Question # 1
A customer requires Aruba switches that support Smart Rate ports to connect to Aruba APs Which switching product should the customer purchase that will provide 24 Smart Rate ports per access layer switch'?
| A. OfficeConnect 1950
| B. Aruba 2930F
| C. Aruba 2930M
| D. Aruba 2540 |
Question # 2
Which feature does the Aruba AP 555 support? (Select two.)
| A. 802.11ac and lower standards only
| B. desk wall plate mounted
| C. three radios
| D. weather proof and temperature hardened
| E. high density indoor locations |
A. 802.11ac and lower standards only
E. high density indoor locations
Question # 3
A customer placed an order for an ArubaOS 5406R switch and plans to rack mount it in a wiring closet. The dimensions of the switch are 17.5 inches wide (44.45 cm), 6.9 inches high (17.5 cm), and 17.75 inches deep (45.1 cm). How many rack units should a customer plan for this switch?
| A. 5
| B. 4
| C. 6
| D. 3 |
Question # 4
A network architect is redesigning a wireless network. The architect begins by analyzing the number of spatial streams supported by APs of various vendors as well as the wireless devices currently in the network, if the company wants to ensure that new wireless design, including user wireless devices, support Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO). which standard or standards must the wireless products support?
| A. Only 802.11ax and
| B. Only 802.11ax
| C. Only 802.11ax,802.1lac, and 802.l1n
| D. Only 802.11ax,802.11ac, 802.11n, and 802.11a |
C. Only 802.11ax,802.1lac, and 802.l1n
Question # 5
A network architect is given the task to design a new network solution for NewStellar Company, Inc. NewSteiiar has a main corporate campus in a business park with two adjacent buildings. The network architect has given one floor to analyze, Building 1 Floor 2, shown in the attached exhibit
 Each building has three floors and each floor is 322 x 175 feet (98 x 53 meters) for 56,350 square feet (5,235 square meters) total, which results in a total of 338,100 feet (31,410 square meters) for the entire building space. Each floor has a central main corridor with washrooms, stairs, elevators and supply and network cabinets. There are cubicles around the perimeter of the floor. The central part main corridor's dimensions contain 9,350 square feet {870 square meters). Because of security concerns, video cameras will be installed throughout the facility. There are 16 of these per floor, 8 per wiring closet. The cameras are non-WiFi capable and require POE 802.3af-capable switch ports from which to draw power. A wireless capacity design is required. Assuming that wireless coverage is required across the Building 1, Floor 2, including the central area, and that half the required APs will connect to each wiring closet, approximately how many POE+ ports will be required per wiring closet for all devices that have POE or POE+ needs? | A. 30
| B. 22 | C. 42
| D. 8 |
Question # 6
A company has hired a network architect to replace an existing legacy wireless and wired network The building is one-story and contains four wiring closets Based on the information the network architect gathered from the company, one 48-port POE+ switch and three 48-port non-POE+ switches will be placed in each wiring closet. One stacking domain should be created for each wiring closet that supports 40 Gbps uplinks. Which stacking solution should the architect implement for the floor that meets the requirements and is the most cost-effective'?
| A. VSX
| B. VSF
| C. Backplane stacking
| D. Distributed trunking |
Question # 7
A company needs to replace an existing legacy wireless and wired solution with one that supports features like 802 11 ax for APs and logical switching for switches. The company is located on a single floor with two wiring closets. Assume that there will be 10 APs connected via POE+ to each wiring closet, along with 36 wired user connections All switches on a floor should be configured in a single stack. The distance between wiring closets is 100 feet (31 meters). Which switching solution will minimally provide 10 Gbps uplinks at the most cost-effective price, while still meeting the company's requirements?
| A. 2930M switches
| B. 2930F switches
| C. 5406R switches
| D. 3810M switches |
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