Question # 1
How does an administrator secure container environments from newly emerged security threats?
| A. Use distributed network-related application control signatures.
| B. Use Amazon AWS-related application control signatures
| C. Use Amazon AWS_S3-related application control signatures
| D. Use Docker-related application control signatures
D. Use Docker-related application control signatures
Securing container environments from newly emerged security threats involves employing specific security mechanisms tailored to the technology and structure of containers. In this context, the use of Docker-related application control signatures (Option D) is critical for effectively managing and mitigating threats in containerized environments.
• Docker-Specific Threats:Docker containers, being a prevalent form of container technology, are targeted by various security threats, including those that exploit vulnerabilities specific to the Docker environment and runtime. Using Docker-related application control signatures means implementing security measures that are specifically designed to detect and respond to anomalies and threats that are unique to Docker containers.
• Application Control Signatures:These are sets of definitions that help identify and block potentially malicious activities within application traffic. By focusing on Docker-related signatures, administrators can ensure that the security tools are finely tuned to the operational specifics of Docker containers, thereby providing a robust defense against exploits that target container-specific vulnerabilities.
The recommendation to use Docker-related application control signatures is based on best practices for securing container environments, emphasizing the need for specialized security measures that address the unique challenges posed by container technologies.
Question # 2
You are using Red Hat Ansible to change the FortiGate VM configuration.
What is the minimum number of files you must create and which file must you use to configure the target FortiGate IP address? | A. Create three files and use the .yaml file. | B. Create two files and use the hosts file. | C. Create two files and use the .yaml file. | D. Create one file and use the variable file. |
C. Create two files and use the .yaml file.
Question # 3
How does the immutable infrastructure strategy work in automation?
| A. It runs a single live environment for configuration changes.
| B. It runs one idle and a single live environment for configuration changes.
| C. It runs two live environments for configuration changes.
| D. It runs one idle and two live environments for configuration changes.
C. It runs two live environments for configuration changes.
Question # 4
Refer to the exhibit.
What could be the reason that the administrator cannot access the EC2 instance? | A. You must elevate the permissions to access the EC2 instance
| B. You must run the chmod 400 Staging-key.peracommand before accessing the instance.
| C. There is no . pem key created on in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
| D. The directory location of the . pem file is incorrect. |
D. The directory location of the . pem file is incorrect.
The reason the administrator cannot access the EC2 instance could be:
D.The directory location of the .pem file is incorrect.
SSH Key Location: When initiating an SSH connection to an AWS EC2 instance,
you must specify the private key file (.pem file) location that corresponds to the
public key used when the instance was launched. The error "Warning: Identity file
Staging-key.pem not accessible: No such file or directory" indicates that the SSH
client cannot find the .pem file at the specified location.
Correct File Path: The administrator needs to ensure that the path to theStagingkey.
pemfile is correctly specified when running the SSH command. If the file is not
in the current directory from which the command is executed, the full or relative
path to the file must be provided.
References: This behavior is in line with standard SSH connection practices and AWS
guidelines for accessing EC2 instances. It is a common issue that occurs when the private
key file is not located in the directory from which the SSH command is being executed or
the path provided is incorrect.
Question # 5
Refer to the exhibit. | A. Use the Name and ID values of the key pair
| B. Use the Name of the key pair
| C. Use the ID value of the key pair.
| D. Use the Fingerprint value of the key pair |
B. Use the Name of the key pair
For deploying a FortiGate VM using Terraform in AWS, the administrator must use:
B.Use the Name of the key pair.
Terraform and AWS SSH Keys: When deploying instances in AWS using
Terraform, it is required to specify the name of the SSH key pair to enable keybased
authentication to the instance post-deployment.
Configuration Syntax: The variablekeynamewithin the Terraform configuration
should match the exact name of the SSH key pair as it is stored in AWS. This
ensures that Terraform can reference the correct key during the deployment
process to set up SSH access to the FortiGate VM.
Terraform Variables: Thevariable "keyname"block in the Terraform configuration
will look for the key pair name as it should be declared in theterraform.tfvarsfile or
passed as a variable during execution. This does not require the key pair's ID or
fingerprint, just its name.
Question # 6
You are adding more spoke VPCs to an existing hub and spoke topology Your goal is to
finish this task in the minimum amount of time without making errors.
Which Amazon AWS services must you subscribe to accomplish your goal? | A. GuardDuty, CloudWatch | B. WAF, DynamoDB | C. Inspector, S3 | D. CloudWatch, S3 |
D. CloudWatch, S3
Explanation: The correct answer is D. CloudWatch and S3.
According to the GitHub repository for the Fortinet aws-lambda-tgw script1, this function
requires the following AWS services:
CloudWatch: A monitoring and observability service that collects and processes
events from various AWS resources, including Transit Gateway attachments and
route tables.
S3: A scalable object storage service that can store the configuration files and logs
generated by the Lambda function.
By using the Fortinet aws-lambda-tgw script, you can automate the creation and
help you save time and avoid errors when adding more spoke VPCs to an existing hub and
spoke topology1.
The other AWS services mentioned in the options are not required for this task. GuardDuty
is a threat detection service that monitors for malicious and unauthorized behavior to help
protect AWS accounts and workloads. WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect
web applications from common web exploits. Inspector is a security assessment service
that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS.
DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service that can store various types of
Question # 7
Your goal is to deploy resources in multiple places and regions in the public cloud using Terraform.
What is the most efficient way to deploy resources without changing much of the Terraform code? | A. Use multiple terraform.tfvars files With a file.
| B. Use the provider. tf file to add all the new values
| C. Install and configure two Terraform staging servers to deploy resources.
| D. Use the variable, tf file and edit its values to match multiple resources
A. Use multiple terraform.tfvars files With a file.
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