Question # 1
An organization is developing a feature repository and is electing to one-hot encode all categorical feature variables. A data scientist suggests that the categorical feature variables should not be one-hot encoded within the feature repository.
Which of the following explanations justifies this suggestion? | A. One-hot encoding is not supported by most machine learning libraries.
| B. One-hot encoding is dependent on the target variable’s values which differ for each application.
| C. One-hot encoding is computationally intensive and should only be performed on small samples of training sets for individual machine learning problems.
| D. One-hot encoding is not a common strategy for representing categorical feature variables numerically.
| E. One-hot encoding is a potentially problematic categorical variable strategy for some machine learning algorithms. |
E. One-hot encoding is a potentially problematic categorical variable strategy for some machine learning algorithms.
Question # 2
What is the name of the method that transforms categorical features into a series of binary indicator feature variables?
| A. Leave-one-out encoding | B. Target encoding | C. One-hot encoding | D. Categorical embeddings | E. String indexing |
C. One-hot encoding
Question # 3
Which of the Spark operations can be used to randomly split a Spark DataFrame into a training DataFrame and a test DataFrame for downstream use?
| A. TrainValidationSplit
| B. DataFrame.where
| C. CrossValidator
| D. TrainValidationSplitModel
| E. DataFrame.randomSplit |
E. DataFrame.randomSplit
Question # 4
A data scientist has replaced missing values in their feature set with each respective feature variable’s median value. A colleague suggests that the data scientist is throwing away valuable information by doing this.
Which of the following approaches can they take to include as much information as possible in the feature set? | A. Impute the missing values using each respective feature variable’s mean value instead of the median value
| B. Refrain from imputing the missing values in favor of letting the machine learning algorithm determine how to handle them | C. Remove all feature variables that originally contained missing values from the feature set | D. Create a binary feature variable for each feature that contained missing values indicating whether each row’s value has been imputed | E. Create a constant feature variable for each feature that contained missing values indicating the percentage of rows from the feature that was originally missing |
D. Create a binary feature variable for each feature that contained missing values indicating whether each row’s value has been imputed
Question # 5
A machine learning engineer has created a Feature Table new_table using Feature Store Client fs. When creating the table, they specified a metadata description with key information about the Feature Table. They now want to retrieve that metadata programmatically.
Which of the following lines of code will return the metadata description? | A. There is no way to return the metadata description programmatically. | B. fs.create_training_set("new_table") | C. fs.get_table("new_table").description | D. fs.get_table("new_table").load_df() | E. fs.get_table("new_table") |
C. fs.get_table("new_table").description
To retrieve the metadata description of a feature table created using the Feature Store Client (referred here asfs), the correct method involves callingget_tableon thefsclient with the table name as an argument, followed by accessing thedescriptionattribute of the returned object. The code snippetfs.get_table("new_table").descriptioncorrectly achieves this by fetching the table object for "new_table" and then accessing its description attribute, where the metadata is stored. The other options do not correctly focus on retrieving the metadata description.
Databricks Feature Store documentation (Accessing Feature Table Metadata).
Question # 6
A new data scientist has started working on an existing machine learning project. The project is a scheduled Job that retrains every day. The project currently exists in a Repo in Databricks. The data scientist has been tasked with improving the feature engineering of the pipeline’s preprocessing stage. The data scientist wants to make necessary updates to the code that can be easily adopted into the project without changing what is being run each day.
Which approach should the data scientist take to complete this task? | A. They can create a new branch in Databricks, commit their changes, and push those changes to the Git provider. | B. They can clone the notebooks in the repository into a Databricks Workspace folder and make the necessary changes. | C. They can create a new Git repository, import it into Databricks, and copy and paste the existing code from the original repository before making changes. | D. They can clone the notebooks in the repository into a new Databricks Repo and make the necessary changes. |
A. They can create a new branch in Databricks, commit their changes, and push those changes to the Git provider.
The best approach for the data scientist to take in this scenario is to create a new branch in Databricks, commit their changes, and push those changes to the Git provider. This approach allows the data scientist to make updates and improvements to the feature engineering part of the preprocessing pipeline without affecting the main codebase that runs daily. By creating a new branch, they can work on their changes in isolation. Once the changes are ready and tested, they can be merged back into the main branch through a pull request, ensuring a smooth integration process and allowing for code review and collaboration with other team members.
Databricks documentation on Git integration: Databricks Repos
Question # 7
A data scientist uses 3-fold cross-validation when optimizing model hyperparameters for a regression problem. The following root-mean-squared-error values are calculated on each of the validation folds:
Which of the following values represents the overall cross-validation root-mean-squared error? | A. 13.0 | B. 17.0 | C. 12.0 | D. 39.0 | E. 10.0 |
A. 13.0
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