Question # 1
Which of the following lists of SAP Enterprise Architecture artifacts support making
informed Target Application Architecture decisions that are aligned with the
strategic direction of a company? | A. Stakeholder Map/Business Strategy Map/Solution Strategy/Architecture Roadmap
| B. Principles Standards, Guidelines/Solution Context/Baseline Business and Solution
| C. Solution Context/Solution Concept/Stakeholder Map/Baseline Business and Solution
Architecture |
C. Solution Context/Solution Concept/Stakeholder Map/Baseline Business and Solution
The answer is C. Solution Context/Solution Concept/Stakeholder Map/Baseline Business
and Solution Architecture.
The following are the SAP Enterprise Architecture artifacts that support making informed
Target Application Architecture decisions that are aligned with the strategic direction of a
company: -
Solution Context - This artifact provides an overview of the current business and IT
landscape, including the business goals, objectives, and drivers.
Solution Concept - This artifact describes the proposed Target Application
Architecture, including the high-level business capabilities, processes, and data.
Stakeholder Map - This artifact identifies the key stakeholders involved in the
Target Application Architecture project, and their interests and concerns.
Baseline Business and Solution Architecture - This artifact provides a snapshot of
the current Business and Solution Architecture, which can be used to compare to
the Target Application Architecture and identify areas for improvement.
These artifacts can be used to make informed decisions about the Target Application
Architecture by providing a clear understanding of the current landscape, the desired future
state, and the needs of the key stakeholders.
Question # 2
Which of the following are the best architectural decisions for an extension application in S/4HANA? | A. Use "Developer Extensibility for data-intensive ABAP extensions to S/4HANA./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP ABAP Environment" when additional SAP BTP services are intensively used and SAPUI5 user interfaces are required. | B. Use 'Developer Extensibility" for data-intensive ABAP extensions to S/4HANA./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP. ABAP Environment" for applications that are less data-intensive and SAP BTP services that are intensively used. | C. Use "Developer Extensibility for ABAP extensions to S/4HANA that do not require a UI component./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP, ABAP Environment" for extensions that require a SAPUI5 based user interface. |
A. Use "Developer Extensibility for data-intensive ABAP extensions to S/4HANA./Use "Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP ABAP Environment" when additional SAP BTP services are intensively used and SAPUI5 user interfaces are required.
The decision for the extension model in S/4HANA should be based on the nature of the extension required. Developer Extensibility (in-app extensibility) is suitable for data-intensive extensions that need to operate within the context of S/4HANA. This is because it allows for direct access to S/4HANA's digital core and leverages the power of the HANA database. It is the recommended approach when the extension requires tight integration with core data and processes, ensuring high performance and data consistency.
On the other hand, Side-by-Side Extensibility on SAP BTP ABAP Environment is recommended when the extensions need to utilize additional SAP BTP services such as advanced analytics, machine learning, IoT services, or when creating new user experiences with SAPUI5. This decouples the extensions from the S/4HANA core, which can be beneficial in terms of flexibility, agility, and reducing the impact on the core system during upgrades.
References= These practices are supported by SAP's extensibility guide for S/4HANA, which explains the two extensibility models and their appropriate use cases. SAP documentation on ABAP Platform extensibility options provides further insights into when to choose each extensibility approach. SAP Best Practices for Extensibility in SAP S/4HANA guide provides a comprehensive view on how to extend the digital core effectively while maintaining system integrity and upgradeability.
Question # 3
You, as the Chief Enterprise Architect of Wanderlust GmbH, have been trying to
formulate the Business Strategy Map. You are currently working on the strategic
objective to "Increase supply reliability of Lithium batteries". Arrange the elements
of the Business Strategy Map into the right order that shows the dependencies
between these elements. |

Question # 4
Why is it useful to create Transition Architectures in the Application Architecture domain?
| A. They structure complex application architectures that require multiple changes to existing independent applications and/or the rollout of new applications. Considered applications/solutions do NOT depend on the existence of others.
| B. They reduce the total number of solution components in the target state of complex application architectures that require multiple changes of existing applications and/or rollout of new applications. All applications/solutions do NOT depend on the existence of others.
| C. They structure complex application architectures that require multiple changes of existing interdependent applications and/or the rollout of new applications. Some applications/solutions depend on the existence of others.
C. They structure complex application architectures that require multiple changes of existing interdependent applications and/or the rollout of new applications. Some applications/solutions depend on the existence of others.
Question # 5
Green Elk & Company is the world's leading manufacturer of agricultural and
forestry machinery. The former company slogan "Eik always runs has recently been
changed to "Eik feeds the world" One of Green Elk's strategic goals is to increase its
revenue in the emerging markets of China, India, and other parts of Asia by 80 %
within three years. This requires a new business model that caters to significantly
smaller farms with limited budgets You are the Chief Enterprise Architect and the
decision was taken to implement regional S/4HANA productive systems while
ensuring a high degree of standardization. Which of the following implementation
approach would you consider best in this case? | A. Phased by Application
| B. Big Bang
| C. Small buck
| D. Phased by Company |
D. Phased by Company
The best implementation approach for Green Elk & Company in this case is the phased by
company approach. This approach involves implementing S/4HANA in one company or
business unit at a time, while keeping the existing ERP systems running for the rest of the
organization. This approach has several advantages for Green Elk & Company, such as:
It allows them to focus on the specific requirements and challenges of each
regional market, such as China, India, and other parts of Asia, and tailor the
S/4HANA solution accordingly.
It reduces the risk and complexity of the implementation by limiting the scope and
impact of each phase, and enabling faster testing and validation of the S/4HANA
It facilitates the adoption and change management of S/4HANA by providing a
gradual and smooth transition for the users and stakeholders, and allowing them to
learn from the experiences and best practices of each phase.
It ensures a high degree of standardization across the organization by leveraging
the SAP Activate methodology, which provides a common framework, tools, and
accelerators for S/4HANA implementations.
The other options (A, B, C) are not the best implementation approaches for Green Elk &
Company in this case, because they have some drawbacks, such as:
Phased by application: This approach involves implementing S/4HANA by
functional area or module, such as finance, logistics, or human resources. This
approach is not suitable for Green Elk & Company because it would create
inconsistencies and integration issues between the S/4HANA and ERP systems,
and it would not address the specific needs and challenges of each regional
Big bang: This approach involves implementing S/4HANA for the entire
organization at once, replacing all the existing ERP systems. This approach is not
suitable for Green Elk & Company because it would entail a high risk and
complexity of the implementation, and it would require a massive effort and
investment in terms of time, resources, and change management.
Small buck: This approach involves implementing S/4HANA for a small subset of
users or processes within a company or business unit. This approach is not
suitable for Green Elk & Company because it would limit the benefits and value of
S/4HANA, and it would not support their strategic goal of increasing their revenue
in the emerging markets.
Question # 6
As Chief Enterprise Architect, you want to select an extension option that follows SAP's clean-core strategy. What are your recommendations to implement the clean-core strategy best?
| A. To follow the clean-core strategy, the so-called "Developer Extensibility" of S/4HANA isn't allowed. Extensions must use "Side-by-Side Extensibility" on the SAP Business Technology Platform. These extensions use corresponding public remote APIs of the S/4HANA backend system. | B. Follow SAP's Tier 1 to Tier 2 extension model, which enables different extension options: Cloud Extensibility Model and Cloud API Enablement. This allows the development of cloud- ready and upgrade-stable applications and extensions. | C. Use "Key User Extensibility" functions of S/4HANA for simple extensions. "Developer Extensibility must comply with the rules for a Tier-1 or Tier-2 extension. | D. Use of public local APIs or public remote APIs for "Developer Extensibility. |
A. To follow the clean-core strategy, the so-called "Developer Extensibility" of S/4HANA isn't allowed. Extensions must use "Side-by-Side Extensibility" on the SAP Business Technology Platform. These extensions use corresponding public remote APIs of the S/4HANA backend system.
Question # 7
Green Elk & Company is the world's leading manufacturer of agricultural and
forestry machinery. The former company slogan "Elk always runs" has recently been changed to "Elk feeds the world" One of Green Elk's strategic goals is to increase its
revenue in the emerging markets of China, India and other parts of Asia by 80 %
within three years. This requires a new business model that caters to significantly
smaller farms with limited budgets The CIO asks you, the Chief Enterprise Architect,
to present an architecture vision to address the aforementioned business challenge.
According to the SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework, what is the best
approach? | A. 1. Assess the baseline architecture of Green Elk & Company/2. Identify the stakeholders
and review with the key stakeholders the major gaps identified/3. Architect against these
gaps and propose a target architecture. | B. 1. Identify the stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements and create a
stakeholder map/2 Confirm and elaborate business goals, business drivers, and
constraints/3 Evaluate the enterprise capabilities and assess the readiness for business
transformation | C. 1. Identify the stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements and create a
stakeholder map/2 Confirm and elaborate the new business model in support of the
Business Model Canvas./3. Evaluate the enterprise capabilities and assess the readiness
for business transformation. | D. 1. Identify the stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements and create a
stakeholder map.2 Review the existing principles and adopt these were necessary3. Use
the principles as guardrails for your subsequent activities. |
C. 1. Identify the stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements and create a
stakeholder map/2 Confirm and elaborate the new business model in support of the
Business Model Canvas./3. Evaluate the enterprise capabilities and assess the readiness
for business transformation.
Explanation: According to the SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework, which is based on
the TOGAF® ADM, the architecture vision is the first phase of the architecture development cycle. The purpose of this phase is to define the scope, objectives, and
stakeholders of the architecture project, and to create a high-level vision of the desired
outcome. The steps involved in this phase are:
Identify the stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements and create a
stakeholder map. This step involves identifying and analyzing the key stakeholders
of the architecture project, such as business owners, users, customers, partners,
vendors, regulators, etc. The stakeholder map is a document that shows the
relationships and interests of the stakeholders, as well as their expectations and
concerns regarding the architecture project.
Confirm and elaborate the new business model in support of the Business Model
Canvas. This step involves confirming and refining the business goals, drivers, and
constraints that motivate the architecture project, and defining the new business
model that will enable the achievement of those goals. The Business Model
Canvas is a tool that helps to describe, design, and analyze the new business
model in a structured and visual way. It consists of nine building blocks that cover
the key aspects of the business model, such as value proposition, customer
segments, revenue streams, cost structure, etc.
Evaluate the enterprise capabilities and assess the readiness for business
transformation. This step involves evaluating the current state of the enterprise in
terms of its capabilities, resources, processes, systems, and culture, and
assessing how ready it is for undergoing a business transformation. This step also
involves identifying the gaps and risks that need to be addressed or mitigated in
order to achieve the desired future state.
The other options (A, B, D) are not correct for the architecture vision according to the SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework, because they either skip or misrepresent some of the
steps in this phase. For example:
Option A is not correct because it does not include creating a stakeholder map or
confirming and elaborating the new business model in support of the Business
Model Canvas, which are essential steps to define and communicate the scope
and objectives of the architecture project.
Option B is not correct because it does not include creating a stakeholder map or
defining a new business model in support of the Business Model Canvas, which
are essential steps to understand and align with the needs and expectations of the
Option D is not correct because it does not include confirming and elaborating the
new business model in support of the Business Model Canvas or evaluating the
enterprise capabilities and assessing the readiness for business transformation,
which are essential steps to define and validate the desired outcome and identify
the gaps and risks.
For more information on the SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework and its phases, you
can refer to SAP Enterprise Architecture | SAP Help Portal or SAP Certified Professional -
SAP Enterprise Architect.
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