Question # 1
Your application services run in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You want to make sure that only images from your centrally-managed Google Container Registry (GCR) image registry in the altostrat-images project can be deployed to the cluster while minimizing development time. What should you do?
| A. Create a custom builder for Cloud Build that will only push images to
| B. Use a Binary Authorization policy that includes the whitelist name pattern
| C. Add logic to the deployment pipeline to check that all manifests contain only images from
| D. Add a tag to each image in and check that this tag is present when the image is deployed. |
B. Use a Binary Authorization policy that includes the whitelist name pattern
Question # 2
You are using Stackdriver to monitor applications hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You recently deployed a new application, but its logs are not appearing on the Stackdriver dashboard. You need to troubleshoot the issue. What should you do? | A. Confirm that the Stackdriver agent has been installed in the hosting virtual machine.
| B. Confirm that your account has the proper permissions to use the Stackdriver dashboard.
| C. Confirm that port 25 has been opened in the firewall to allow messages through to Stackdriver.
| D. Confirm that the application is using the required client library and the service account key has proper permissions. |
B. Confirm that your account has the proper permissions to use the Stackdriver dashboard.
Question # 3
Your organization wants to implement Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) culture and principles. Recently, a service that you support had a limited outage. A manager on another team asks you to provide a formal explanation of what happened so they can action remediations. What should you do?
| A. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, and a prioritized list of action items. Share it with the manager only.
| B. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, and a prioritized list of action items. Share it on the engineering organization's document portal.
| C. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, the list of people responsible, and a list of action items for each person. Share it with the manager only.
| D. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, the list of people responsible, and a list of action items for each person. Share it on the engineering organization's document portal. |
B. Develop a postmortem that includes the root causes, resolution, lessons learned, and a prioritized list of action items. Share it on the engineering organization's document portal.
Question # 4
You are creating and assigning action items in a postmodern for an outage. The outage is over, but you need to address the root causes. You want to ensure that your team handles the action items quickly and efficiently. How should you assign owners and collaborators to action items?
| A. Assign one owner for each action item and any necessary collaborators.
| B. Assign multiple owners for each item to guarantee that the team addresses items quickly
| C. Assign collaborators but no individual owners to the items to keep the postmortem blameless.
| D. Assign the team lead as the owner for all action items because they are in charge of the SRE team. |
A. Assign one owner for each action item and any necessary collaborators.
Question # 5
You support a service with a well-defined Service Level Objective (SLO). Over the previous 6 months, your service has consistently met its SLO and customer satisfaction has been consistently high. Most of your service’s operations tasks are automated and few repetitive tasks occur frequently. You want to optimize the balance between reliability and deployment velocity while following site reliability engineering best practices. What should you do? (Choose two.)
| A. A. Make the service’s SLO more strict.
| B. B. Increase the service’s deployment velocity and/or risk.
| C. C. Shift engineering time to other services that need more reliability.
| D. Get the product team to prioritize reliability work over new features.
| E. Change the implementation of your Service Level Indicators (SLIs) to increase coverage. |
D. Get the product team to prioritize reliability work over new features.
E. Change the implementation of your Service Level Indicators (SLIs) to increase coverage.
Question # 6
Your company is developing applications that are deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Each team manages a different application. You need to create the development and production environments for each team, while minimizing costs. Different teams should not be able to access other teams’ environments. What should you do?
| A. Create one GCP Project per team. In each project, create a cluster for Development and one for Production. Grant the teams IAM access to their respective clusters.
| B. Create one GCP Project per team. In each project, create a cluster with a Kubernetes namespace for Development and one for Production. Grant the teams IAM access to their respective clusters.
| C. Create a Development and a Production GKE cluster in separate projects. In each cluster, create a Kubernetes namespace per team, and then configure Identity Aware Proxy so that each team can only access its own namespace.
| D. Create a Development and a Production GKE cluster in separate projects. In each cluster, create a Kubernetes namespace per team, and then configure Kubernetes Rolebased access control (RBAC) so that each team can only access its own namespace |
D. Create a Development and a Production GKE cluster in separate projects. In each cluster, create a Kubernetes namespace per team, and then configure Kubernetes Rolebased access control (RBAC) so that each team can only access its own namespace
Question # 7
Your company experiences bugs, outages, and slowness in its production systems. Developers use the production environment for new feature development and bug fixes. Configuration and experiments are done in the production environment, causing outages for users. Testers use the production environment for load testing, which often slows the production systems. You need to redesign the environment to reduce the number of bugs and outages in production and to enable testers to load test new features. What should you do?
| A. Create an automated testing script in production to detect failures as soon as they occur.
| B. Create a development environment with smaller server capacity and give access only to developers and testers.
| C. Secure the production environment to ensure that developers can't change it and set up one controlled update per year.
| D. Create a development environment for writing code and a test environment for configurations, experiments, and load testing. |
D. Create a development environment for writing code and a test environment for configurations, experiments, and load testing.
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