Question # 1
The Security Operations Center (SOC) manager is interested in creating a new dashboard
for typosquatting after a successful campaign against a group of senior executives. Which
existing ES dashboard could be used as a starting point to create a custom dashboard? | A. IAM Activity
| B. Malware Center
| C. Access Anomalies
| D. New Domain Analysis |
D. New Domain Analysis
Explanation: For creating a custom dashboard focused on typosquatting, theNew Domain
Analysisdashboard in Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) would be a relevant starting point.
Typosquatting typically involves the registration of domains similar to legitimate domains to
deceive users, which is closely related to the analysis of newly registered or observed
domains. This dashboard already includes tools and visualizations for monitoring and
analyzing domain name activity, which can be adapted for the specific needs of monitoring
for typosquatting.
Question # 2
The following list contains examples of Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs):
- Exploiting a remote service
- Lateral movement
- Use EternalBlue to exploit a remote SMB server
In which order are they listed below? | A. Tactic, Technique, Procedure | B. Procedure, Technique, Tactic | C. Technique, Tactic, Procedure | D. Tactic, Procedure, Technique |
A. Tactic, Technique, Procedure
Explanation: The examples provided correspond to Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
(TTPs) in the following order:
Lateral movement– This is aTactic. Tactics represent the goals or objectives of an
adversary, such as moving laterally within a network to gain broader access.
Exploiting a remote service– This is aTechnique. Techniques are specific methods
used to achieve a tactic, such as exploiting a service to move laterally.
Use EternalBlue to exploit a remote SMB server– This is aProcedure. Procedures
are the detailed steps or specific implementations of a technique, such as using
the EternalBlue exploit to target SMB vulnerabilities.
Thus, the correct order isTactic, Technique, Procedure.
Question # 3
A Risk Rule generates events on Suspicious Cloud Share Activity and regularly contributes to confirmed incidents from Risk Notables. An analyst realizes the raw logs these events are generated from contain information which helps them determine what might be malicious.
What should they ask their engineer for to make their analysis easier? | A. Create a field extraction for this information. | B. Add this information to the risk message. | C. Create another detection for this information. | D. Allowlist more events based on this information. |
A. Create a field extraction for this information.
In Splunk, field extractions are essential for transforming raw log data into structured fields that are easier to work with during analysis. When the question refers to an analyst identifying helpful information in the raw logs that assists them in determining suspicious activity, the most effective way to streamline this process is throughfield extraction. This allows the Splunk system to automatically parse and tag the necessary data, making it more accessible for searches, dashboards, and alerts.
Let’s break down whyoption A: Create a field extraction for this informationis the best approach:
Field Extraction Overview:
Field extraction is a process within Splunk that takes unstructured log data and converts it into structured fields.
This makes it possible to directly query and display these fields, allowing analysts to quickly find and use relevant data in their investigations.
For example, if the logs contain IP addresses, user IDs, file names, or activity types, extracting these fields enables the analyst to filter and correlate data much more effectively without manually scanning the raw logs.
Why Field Extraction?
In this case, the question suggests that the raw logs contain information that helps determine whether activity is malicious. By creating field extractions for the relevant data points, analysts can use those structured fields to build queries and visualizations, drastically speeding up analysis time.
Analysts can write custom Splunk queries to isolate events that meet specific conditions, such as matching specific cloud sharing activities associated with risk notables.
Field extraction improves not only real-time analysis but also supports retrospective analysis and incident correlation across multiple events.
Comparison to Other Options:
Option B: Add this information to the risk message– While adding more context to a risk message could be useful for reviewing individual alerts, it doesn’t improve the efficiency of log analysis. The analyst still would need to go back and manually inspect raw logs for more detailed data.
Option C: Create another detection for this information– Creating additional detections adds more rules, but doesn't solve the fundamental issue of having raw logs that aren’t easily searchable. You can only build effective detections when you have structured data available.
Option D: Allowlist more events based on this information– Allowlisting is generally used to reduce noise or irrelevant logs, but it doesn't help extract the necessary details for analysis. It may reduce unnecessary alerts, but won’t help analyze the suspicious events that do arise.
Cybersecurity Defense Analyst Best Practices:
Field extractionsshould be created for any important log source or data point, especially when handling complex or multi-part log entries (e.g., cloud sharing logs). This ensures logs are searchable and actionable, allowing for faster identification of anomalies and malicious activity.
Analysts should collaborate with engineers to ensure these extractions are tuned and validated. The extraction should be tailored to isolate the fields most relevant for identifying suspicious activity.
Once fields are extracted, analysts can create dashboards, real-time alerts, or retrospective searches based on the structured data for more effective incident response.
Splunk Documentation: Field Extraction in Splunk
Cybersecurity defense techniques emphasize the importance of making log data actionable, which aligns with common practices in Incident Detection & Response (IDR) environments. Structured data is key to this effort, and field extraction is a critical part of transforming raw logs into useful intelligence
Question # 4
An analyst notices that one of their servers is sending an unusually large amount of traffic, gigabytes more than normal, to a single system on the Internet. There doesn’t seem to be any associated increase in incoming traffic.
What type of threat actor activity might this represent? | A. Data exfiltration | B. Network reconnaissance | C. Data infiltration | D. Lateral movement |
A. Data exfiltration
Unusual Traffic Patterns:
The key observation here is that one of the servers is sending out a significantly large amount of data to a single external system, with no corresponding increase in incoming traffic.
Possible Threat Activities:
A. Data Exfiltration:
This scenario typically aligns with data exfiltration, where an attacker has successfully compromised a system and is sending out large volumes of stolen data to an external server.
Data exfiltration often involves consistent or large data transfers over time to an external IP address, which matches the description provided.
B. Network Reconnaissance:
While reconnaissance involves scanning and probing, it generally does not produce large outbound data flows but rather small, frequent connection attempts or queries.
C. Data Infiltration:
Infiltration would involve incoming data to the compromised server, which contradicts the scenario as there is no observed increase in incoming traffic.
D. Lateral Movement:
Lateral movement would involve traffic between internal systems rather than large amounts of data being sent to an external system.
Scenario Analysis:Conclusion:Given the evidence of large data transfers to a single external system without corresponding inbound traffic,data exfiltrationis the most likely scenario. This suggests that an adversary has compromised the server and is extracting valuable or sensitive data from the organization.
Data Exfiltration Techniques:Techniques such as those documented in the MITRE ATT&CK framework (e.g.,T1041 - Exfiltration Over C2 Channel) detail how attackers move data out of a network.
Incident Response Playbooks:Many incident response frameworks emphasize monitoring for unusual outbound traffic as a primary indicator of data exfiltration.
Question # 5
During their shift, an analyst receives an alert about an executable being run from
C:\Windows\Temp. Why should this be investigated further? | A. Temp directories aren't owned by any particular user, making it difficult to track the
process owner when files are executed. | B. Temp directories are flagged as non-executable, meaning that no files stored within can
be executed, and this executable was run from that directory | C. Temp directories contain the system page file and the virtual memory file, meaning the
attacker can use their malware to read the in memory values of running programs | D. Temp directories are world writable thus allowing attackers a place to drop, stage, and
execute malware on a system without needing to worry about file permissions. |
D. Temp directories are world writable thus allowing attackers a place to drop, stage, and
execute malware on a system without needing to worry about file permissions.
Explanation: An executable running from theC:\Windows\Tempdirectory is a significant
red flag because temporary directories are often world writable, meaning any user or
process can write files to them. This characteristic makes these directories an attractive target for attackers who want to drop, stage, and execute malware without worrying about
restrictive file permissions.
Temp Directories Characteristics:
Security Risks:
Investigation Importance: The fact that an executable is running
fromC:\Windows\Tempwarrants further investigation to determine whether it is
malicious. Analysts should check:
Windows Security Best Practices: Documentation on how to secure temp
directories and monitor for suspicious activity is available from both Microsoft and
various security communities.
Incident Response Playbooks: Many playbooks include steps for investigating
suspicious activity in temp directories as part of broader malware detection and
response strategies.
MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Techniques involving the use of temporary directories
are well-documented in the framework, offering insights into how adversaries
leverage these locations during an attack.
Question # 6
A successful Continuous Monitoring initiative involves the entire organization. When an analyst discovers the need for more context or additional information, perhaps from additional data sources or altered correlation rules, to what role would this request generally escalate? | A. SOC Manager
| B. Security Analyst
| C. Security Engineer
| D. Security Architect
C. Security Engineer
Question # 7
What device typically sits at a network perimeter to detect command and control and other potentially suspicious traffic? | A. Host-based firewall | B. Web proxy | C. Web proxy | D. Endpoint Detection and Response
| E. Intrusion Detection System |
D. Endpoint Detection and Response
AnIntrusion Detection System (IDS)typically sits at the network perimeter and is designed to detect suspicious traffic, including command and control (C2) traffic and other potentially malicious activities.
Intrusion Detection Systems:
IDS are deployed at strategic points within the network, often at the perimeter, to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic for signs of malicious activity.
These systems are configured to detect various types of threats, including C2 traffic, which is a key indicator of compromised systems communicating with an attacker-controlled server.
Incorrect Options:
A. Host-based firewall:This is more focused on controlling traffic at the endpoint level, not at the network perimeter.
B. Web proxy:Primarily used for controlling and filtering web traffic, but not specifically designed to detect C2 traffic.
C. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR):Focuses on endpoint protection rather than monitoring network perimeter traffic.
Network Security Practices:IDS implementation is a standard practice for perimeter security to detect early signs of network intrusion.
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