requirements
| D. To Link with a Public Cloud account |
C. To segregate clusters based on specific requirements
In the NC2 console, an organization is used to segregate clusters based on specific requirements. This
segregation allows administrators to manage clusters more effectively by grouping them according to business
units, projects, or other criteria. This organizational structure helps in maintaining clear boundaries and
applying specific policies or permissions to different clusters within the same NC2 environment.
Question # 5
An administrator is experiencing problems with several operations, including VM IP address assignment
validations, VM power-on and VM power-off operations.
Whenever a related operation is performed, an alert is generated in the NC2 console indicating that the Cloud
API endpoints are unavailable.
The issue was further investigated and it was determined that NC2 is unable to make API calls to the
underlying cloud infrastructure due to network connectivity misconfigurations.
Which two connectivity misconfigurations could be causing this issue? (Choose two.) | A. AWS VPC endpoints are used for connectivity to AWS services.
| B. Subnets are connected to the Internet via NAT gateways.
| C. Route tables for cloud subnets contain incorrect route entries.
| D. IAM roles and policies are incorrectly configured. |
C. Route tables for cloud subnets contain incorrect route entries.
D. IAM roles and policies are incorrectly configured.
Route tables for cloud subnets contain incorrect route entries:
If the route tables associated with the cloud subnets contain incorrect route entries, the NC2
cluster might not be able to reach the necessary AWS services or endpoints. Correct route entries
are crucial for ensuring proper communication between the NC2 cluster and the underlying AWS
IAM roles and policies are incorrectly configured:
Incorrectly configured IAM roles and policies can prevent NC2 from making API calls to AWS
services. These roles and policies must be properly set up to allow the necessary permissions for
NC2 to interact with AWS resources and perform required operations.
Question # 6
Which entity should be contacted for cloud hardware supported (EC2 instances, VPC, etc) related to NC2? | A. Partner
| B. Public Cloud Vendor
| C. Internal IT Operations team
| D. Nutanix |
B. Public Cloud Vendor
For issues related to cloud hardware support such as EC2 instances, VPC, etc., the public cloud vendor (AWS
in this case) should be contacted. AWS provides support and documentation for their infrastructure and
services, ensuring that users can get assistance for any hardware or cloud-specific queries.
Question # 7
In which two ways should an NC2 on AWS cluster be hibernated manually? (Choose two.) | A. Log into Prism, Central, navigate to Planning, find hibernate and resume.
| B. Select the cluster under NC2 console and Select Hibernate/Resume on the cluster sur page.
| C. Log into Prism Element navigate to Settings and select Hibernate/Resume.
| D. Log into NC2 console, find the cluster name and select Hibernate/Resume from the ellipses. |
B. Select the cluster under NC2 console and Select Hibernate/Resume on the cluster sur page.
D. Log into NC2 console, find the cluster name and select Hibernate/Resume from the ellipses.
To manually hibernate an NC2 on AWS cluster, the administrator can use the following methods:
Select the cluster under NC2 console and Select Hibernate/Resume on the cluster sur page: Navigate to the specific cluster in the NC2 console and use the provided Hibernate/Resume option.
Log into NC2 console, find the cluster name and select Hibernate/Resume from the ellipses:
Access the NC2 console, locate the cluster name, and select the Hibernate/Resume option from the
ellipses (three dots) menu.
These options allow for the manual control of the cluster's hibernation state directly within the NC2 console
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