Question # 1
You have just been hired as a Scrum Master by a company new to Scrum. The company wants to use Scrum to build a new product that was conceived by the product management department. You will be the Scrum Master of two new teams that will build a first version of the product. The product management department assigns two new Product Owners, but wants more advice about the required participation with the new Scrum Teams. Which two suggestions would you offer?
(choose the best two answers) | A. Having one Product Owner will improve the clarity of accountability to the teams and to the product management department. | B. Two Product Owners are necessary, one for each Scrum Team. They report to an overarching chief Product Owner. | C. Each Scrum Team has a separate Product Backlog, holding each team's assigned requirements. | D. A single Product Backlog should be maintained holding all requirements for the new product. |
A. Having one Product Owner will improve the clarity of accountability to the teams and to the product management department. D. A single Product Backlog should be maintained holding all requirements for the new product.
A. Having one Product Owner will improve the clarity of accountability to the teams and to the product management department. This is a good suggestion, as it ensures that there is a single person who is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and managing the Product Backlog. Having one Product Owner also avoids confusion, duplication, or conflict among multiple Product Owners who may have different visions, priorities, or expectations for the product.
D. A single Product Backlog should be maintained holding all requirements for the new product. This is also a good suggestion, as it ensures that there is a single source of truth for the product requirements and that they are transparent and visible to all stakeholders. Having a single Product Backlog also enables the Product Owner to order the items based on their value, risk, dependency, and urgency, and to collaborate with the Scrum Teams to select and refine the items for each Sprint.
The Scrum Guide, section 2.3 (The Scrum Team), page 7
The Scrum Guide, section 4.1 (The Product Backlog), page 11
The Scrum Master Learning Path, module 2 (The Scrum Framework), lesson 4 (Sprint Planning) and lesson 5 (The Sprint Review)
Question # 2
You are the Scrum Master for three Scrum Teams working on the same product. There is a single Product Backlog that all three Scrum Teams select from. Management is eager to improve the productivity of the teams and wants to standardize velocity across all three teams so that they can see how each team is delivering value. When responding to management, which two statements are appropriate? (choose two answers) | A. Incentivizing teams based on velocity can boost the Scrum Team's motivation to create more value. | B. Standardizing velocity across teams can help with understanding which teams are creating more value. | C. Velocity has no direct relationship with value. | D. Velocity is the amount of business functionality that a Scrum Team creates in a Sprint. It is unique to that team and used as an input to Sprint Planning. |
C. Velocity has no direct relationship with value. D. Velocity is the amount of business functionality that a Scrum Team creates in a Sprint. It is unique to that team and used as an input to Sprint Planning.
C: Velocity has no direct relationship with value. This is a true statement, as velocity is a measure of the amount of work done by a Scrum Team in a Sprint, not the value or quality of that work. Velocity can vary depending on many factors, such as the size, complexity, and priority of the Product Backlog items, the skills and experience of the Developers, the Definition of Done, and the Sprint length. Therefore, velocity is not a reliable indicator of value creation or team performance.
D: Velocity is the amount of business functionality that a Scrum Team creates in a Sprint. It is unique to that team and used as an input to Sprint Planning. This is a true statement, as velocity is a team-specific metric that reflects how much business functionality the Scrum Team can deliver in a Sprint. Velocity can help the Scrum Team to forecast how many Product Backlog items they can select for the next Sprint, based on their past performance and current capacity. However, velocity is not a goal or a target for the Scrum Team, and it should not be compared across teams.
Question # 3
What are two ways in which technical debt relates to velocity?
| A. Adding technical debt items to the Product Backlog to get estimated and added
to your velocity forecasts can guarantee predictability. | B. Developers can artificially increase velocity by incurring technical debt.
| C. They are not related, technical debt should be resolved by the support or
operations department, not by the Developers. | D. Velocity may unexpectedly drop when the Developers run into technical debt
while attempting to complete new Product Backlog items. |
B. Developers can artificially increase velocity by incurring technical debt.
D. Velocity may unexpectedly drop when the Developers run into technical debt
while attempting to complete new Product Backlog items.
B: Developers can artificially increase velocity by incurring technical debt. This is a true statement, as some Developers may choose to take shortcuts or compromise on quality in order to deliver more work in a Sprint. However, this is not a sustainable or ethical practice, as it will create more problems and costs in the future. The Scrum Master can help the Developers to avoid this temptation and focus on delivering value and quality instead.
D: Velocity may unexpectedly drop when the Developers run into technical debt while attempting to complete new Product Backlog items. This is a true statement, as technical debt can act as a drag on the productivity and progress of the Developers. Technical debt can make the work more difficult, complex, or risky, and may require more time and effort to fix or refactor. The Scrum Master can help the Developers to identify and manage technical debt, and communicate its impact to the Product Owner and the stakeholders.
Question # 4
In an environment where user acceptance testing is required before the Increment can be put into production, a development manager proposes to have user acceptance testing done every third Sprint, because the feedback from the user acceptance tests are disrupting work in Sprints. Is this a good idea? | A. It depends on what is stated in their Definition of Done. | B. No, the Increment will not be transparent and the feedback loop is too long. | C. Yes, the Scrum Team is a self-managing team. | D. Yes, the Scrum Team needs stability in the Sprint. |
B. No, the Increment will not be transparent and the feedback loop is too long.
User acceptance testing is a process of verifying that the product meets the user's needs and expectations. It is an important feedback mechanism that helps the Scrum Team validate their assumptions, inspect the value and quality of the Increment, and adapt their plans accordingly. Scrum requires that the Increment be transparent, meaning that it is observable and understandable by anyone with a stake in the outcome. Scrum also requires that the feedback loop be short, meaning that the Scrum Team can receive and respond to feedback quickly and frequently.
Therefore, it is not a good idea to have user acceptance testing done every third Sprint, because:
The Increment will not be transparent (B), meaning that the Scrum Team and the stakeholders will not have a clear and shared understanding of what has been done and what remains to be done. This may lead to misalignment, confusion, or conflict over the product vision, scope, and quality.
The feedback loop is too long (B), meaning that the Scrum Team will not be able to inspect and adapt based on the user's feedback in a timely manner. This may lead to wasted effort, missed opportunities, or reduced value delivery.
The other options are not correct because:
It does not depend on what is stated in their Definition of Done (A), which is a formal description of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality standards required for the product. The Definition of Done does not dictate how or when user acceptance testing should be done, but rather what criteria must be met for the Increment to be considered ''Done''.
The Scrum Team is a self-managing team , which means that they have the autonomy and authority to organize and manage their own work within the boundaries of Scrum. However, this does not mean that they can ignore or postpone user feedback, which is essential for delivering value and satisfying customer needs.
The Scrum Team needs stability in the Sprint (D), which means that they need to have a clear and consistent Sprint Goal, Sprint Backlog, and Definition of Done throughout the Sprint. However, this does not mean that they need to avoid or resist user feedback, which is a source of learning and improvement for the product and the process.
Question # 5
Where should the Daily Scrum be held according to the Scrum Guide? | A. Around the Scrum board. | B. In the coffee corner to confirm this is an informal gathering. | C. Wherever the Developers think is best. | D. In a room where management can listen in. | E. In the room that is reserved by the Scrum Master. |
C. Wherever the Developers think is best.
According to the Scrum Guide 2020, the Developers can choose the location and structure of their Daily Scrum, as long as it is consistent and conducive to inspection and adaptation. The Daily Scrum is an event for the Developers, not for the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, or the management. The Developers are responsible for planning their work for the next 24 hours and synchronizing their progress toward the Sprint Goal.
Question # 6
You are a Scrum Master employed by the IT department. The IT manager considers adopting Scrum tor a new project He wonders however, what the value is in having all team members attend this meeting called "Daily Scrum" every day. The organization already has its employees attending so many mandatory meetings. What are two outcomes of the Daily Scrum you inform him about, to express the importance of the Daily Scrum? (choose two answers) | A. During the Daily Scrum the Developers will bring up problems that are hindering their progress, and tor which they nave no means to resolve, this provides an opportunity to resolve those impediments. | B. The Daily Scrum serves tor the Developers to report to you, as a Scrum Master, all updates on the tasks to the Sprint, as registered in the Sprint Backlog. You can then use the team's updates to plan their work tor the next day, making sure that every team member is assigned the right tasks. | C. Through the snort, daily alignment of the Daily Scrum the Developers build and improve a shared understanding of the most important work to be undertaken in the next 24 hours, to achieve the best possible progress toward the Sprint Goal. This daily opportunity to inspect and adapt Will enable the Developers to tackle any unforeseen circumstances that might otherwise disrupt the team's progress. | D. During the Daily Scrum, the Developers need to update the Scrum board with their current status and progress, at a task level. This is crucial to ensure that the IT manager can go up to the room at any time and view the team's actual progress. | E. The Developers will produce a status report indicating what each individual has done the past working day, and now much time that has taken. The accumulated reports will support discussing how the Sprint went at the Sprint Review meeting. It will provide detailed insights into the accuracy of estimates versus actual time spent, which can be used to create better estimates at the subsequent Sprint Planning meeting. |
A. During the Daily Scrum the Developers will bring up problems that are hindering their progress, and tor which they nave no means to resolve, this provides an opportunity to resolve those impediments. C. Through the snort, daily alignment of the Daily Scrum the Developers build and improve a shared understanding of the most important work to be undertaken in the next 24 hours, to achieve the best possible progress toward the Sprint Goal. This daily opportunity to inspect and adapt Will enable the Developers to tackle any unforeseen circumstances that might otherwise disrupt the team's progress.
The Daily Scrum is a 15-minute event for the Developers of the Scrum Team to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary, adjusting the upcoming planned work. The Daily Scrum is not a status meeting, but a way for the Developers to collaborate and self-organize around the most important work for the next 24 hours. The Daily Scrum also provides an opportunity for the Developers to identify and communicate any impediments that are hindering their progress, and request help from the Scrum Master or other team members to resolve them.
What is a Daily Scrum?|
What Is the Daily Scrum?| A Guide to the Daily Event - Scrum Alliance
Question # 7
During Sprint Planning, Developers work with the Product Owner to create a forecast for the Sprint. A forecast is a selection of Product Backlog items that the Developers believe are possible to get done by the end of the Sprint. Select two things that explain what done means.
(choose the best two answers) | A. Having an Increment that could be released to end users. | B. All work for which enough expertise and skills are present in the Scrum Team. | C. All work performed meets the Definition of Done. | D. All work to create an Increment that is ready for testing. | E. All work to create an Increment that is ready for acceptance testing by the
Product Owner. |
A. Having an Increment that could be released to end users. C. All work performed meets the Definition of Done.
Done means that the Increment is in a usable condition and meets the Scrum Team’s Definition of Done. The Definition of Done is a formal description of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality measures required for the product. The Definition of Done creates transparency by providing everyone a shared understanding of what work was completed as part of the Increment. Having an Increment that could be released to end users means that it is potentially releasable, which is one of the goals of Scrum. All work performed meets the Definition of Done means that the Developers have ensured that every Product Backlog item selected for the Sprint conforms to the agreed quality standards.
References: -
The Scrum Guide, November 2020, p. 10-11
What is a Definition of Done?,, accessed on September 30, 2023
DONE Understanding Of The Definition Of "Done”,, December 16, 2019
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