Question # 1
A Linux administrator was notified that a virtual server has an I/O bottleneck. The Linux administrator analyzes the following output:

Given there is a single CPU in the sever, which of the following is causing the slowness? | A. The system is running out of swap space. | B. The CPU is overloaded. | C. The memory is exhausted. | D. The processes are paging. |
B. The CPU is overloaded.
Question # 2
A security team discovers that a web server has been running with elevated privileges and identifies it as a security violation. Which of the following items needs to be added to the webserver.service file to remediate the issue? | A. In the [Service] section of the webserver.service file, add User=comptia. | B. In the [Unit] section of the webserver.service file, add AllowIsolate=true. | C. In the [Install] section of the webserver.service file, add | D. Add to the [Install] section of the webserver.service file. |
A. In the [Service] section of the webserver.service file, add User=comptia.
Adding User=comptia in the [Service] section ensures that the web server runs as a non- root user, which enhances security by reducing the risk of elevated privileges being exploited. This follows the principle of least privilege, a best practice for system services.
Question # 3
A security analyst is monitoring the network to identify latency or slowdowns during a vulnerability scan. Which of the following functions will best achieve this?
bash function x() {
info=$(ping -c 1 $1 | awk -F "/" 'END {print $5}') echo "$1 | $info"
| A. function x() { info=$(dig $(dig -x $1 | grep ptr | tail -n 1 | awk -F ".in-addr" '{print
$1}') TXT +short); echo "$1 | $info" }
| B. function x() { info=$(ping -c 1 $1 | awk -F "/" 'END {print $5}'); echo "$1 | $info" } | C. function x() { info=$(nc -m 40 $1 | awk 'END {print $1}'); echo "$1 | $info" } | D. function x() { info=$(geoiplookup $1); echo "$1 | $info" } |
B. function x() { info=$(ping -c 1 $1 | awk -F "/" 'END {print $5}'); echo "$1 | $info" }
The ping command is used to measure network latency. The function provided uses ping -c 1 to ping the target once and extracts the average round-trip time using awk. This is a simple and effective way to monitor network latency during a scan or other network activity.
Question # 4
As part of the requirements for installing a new application, the swappiness parameter needs to be changed to O. This change needs to persist across re-boots and be applied immediately. A Linux systems administrator is performing this change. Which of the following steps should the administrator complete to accomplish this task? | A. echo "vm. swappiness—()" >> /etc/sysctl . conf && sysctl —p | B. echo "vrn. >> / proc/meminfo && sysctl —a | C. sysctl —v >> / proc/meminfo & & echo "vm. swapiness=0" | D. sysctl —h "vm. swapiness—O" && echo / etc/vmswapiness |
A. echo "vm. swappiness—()" >> /etc/sysctl . conf && sysctl —p
To change the swappiness parameter to 0 and make it persistent across reboots and applied immediately, the administrator can perform the following steps:
Append the line vm.swappiness=0 to the file /etc/sysctl.conf using echo
"vm.swappiness=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf (A). This will set the swappiness parameter to 0 for future boots.
Reload the sysctl configuration using sysctl -p (A). This will apply the changes to the current system without rebooting. The other commands will not achieve this task, but either write to a wrong file, use a wrong option, or have a syntax
error. References:
[CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide], Chapter 8: Optimizing Linux Performance,
Section: Tuning Kernel Parameters with sysctl [How to Change Swappiness in Linux]
Question # 5
After trying to install an RPM package unsuccessfully, a systems administrator verifies the integrity of the package's database. The administrator discovers that the database is corrupted and needs to be recreated. Which of the following commands will help accomplish this task? | A. rpmdb -D rebuild | B. rpmdb --initdb | C. rpmdb --rebuilddb | D. rpmdb --exportdb |
C. rpmdb --rebuilddb
Explanation: The RPM database can sometimes become corrupted, which prevents package installations and other RPM operations from functioning correctly. The --rebuilddb option for rpmdb is used to rebuild the database. This command regenerates the database, fixing any corruption issues and ensuring that the package metadata is restored to a usable state.
Question # 6
A Linux administrator needs to transfer a local file named accounts . pdf to a remote / tmp directory of a server with the IP address Which of the following commands needs to be executed to transfer this file? | A. rsync user@ /tmp accounts.pdf | B. scp accounts.pdf user@ | C. cp user@10.10.10. 80: /tmp accounts.pdf | D. ssh accounts.pdf user@ /tmp |
B. scp accounts.pdf user@
Question # 7
A systems administrator is tasked with creating an Ansible playbook to automate the installation of patches on several Linux systems. In which of the following languages should the playbook be written? | A. SQL | B. YAML | C. HTML | D. JSON |
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