Question # 1
You have declared a variable called var.list which is a list of objects that all have an
attribute id . Which options will produce a list of the IDs? Choose two correct answers. | A. [ var.list [ * ] , id ] | B. [ for o in var.list : o.Id ] | C. var.list[*].id | D. { for o in var.llst : o => } |
B. [ for o in var.list : o.Id ] C. var.list[*].id
Question # 2
You have a Terraform configuration that defines a single virtual machine with no references
to it, You have run terraform apply to create the resource, and then removed the resource
definition from your Terraform configuration file.
What will happen you run terraform apply in the working directory again? | A. Terraform will remove the virtual machine from the state file, but the resource will still
exist | B. Nothing | C. Terraform will error | D. Terraform will destroy the virtual machine |
D. Terraform will destroy the virtual machine
This is what will happen if you run terraform apply in the working directory again, after
removing the resource definition from your Terraform configuration file. Terraform will
detect that there is a resource in the state file that is not present in the configuration file,
and will assume that you want to delete it.
Question # 3
Which of the following ate advantages of using infrastructure as code (laC) instead of
provisioning with a graphical user interface (GUI)? Choose two correct answers. | A. Lets you version, reuse, and share infrastructure configuration | B. Provisions the same resources at a lower cost | C. Secures your credentials | D. Reduces risk of operator error | E. Prevents manual modifications to your resources |
A. Lets you version, reuse, and share infrastructure configuration D. Reduces risk of operator error
It lets you version, reuse, and share infrastructure configuration as code files,
which can be stored in a source control system and integrated with your CI/CD
It reduces risk of operator error by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring
consistency across environments. IaC does not necessarily provision resources at
a lower cost, secure your credentials, or prevent manual modifications to your
resources - these depend on other factors such as your cloud provider, your
security practices, and your access policies.
Question # 4
How do you specify a module’s version when publishing it to the public terraform Module
Registry? | A. Configuration it in the module's Terraform code | B. Mention it on the module's configuration page on the Terraform Module Registry | C. The Terraform Module Registry does not support versioning modules | D. Tag a release in the associated repo |
D. Tag a release in the associated repo
This is how you specify a module’s version when publishing it to the public Terraform
Module Registry, as it uses the tags from your version control system (such as GitHub or
GitLab) to identify module versions. You need to use semantic versioning for your tags,
such as v1.0.0.
Question # 5
Which of the following commands would you use to access all of the attributes and details
of a resource managed by Terraform? | A. terraform state list ‘’ | B. terraform state show ‘’ | C. terraform get ‘’ | D. terraform state list |
B. terraform state show ‘’
Question # 6
Which parameters does terraform import require? Choose two correct answers. | A. Provider | B. Resource ID | C. Resource address | D. Path |
B. Resource ID C. Resource address
These are the parameters that terraform import requires, as they allow Terraform to identify
the existing resource that you want to import into your state file, and match it with the
corresponding configuration block in your files.
Question # 7
You can access state stored with the local backend by using terraform_remote_state data
source. | A. True | B. False |
B. False
You cannot access state stored with the local backend by using the
terraform_remote_state data source. The terraform_remote_state data source is used to
retrieve the root module output values from some other Terraform configuration using the
latest state snapshot from the remote backend. It requires a backend that supports remote
state storage, such as S3, Consul, AzureRM, or GCS. The local backend stores the state
file locally on the filesystem, which terraform_remote_state cannot access.
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