Question # 1
Which of the ing is the correct ion for a tab-delimited spre file?
| A. tap | B. tar | C. sv | D. az |
C. sv
A tab-delimited spreadsheet file is a type of flat text file that uses tabs as delimiters to separate data values in a table. The file extension for a tab-delimited spreadsheet file is usually .tsv, which stands for tab-separated values. Therefore, the correct answer is C.
Question # 2
Which of the following is an example of a discrete data type?
| A. 8in (20cm)
| B. 5 kids
| C. 2.5mi (4km)
| D. 10.7lbs (4.9kg)
B. 5 kids
A discrete data type is a data type that can only take on a finite number of values, such as integers or categories. An example of a discrete data type is the number of kids, as it can only be a whole number. The other options are examples of continuous data types, as they can take on any value within a range. The length in inches or centimeters, the distance in miles or kilometers, and the weight in pounds or kilograms are all continuous data types.
Question # 3
Which one of the following values will appear first if they are sorted in descending order?
| A. Aaron | B. Molly | C. Xavier | D. Adam |
C. Xavier
The value that will appear first if they are sorted in descending order is Xavier. Descending order means arranging values from the largest to the smallest, or from the last to the first in alphabetical order. In this case, Xavier is the last name in alphabetical order, so it will appear first when sorted in descending order. The other names will appear in the following order: Molly, Adam, Aaron.
Question # 4
Analytics reports should follow corporate style guidelines.
| A. True | B. False |
A. True
Question # 5
A military commander would like to see the health scorecards of the troops daily and filter them based on gender and rank. Considering this data is PHI, which of the following would be the best way for the commander to view the information? | A. An emailed report
| B. A password-protected dashboard
| C. A daily printout of a report
| D. A cloud-hosted spreadsheet
B. A password-protected dashboard
A password-protected dashboard is a type of web-based application that can display the health scorecards of the troops in a secure and interactive way. A password-protected dashboard can provide the following benefits for the commander:
It can protect the PHI data from unauthorized access or disclosure by requiring a valid username and password to log in. This can ensure that only the commander and other authorized personnel can view the information12
It can allow the commander to filter the data based on gender and rank by using drop-down menus, sliders, checkboxes, or other controls. This can enable the commander to customize the view and focus on the relevant data13
It can update the data daily by connecting to a data source that refreshes automatically or on demand. This can ensure that the commander always sees the latest and most accurate information14
It can present the data in a visual and intuitive way by using charts, graphs, tables, or other elements. This can help the commander to understand and analyze the data more easily and effectively1
Question # 6
You are working with a dataset and need to swap the values in rows with those in columns.
What action do you need to perform? | A. Recording | B. Filtering | C. Aggregation | D. Transposition |
D. Transposition
Transpose creates a new data file in which the rows and columns in the original data file are transposed so that cases (rows) become variables and variables (columns) become cases. Transpose automatically creates new variable names and displays a list of the new variable names.
Transposing data is useful for data analysis. At times, we have to pull data from various files with different formats for analysis and preparing reports. In such circumstances, we may have to transpose some data from one file to the other. In excel, we can transpose data in multiple ways.
Question # 7
A data analyst has been asked to create an ad-hoc sales report for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Which of the following should be included in the report? | A. The sales representatives' home addresses.
| B. Line-item SKU numbers.
| C. YTD total sales.
| D. The customers' first and last names.
C. YTD total sales.
The report for the CEO should include YTD total sales, as this will provide a high-level overview of the sales performance of the company and show how it is meeting its annual goals. The other options are not appropriate for the CEO, as they are either too detailed or irrelevant for the report. The sales representatives’ home addresses, line-item SKU numbers, and customers’ first and last names are not related to the sales performance and might compromise the privacy and security of the data.
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