Question # 1
A network administrator needs to change where the outside DNS records are hosted. Which of the following records should the administrator change the registrar to accomplish this task? | A. NS | B. SOA | C. PTR | D. CNAME |
To change where the outside DNS records are hosted, the network administrator needs to update the NS (Name Server) records at the domain registrar. NS records specify the authoritative name servers for a domain, directing where DNS queries should be sent.
NS (Name Server) Records: These records indicate the servers that are authoritative for a domain. Changing the NS records at the registrar points DNS resolution to the new hosting provider.
SOA (Start of Authority): Contains administrative information about the domain, including the primary name server.
PTR (Pointer) Records: Used for reverse DNS lookups, mapping IP addresses to domain names.
CNAME (Canonical Name) Records: Used to alias one domain name to another, not relevant for changing DNS hosting.
Network References:
CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Official Certification Guide: Discusses DNS records, their purposes, and how to manage them.
Cisco Networking Academy: Provides training on DNS management and the role of different DNS record types.
Network+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide: Explains DNS records and their configuration for domain management.
Question # 2
A network administrator is implementing security zones for each department. Which of the following should the administrator use to accomplish this task? | A. ACLs | B. Port security | C. Content filtering | D. NAC |
Understanding ACLs:
Access Control Lists (ACLs): A set of rules used to control network traffic and restrict access to network resources by filtering packets based on IP addresses, protocols, or ports.
Implementing Security Zones:
Defining Zones: ACLs can be used to create security zones by applying specific rules to different departments, ensuring that only authorized traffic is allowed between these zones.
Control Traffic: ACLs control inbound and outbound traffic at network boundaries, enforcing security policies and preventing unauthorized access.
Comparison with Other Options:
Port Security: Limits the number of devices that can connect to a switch port, preventing MAC address flooding attacks, but not used for defining security zones.
Content Filtering: Blocks or allows access to specific content based on predefined policies, typically used for web filtering rather than network segmentation.
NAC (Network Access Control): Controls access to the network based on the security posture of devices but does not define security zones.
Implementation Steps:
Define ACL rules based on the requirements of each department.
Apply these rules to the appropriate network interfaces or firewall policies to segment the network into security zones.
CompTIA Network+ study materials on network security and access control methods.
Question # 3
Which of the following is used to describe the average duration of an outage for a specific service? | A. RPO | B. MTTR | C. RTO | D. MTBF |
Explanation: MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) is the average time it takes to repair a system or service after a failure. It helps in measuring the downtime and planning recovery processes.
Question # 4
Which of the following are the best device-hardening techniques for network security? (Select two). | A. Disabling unused ports | B. Performing regular scanning of unauthorized devices | C. Monitoring system logs for irregularities | D. Enabling logical security such as SSO | E. Changing default passwords |
A. Disabling unused ports E. Changing default passwords
Disabling unused ports prevents unauthorized access and reduces the attack surface by ensuring that no inactive or unmonitored entry points are available for exploitation. Changing default passwords is critical for security because default credentials are widely known and can easily be exploited by attackers. These techniques are fundamental steps in hardening devices against unauthorized access and ensuring network security. References: CompTIA Network+ Exam Objectives and official study guides.
Question # 5
A network engineer configures a new switch and connects it to an existing switch for expansion and redundancy. Users immediately lose connectivity to the network. The network engineer notes the following spanning tree information from both switches:
Switch 1
Port State Cost
1 Forward 2
2 Forward 2
Switch 2
Port State Cost
1 Forward 2
2 Forward 2
Which of the following best describes the issue?
| A. The port cost should not be equal. | B. The ports should use link aggregation. | C. A root bridge needs to be identified. | D. The switch should be configured for RSTP. |
C. A root bridge needs to be identified.
Explanation: The issue is that no root bridge has been identified. In STP, a root bridge is necessary to manage redundant paths and avoid loops in the network. Without a root bridge, all switches will assume they can forward traffic, causing a network loop and connectivity problems.
Question # 6
A network technician is examining the configuration on an access port and notices more than one VLAN has been set. Which of the following best describes how the port is configured? | A. With a voice VLAN | B. With too many VLANs | C. With a default VLAN | D. With a native VLAN |
A. With a voice VLAN
Explanation: Explanation: It is common for an access port to have both a voice VLAN and a data VLAN. A voice VLAN separates voice traffic from regular data traffic, ensuring better quality and security for voice communications.
Question # 7
A user connects to a corporate VPN via a web browser and is able to use TLS to access the internal financial system to input a time card. Which of the following best describes how the VPN is being used?
| A. Clientless
| B. Client-to-site
| C. Full tunnel
| D. Site-to-site
A. Clientless
[Reference: CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam Objectives - Remote Access Methods section., ]
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