Question # 1
A Marker Layer has been created to display all open opportunities and the results are not as expected. How can a user test this marker layer to ensure Salesforce Maps is displaying the correct number of results? | A. Select the "Refresh Layers in this Area" button | B. Create a Salesforce Report to match the Marker Layer Builder criteria | C. Create the Marker Layer in the Corporate folder | D. Update the Address Location in the Base Object |
B. Create a Salesforce Report to match the Marker Layer Builder criteria
According to the Trailhead module on Get to Know the Marker Layer Builder4, creating a marker layer follows the same process as creating a Salesforce report. Therefore, to test a marker layer and ensure Salesforce Maps is displaying the correct number of results, a user can create a Salesforce Report to match the Marker Layer Builder criteria4. This way, they can compare the results from both sources and identify any discrepancies or errors.
Question # 2
What action should an admin take to specify the assets to include in a Daily Summary? | A. Create a Salesforce Report that includes all Maps Live Asset records | B. Manually select Maps Live Asset records from the available list | C. Create a SOQL filter to determine which Maps Live Asset records should be associated | D. Select a preexisting Live Layer |
D. Select a preexisting Live Layer
Explanation: According to the Salesforce Help article on Create Live Daily Summary Configuration in Salesforce Maps1, one of the steps to create a daily summary configuration is to select a preexisting live layer. The selected live layer specifies what assets and IoT devices will beincluded in the daily summary configuration1. A live layer is a layer that displays the current location and status of assets that are tracked by IoT devices2.
Question # 3
A Sales Management team has asked their Salesforce admin to develop a weekly report showing the total mileage driven by each Sales Rep on their team. Assuming the Reps have Live Tracking turned on during their normal work day, which object contains the distance driven in a day? | A. Maps Live Asset Daily Summary | B. Maps Live Asset Daily Summary Event | C. Maps Live Driver | D. Maps Live Daily Trip |
A. Maps Live Asset Daily Summary
Explanation: Salesforce Maps Live Tracking allows users to track the live and historical locations of vehicles, equipment, and users in the field. To generate reports on the distance driven by each sales rep, the admin needs to use the Maps Live Asset Daily Summary object. This object contains the summary data for each asset, such as the total distance, duration, and fuel consumption for a given day. The admin can create a report on this object and group it by the asset name or driver name to see the total mileage driven by each sales rep on their team. The other objects are not suitable for this purpose, because they either contain the individual events for each asset, such as stops, speeding, and safety incidents (Maps Live Asset Daily Summary Event), the driver information for each asset (Maps Live Driver), or the trip information for each asset, such as the start and end locations, distance, and duration (Maps Live Daily Trip). References: Salesforce Maps Live: Getting Started Guide, Create Live Daily Summary Configuration in Salesforce Maps, Get to Know Salesforce Maps Unit | Salesforce Trailhead
Question # 4
Alpine Energy's admin has been asked to configure Stop Associations for Live Daily Summaries. The business has requested that stops only be associated to open Leads. What should the admin do to meet this requirement? | A. Add a filter to the Lead Marker Layer used to configure Stop Associations to include only open ° Leads. | B. Allow Stop Associations to work for any Lead, then add a filter to a Salesforce report that excludes associations to closed Leads. | C. Add a filter within the Daily Summary configuration to include only open Leads. | D. Add a filter to the Live Layer used to configure Stop Associations to include only open Leads. |
A. Add a filter to the Lead Marker Layer used to configure Stop Associations to include only open ° Leads.
Explanation: The admin should add a filter to the Lead Marker Layer used to configure Stop Associations to include only open Leads. This will ensure that stops only be associated to open Leads in the Live Daily Summaries. The filter can be added on the Marker Layer configuration page by selecting the Filters tab and choosing the appropriate criteria for open Leads. This is explained in the Configuring Stop Associations for Live Daily Summary Configurations in Salesforce Maps document.
Question # 5
How can an Admin enable Sales Reps to log a task on an account within the Map view from their mobile device? | A. Update Activity Settings to enable "Task Permissions" | B. Enable "Task Creation" in Advanced Marker Settings | C. Enable "Task Creation" in appropriate Permission Group | D. Update assigned Button Set to include "New Task" |
D. Update assigned Button Set to include "New Task"
According to the Salesforce Help document 1, to enable task creation on mobile devices, the admin needs to update the assigned button set to include the “New Task” button. This will allow the sales reps to log a task on an account within the map view from their mobile device.
Question # 6
An account executive from Alpine Energy is covering a large territory using Salesforce Maps. There have been constant address changes to their accounts in the past which required them to manually clear the coordinates so that Maps will generate new latitude and longitude values. How can this process be automated? | A. Configure Auto Assignment rules to automatically assign new coordinates when an address changes | B. After plotting a Marker Layer, click the "Use Suggested Address" button to update the latitude and longitude values. | C. Utilize a Salesforce automation tool to automatically clear a record's latitude and longitude values when the address is changed | D. Utilize the "auto update address" feature in Salesforce Maps |
C. Utilize a Salesforce automation tool to automatically clear a record's latitude and longitude values when the address is changed
One way to automate the process of clearing coordinates for records that have address changes is to use a Salesforce automation tool, such as Process Builder or Flow Builder. These tools can help create workflows that trigger actions based on certain criteria or events. For example, the account executive from Alpine Energy can use Process Builder to create a process that runs whenever an account is created or edited,and checks if any of the address fields have changed. If so, the process can execute an action that clears the latitude and longitude values of the account record. This way, the next time the account is plotted on Salesforce Maps, it will geocode with the updated address and plot in the correct location. Alternatively, the account executive can use Flow Builder to create a flow that performs similar logic and actions as the process, but with more flexibility and customization options. For more information on how to use Process Builder or Flow Builder, see the references below.
2: Automate Your Business Processes with Process Builder | Salesforce Trailhead Module2
3: Automate Your Business Processes with Flow Builder | Salesforce Trailhead Module3
Question # 7
Alpine Energy realigns its sales territories quarterly and saves a copy of the final alignment published during each planning cycle. At the start of the next quarter, planners for the company want to avoid redrawing the existing territory boundaries
every time they create a new data set and alignment. Which Territory Planning feature could Alpine Energy use to accomplish this?
| A. Import from Alignment | B. Import from CSV | C. Import from Salesforce Territory Model | D. Import from Data Set |
A. Import from Alignment
Explanation: To avoid redrawing the existing territory boundaries every time they create a new data set and alignment, Alpine Energy can use the Import from Alignment feature in Territory Planning. This feature allows the customer to import an existing territory model and boundary assignments from another alignment that uses the same territory boundaries as the new data set. This way, the customer can save time and effort by reusing their previous territory design and making adjustments as needed. To use this feature, the customer can follow these steps:
Click the Territory Planning tab to launch the app and display the Browser window.
Hover over an active data set and click the + symbol to add a new alignment. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for the alignment and click Next.
In the Create Alignment window, select Import Model | Import from Alignment | Next.
Select an existing alignment from which to import the model and boundary assignments.
Click Import.
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