Question # 1
You are the owner of an alert.
You receive an email notification that the alert was suspended
From where can you resume the suspended alert? | A. The Data Source page of Tableau Desktop | B. The Notification area of Tableau Prep | C. The My Content area of Tableau web pages | D. The Shared with Ma page |
C. The My Content area of Tableau web pages
To resume a suspended alert, you need to go to the My Content area of Tableau web pages, where you can see all the alerts that you own or subscribe to. You can click on the alert name and then select Resume from the menu. You can also edit or delete the alert from there.
In Tableau, the "My Content" area on the web interface is the place where a user can manage their content, including workbooks, data sources, and alerts. If an alert is suspended, the owner of the alert can go to the "My Content" area to resume it.
Question # 2
You have a dashboard than contains two sheets named Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.
You want to add an object to the dashboard that users can click to switch to a different dashboard in the workbook.
Which object should you add to the dashboard? |
The object that you should add to the dashboard to allow users to switch to a different dashboard in the workbook is Navigation.
Navigation objects are used to create links between dashboards or sheets in a workbook. You can add a navigation object to a dashboard by dragging it from the list of objects and dropping it on the dashboard. You can then configure the navigation object to specify the destination dashboard or sheet that you want users to navigate to when they click on it.
You can learn more about navigation objects and how to use them in this article:
Question # 3
You have the following visualization.
The Last() calculation is set to compute using Table (across)
Which value will appear in the crosstab for the Consumer segment of the year 2018 if you change compute to use Oder Dale? | A. 0 | B. 2 | C. 4 | D. 3 |
D. 3
The LAST() function in Tableau returns the number of rows from the current row to the last row in the partition. When you compute using 'Order Date', it will change the partitioning of the calculation. If 'Consumer' in '2018' is the last row in its partition when computed by 'Order Date', then LAST() will return 0 for that cell.
The LAST() function in Tableau is a table calculation that returns the number of rows from the current row to the last row in the partition. The value of LAST() is 0 for the last row, increases by 1 for each row above the last row, and can be negative for rows below the current row if there are such rows in the partition.
In the provided visualization, LAST() is set to compute using Table (across). Changing the compute mode to use "Order Date" will adjust the partitioning of the data upon which the LAST() function is calculated. Since "Order Date" is likely to be a unique value per row (assuming each order has a unique date), each row becomes its own partition.
For the Consumer segment of the year 2018, if "Order Date" is unique for each row, then the last row in each partition (in this case, each individual row) will have a LAST() value of 0 because there are no other rows in the partition - it's the last row of its own partition.
Therefore, when you change the compute mode of LAST() to use "Order Date", each cell under the Consumer segment for the year 2018 will have the LAST() value of 0, because each order date creates a partition of one, making every row the last in its partition.
Question # 4
You are developing a data source in Tableau Prep.
You have two tables named Orders and Employees.
The Orders table was created in 2019 and contains the following columns.
The Employees table contains all the employee information for the various sales teams in the sales department and contains the following columns
You want to prepare the data so that you can analyze sales trends over time for every sales team.
Which three actions should you perform in order? (Place the three correct options in order. Use the arrows to move Options to Answer Area. Use Answer Area arrows to re-order the options.) |
There are different ways to prepare the data in Tableau Prep, but one possible answer is:
Answer area:
Join the tables.
Aggregate the data by Sales Team.
Add the following filter to the Employees table: Sale Team - Team Alpha.
To analyze sales trends over time for every sales team, you need to combine the data from the Orders and Employees tables. You can do this by joining the tables on the Rep ID column, which is a common identifier for both tables. This will create a single table with all the columns from both tables. Next, you need to aggregate the data by Sales Team, which is the level of analysis you want. You can do this by grouping the data by the Sales Team column and applying an aggregation function (such as sum, average, count, etc.) to the other columns that you want to measure (such as Total Amount, Rep Tenure, etc.). This will create a summary table with one row for each sales team and the aggregated values for the other columns. Finally, you need to filter the data to focus on a specific sales team, such as Team Alpha. You can do this by adding a filter to the Employees table and selecting only the rows where Sales Team equals Team Alpha. This will remove the rows for other sales teams and keep only the data for Team Alpha.
References: -
[Tableau Certified Data Analyst Exam Prep Guide], page 9, section “Preparing Data”
[Tableau Help: Join Your Data]
[Tableau Help: Aggregate Your Data]
[Tableau Help: Filter Your Data]
Question # 5
You create a worksheet named Sales by Region and hide the tide of the worksheet. You print the worksheet as a PDF and notice that the worksheet title appears. You need to prevent the title from appearing when you print the worksheet as a PDF. Which settings should configure from the File menu in Tableau Desktop?
| A. Page Setup | B. Print | C. Export As PowerPoint | D. Share | E. Export As Version |
A. Page Setup
Question # 6
Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. Open the Line worksheet.
Modify the chart to show only main and max values of both measures in each region. |
To modify the chart to show only min and max values of both measures in each region, you need to do the following steps: -
Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. This will open the Tableau workbook that contains the Line worksheet.
Click on the Line tab at the bottom of the workbook to open the worksheet. You will see a line chart that shows the sales and profit for each month by region.
Drag Month from the Columns shelf to Filters shelf. This will open a dialog box that allows you to filter by different criteria.
Select Range of Dates from the dialog box. This will show you options to filter by a range of dates or values.
Select Minimum and Maximum from the drop-down list next to Month. This will filter by the minimum and maximum values of Month for each region. You can also enter specific values or use the sliders to adjust the range.
Click OK to apply the filter. You will see that the line chart now shows only min and max values of both measures in each region.
Question # 7
Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. Open the sales dashboard.
Add the Sales by State sheet in a Show/Hide button to the right side of the dashboard. |
To add the Sales by State sheet in a Show/Hide button to the right side of the dashboard, you need to do the following steps:
Open the link to Book1 found on the desktop. This will open the Tableau workbook that contains the sales dashboard.
Click on the sales dashboard tab at the bottom of the workbook to open the dashboard. You will see a dashboard that shows various charts and filters related to sales data.
Drag Sales by State from the Sheets pane to the right side of the dashboard. This will add the sheet as a floating element on the dashboard. You can resize and position it as you like.
Right-click on Sales by State and select Add Show/Hide Button from the menu. This will add a button that allows you to show or hide the sheet on the dashboard. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the button by clicking on it and using the options on the Marks card.
Optionally, you can drag a vertical layout container from the Objects pane to the right side of the dashboard and place Sales by State and its button inside it. This will help you organize your dashboard elements and align them neatly.
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