Question # 1
What are three key characteristics of an implementation partner leading are venue cloud scoping session? | A. Excellent Communication Skills both verbal and written | B. Being effective at planning, monitoring and reviewing | C. Having deep knowledge of competitor Products | D. Experience in a selling role with quota responsibilities | E. Understanding design pitfalls and Mitigation actions to course correct |
D. Experience in a selling role with quota responsibilities E. Understanding design pitfalls and Mitigation actions to course correct
Excellent Communication Skills both verbal and written (A): This is crucial as it ensures clear and effective communication between all parties involved. It helps in understanding the requirements, setting expectations, and conveying plans and progress effectively.
Being effective at planning, monitoring, and reviewing (B): This is important for keeping the project on track. It involves setting realistic timelines, tracking progress against those timelines, and making necessary adjustments to ensure the project’s success.
Understanding design pitfalls and Mitigation actions to course correct (E): This involves having a deep understanding of common challenges that can arise during the implementation and how to navigate them. It also involves being proactive in identifying potential issues and taking corrective action early to prevent them from becoming major problems.
While having deep knowledge of competitor products © and experience in a selling role with quota responsibilities (D) can be beneficial in certain contexts, they are not as directly relevant to leading a revenue cloud scoping session as the other characteristics.
Question # 2
Which usage summary field can be used as an external IDto simplify usage uploads after amendments? | A. Legal entity | B. Invoice run | C. Auto number | D. Source | E. Matching ID |
E. Matching ID
The matching ID field is used to link usage records to usage summaries based on a common identifier. This field is especially useful when there are amendments to the order products, as it allows usage records to be uploaded to the correct usage summary without having to change the order product ID or the usage summary ID. The matching ID field can be used as an external ID to simplify usage uploads after amendments, as it can be populated by a workflow rule or a formula based on certain criteria. 12 References:
Usage Summary and Usage Fields - Salesforce
Differences between the ‘External ID’ field and the ‘Unique ID’ field setting - Salesforce
Question # 3
A Revenue Cloud project has a requirement where a product can be either 16m 52s
taxable or tax exempt depending on a custom field that holds the industry. “
What is the appropriate solution to address this requirement? | A. Use automation to set the Tax Treatment based on the value of the custom field | B. Use automation to set the Tax Rule based on the value of the custom field | C. Use automation to set the Revenue Recognition Rule based on the value of the custom field | D. Use automation to set the Billing Rule based on the value of the custom field |
B. Use automation to set the Tax Rule based on the value of the custom field
For a Revenue Cloud project where a product's taxability depends on a custom field that holds industry information, the appropriate solution is to use automation to set the Tax Rule based on the value of the custom field. This approach allows for dynamic application of tax rules to products based on industry-specific requirements, ensuring that the correct tax treatment is applied during the quoting and invoicing processes. Automation could involve using Process Builder, Flow, or Apex to update the tax rule assignments on products or quote lines based on the specified industry criteria. This ensures that products are taxed correctly according to the industry-specific regulations captured in the custom field.
Reference: [Reference: Salesforce CPQ Taxation Guide, , , ]
Question # 4
Universal Containers sell a product bundle named “Corporate IT Solutions”. One of the product options inside this bundle is named Hardware Firewall Universal Containers has a requirement where if the customer has purchased a hardware firewall in the past, the hardware firewall product option should be hidden while configuring the bundle. The CPQ admin has created a product rule to handle this requirement. What should the evaluation event of the product rule be set to? | A. Always | B. Save | C. Load and Edit | D. Load |
C. Load and Edit
In Salesforce Revenue Cloud, the evaluation event of a product rule specifies when the rule should be evaluated. The options are:
Load: The rule will be evaluated when the product bundle is opened.
Edit: The rule will be evaluated when the product bundle is edited.
Save: The rule will be evaluated upon Save.
Always: The rule will be evaluated during any event.
In the context of the question, the requirement is to hide the hardware firewall product option while configuring the bundle if the customer has purchased a hardware firewall in the past. This means that the rule needs to be evaluated when the product bundle is being edited, not just when it is loaded or saved. Therefore, the correct answer is “Load and Edit”.
Salesforce CPQ Product Rules: General Considerations
Decide When Rules Evaluate Unit | Salesforce Trailhead
Product Rules - Salesforce
Question # 5
Which three are key steps when documenting user stories? | A. Know which business process the requirement supports to categorize the user story | B. Identity the actor or personas in this user story | C. Design the solution while the business process is being defined | D. Document user acceptance test scripts for the user story. | E. Identify the acceptance criteria or result for satisfying the user story. |
A. Know which business process the requirement supports to categorize the user story B. Identity the actor or personas in this user story E. Identify the acceptance criteria or result for satisfying the user story.
User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature or functionality from the perspective of the end user or customer. User stories are used to capture the requirements and value proposition of a product or service in an agile framework. User stories should follow some best practices to ensure clarity, consistency, and alignment with the business goals and user needs. 12
Some of the key steps when documenting user stories are:
Know which business process the requirement supports to categorize the user story. This helps to prioritize and organize the user stories based on the business value and impact they deliver. It also helps to avoid duplication and inconsistency among user stories. 3
Identify the actor or personas in this user story. This helps to define the user role,
needs, goals, and motivations that drive the user story. It also helps to create
empathy and understanding for the user and their context. 4
Identify the acceptance criteria or result for satisfying the user story. This helps to
specify the expected outcome, behavior, or functionality that the user story should
deliver. It also helps to define the scope, quality, and testability of the user story. 5
Designing the solution while the business process is being defined is not a key step when
documenting user stories. This can lead to premature or biased decisions that may not
address the real user problem or value proposition. User stories should focus on the what
and why, not the how. The solution design should be done after the user stories are
validated and prioritized, and in collaboration with the development team and other
stakeholders. 6
Documenting user acceptance test scripts for the user story is not a key step when
documenting user stories. This can be done later, after the user stories are refined and
detailed, and before the development and testing phases. User acceptance test scripts are
used to verify that the user story meets the acceptance criteria and the user expectations. [7]
1: User Stories | Examples and Template | Atlassian
2: How to Write Perfect User Stories (With Templates): A Step-By-Step Guide | airfocus
3: 10 Tips for Writing Good User Stories - Roman Pichler
4: The Anatomy of a User Story | Scrum Alliance | Includes Template
5: Best Practices to Succeed with User Stories - DZone
6: UX documentation: Guide, best practices, template
Question # 6
What are the 3 reasons why you would need an app exchange solution to support generating a document is support of a revenue cloud project? | A. watermarks | B. Attachments | C. Electronic signature | D. Contract Redlining | E. Invoice Generation |
A. watermarks C. Electronic signature D. Contract Redlining
Salesforce AppExchange offers a variety of solutions that can enhance the functionality of Salesforce Revenue Cloud. Here are the reasons why you would need an AppExchange solution to support generating a document in support of a Revenue Cloud project:
Watermarks (A): Watermarks can be used to mark documents as confidential or to denote the status of the document (draft, approved, etc.). AppExchange solutions can provide this functionality, which is not available out-of-the-box in Salesforce.
Electronic Signature ©: Electronic signatures are often required for contracts and other legal documents. AppExchange solutions like DocuSign can integrate with Salesforce to provide this functionality.
Contract Redlining (D): Contract redlining allows for tracking changes and comments during the contract negotiation process. This is a specialized functionality that can be provided by AppExchange solutions.
10 Benefits of Using Salesforce AppExchange Apps - Cloud Analogy
Revenue Cloud Collection Page - Salesforce
Extending Customer 360 with Salesforce AppExchange
What Is Salesforce AppExchange and How Can I Use It?
Question # 7
After installing salesforce CPQ in your customer Sandbox org you notice
unacceptableperformance times as the primary quote syncs to theopportunity its
determined thecause for sub optimal performance is attribute to 30 process builders
referencing thequote and opportunity along with other heavy customization that was
previously created. what strategy should the revenue cloud consultant recommend to the
customer? | A. Architect the revenue cloud solution to follow suit by | B. extending customization using coding best practices to improve scalability | C. baseline current performance recommend to identify and address the technical debt
first before designing the revenue cloud solution categorize the subpar customizations as ‘out of scope’. processed with design and build, and address performance issues as the final
task in UAT
| D. upgrade the org to the latest CPQ and billing release, this will largely address the
performance issues |
B. extending customization using coding best practices to improve scalability
Explanation: Upon noticing unacceptable performance times in Salesforce CPQ,
particularly when the primary quote syncs to the opportunity, and identifying the cause as
being due to extensive process builders referencing the quote and opportunity alongside
other heavy customizations, the recommended strategy is to extend customization using
coding best practices to improve scalability. This involves reviewing and optimizing the
existing customizations, possibly refactoring process builders into more efficient code based solutions that are better optimized for performance and scalability. This approach
helps in addressing the technical debt and ensures that the Revenue Cloud solution is built
on a solid and performant foundation.
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