Question # 1
What is the primary benefit of team selling at a key account? | A. Provides the customer with multiple points of contact | B. Reduces the workload for individual sales representatives | C. Leverages collective expertise to meet customer expectations |
C. Leverages collective expertise to meet customer expectations
Explanation: Team selling is a strategy of using a group of salespeople with different skills and expertise to sell to and serve major accounts. The primary benefit of team selling at a key account is that it leverages the collective expertise of the team members to meet the customer’s expectations and needs. Team selling can help create value for the customer by providing customized solutions, addressing complex problems, and delivering superior service. Team selling can also help build trust and loyalty with the customer by demonstrating commitment, collaboration, and professionalism.
Question # 2
What can help a sales representative frame a solution around a customer's business challenges? | A. Focusing on their personal sales targets | B. Offering the lowest price possible | C. Addressing the customer's pain points |
C. Addressing the customer's pain points
Question # 3
What is an important consideration for a sales representative as they create a sales proposal? | A. To leverage a standard approach for all sales quotes and customer accounts | B. To highlight how the solution addresses the customer's needs and challenges | C. To include a detailed diagram and explanation of the sales process |
B. To highlight how the solution addresses the customer's needs and challenges
Question # 4
What are the four elements of emotional intelligence? | A. Plan, engage, execute, and close | B. Discover, define, design, and deliver | C. Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships |
C. Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships
Explanation: Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships are the four elements of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others. Emotional intelligence helps to improve communication, collaboration, and influence in sales.
Question # 5
Why is it important for a sales representative to follow their company's sales methodology? | A. Creates consistent vision across sellers | B. Understands different approaches for achieving the same goal | C. Develops a better pipeline for growth |
A. Creates consistent vision across sellers
Question # 6
During a sales cycle, a sales representative may be required to handle objections from the customer to close the deal.
What is an effective way to handle an objection? | A. Ask questions to characterize the issue. | B. Propose an alternative product. | C. Offer friendlier terms and a lower price. |
A. Ask questions to characterize the issue.
Explanation: Asking questions to characterize the issue is an effective way to handle an objection from the customer. Asking questions helps to understand the root cause, scope, and impact of the objection, as well as to show empathy and respect for the customer’s
concerns. Asking questions also helps to clarify any misunderstandings, provide relevant information, and propose solutions that address the objection.
Question # 7
A sales representative wants to improve the overall health of their pipeline.
Why is it important to take a strategic approach to prospecting? | A. Reduce non-selling administrative efforts. | B. Improve efficiency and return on investment. | C. Increase the number of customer engagements. |
B. Improve efficiency and return on investment.
Explanation: Prospecting is the process of identifying and reaching out to potential customers who are likely to buy your product or service. Taking a strategic approach to prospecting means having a clear plan, criteria, and method for finding and qualifying prospects. This can help improve the overall health of the pipeline, as it ensures that the sales representative is focusing on the most valuable and relevant opportunities, and not wasting time and resources on unqualified or uninterested leads. A strategic approach to prospecting can also improve the efficiency and return on investment of the sales process, as it can increase the conversion rate, shorten the sales cycle, and reduce the cost of acquisition.
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