Question # 1
what firewall evasion scanning technique make use of a zombie system that has low network activity as well as its fragment identification numbers? | A. Decoy scanning | B. Packet fragmentation scanning | C. Spoof source address scanning | D. Idle scanning |
Explanation: The idle scan could be a communications protocol port scan technique that consists of causing spoofed packets to a pc to seek out out what services square measure obtainable. this can be accomplished by impersonating another pc whose network traffic is extremely slow or nonexistent (that is, not transmission or receiving information). this might be associate idle pc, known as a “zombie”. This action are often done through common code network utilities like nmap and hping. The attack involves causing solid packets to a particular machine target in an attempt to seek out distinct characteristics of another zombie machine. The attack is refined as a result of there’s no interaction between the offender pc and also the target: the offender interacts solely with the “zombie” pc. This exploit functions with 2 functions, as a port scanner and a clerk of sure informatics relationships between machines. The target system interacts with the “zombie” pc and distinction in behavior are often discovered mistreatment totally different|completely different “zombies” with proof of various privileges granted by the target to different computers. The overall intention behind the idle scan is to “check the port standing whereas remaining utterly invisible to the targeted host.” The first step in execution associate idle scan is to seek out associate applicable zombie. It must assign informatics ID packets incrementally on a worldwide (rather than per-host it communicates with) basis. It ought to be idle (hence the scan name), as extraneous traffic can raise its informatics ID sequence, confusing the scan logic. The lower the latency between the offender and also the zombie, and between the zombie and also the target, the quicker the scan can proceed. Note that once a port is open, IPIDs increment by a pair of. Following is that the sequence: offender to focus on -> SYN, target to zombie ->SYN/ACK, Zombie to focus on -> RST (IPID increment by 1) currently offender tries to probe zombie for result. offender to Zombie ->SYN/ACK, Zombie to offender -> RST (IPID increment by 1) So, during this method IPID increments by a pair of finally. When associate idle scan is tried, tools (for example nmap) tests the projected zombie and reports any issues with it. If one does not work, attempt another. Enough net hosts square measure vulnerable that zombie candidates are not exhausting to seek out. a standard approach is to easily execute a ping sweep of some network. selecting a network close to your supply address, or close to the target, produces higher results. you’ll be able to attempt associate idle scan mistreatment every obtainable host from the ping sweep results till you discover one that works. As usual, it’s best to raise permission before mistreatment someone’s machines for surprising functions like idle scanning. Simple network devices typically create nice zombies as a result of {they square measure|they’re} normally each underused (idle) and designed with straightforward network stacks that are susceptible to informatics ID traffic detection. While distinguishing an acceptable zombie takes some initial work, you’ll be able to keep re-using the nice ones. as an alternative, there are some analysis on utilizing unplanned public internet services as zombie hosts to perform similar idle scans. leverage the approach a number of these services perform departing connections upon user submissions will function some quite poor’s man idle scanning.
Question # 2
As a cybersecurity consultant for SafePath Corp, you have been tasked with implementing a system for secure email communication. The key requirement is to ensure both confidentiality and non-repudiation. While considering various encryption methods, you are inclined towards using a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
However, you are unsure which cryptographic technique would best serve the purpose. Which of the following options would you choose to meet these requirements?
| A. Use symmetric
encryption with the AES algorithm. | B. Use the Diffie-Hellman protocol
for key exchange
and encryption. | C. Apply asymmetric encryption with RSA and
use the public key for encryption. | D. Apply asymmetric encryption with RSA and
use the private key for signing. |
D. Apply asymmetric encryption with RSA and
use the private key for signing.
Explanation: To ensure both confidentiality and non-repudiation for secure email communication, you need to use a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Symmetric encryption is a method of encrypting and decrypting data using the same secret key, which is faster and more efficient than asymmetric encryption.
Asymmetric encryption is a method of encrypting and decrypting data using a pair of keys: a public key and a private key, which are mathematically related but not identical.
Asymmetric encryption can provide authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation, as well as key distribution.
The cryptographic technique that would best serve the purpose is to apply asymmetric encryption with RSA and use the private key for signing. RSA is a widely used algorithm for asymmetric encryption, which is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. RSA can be used to encrypt data, as well as to generate digital signatures, which are a way of proving the identity and authenticity of the sender and the integrity of the message.
The steps to implement this technique are as follows1:
Generate a pair of keys for each user: a public key and a private key. The public key can be shared with anyone, while the private key must be kept secret and protected by the user.
When a user wants to send an email to another user, they first encrypt the email content with a symmetric key, such as AES, which is a strong and efficient algorithm for symmetric encryption. The symmetric key is then encrypted with the recipient’s public key, using RSA. The encrypted email and the encrypted symmetric key are then sent to the recipient.
The sender also generates a digital signature for the email, using their private key and a hash function, such as SHA-256, which is a secure and widely used algorithm for generating hashes. A hash function is a mathematical function that takes any input and produces a fixed-length output, called a hash or a digest, that uniquely represents the input. A digital signature is a hash of the email that is encrypted with the sender’s private key, using RSA. The digital signature is then attached to the email and sent to the recipient.
When the recipient receives the email, they first decrypt the symmetric key with their private key, using RSA. They then use the symmetric key to decrypt the email content, using AES. They also verify the digital signature by decrypting it with the sender’s public key, using RSA, and comparing the resulting hash with the hash of the email, using the same hash function. If the hashes match, it means that the email is authentic and has not been tampered with.
Using this technique, the email communication is secure because:
The confidentiality of the email content is ensured by the symmetric encryption with AES, which is hard to break without knowing the symmetric key. The symmetric key is also protected by the asymmetric encryption with RSA, which is hard to break without knowing the recipient’s private key. The non-repudiation of the email is ensured by the digital signature with RSA, which is hard to forge without knowing the sender’s private key. The digital signature also provides authentication and integrity of the email, as it proves that the email was sent by the sender and has not been altered in transit.
References: How to Encrypt Email (Gmail, Outlook, iOS, Yahoo, Android, AOL)
Question # 3
Nicolas just found a vulnerability on a public-facing system that is considered a zero-day vulnerability. He sent an email to the owner of the public system describing the problem and how the owner can protect themselves from that vulnerability. He also sent an email to Microsoft informing them of the problem that their systems are exposed to. What type of hacker is Nicolas? | A. Red hat | B. white hat | C. Black hat | D. Gray hat |
Explanation: A white hat (or a white hat hacker) is an ethical computer hacker, or a computer security expert, who focuses on penetration testing and in other testing methodologies that ensures the safety of an organization’s information systems. Ethical hacking may be a term meant to imply a broader category than simply penetration testing. Contrasted with black hat, a malicious hacker, the name comes from Western films, where heroic and antagonistic cowboys might traditionally wear a white and a black hat respectively. While a white hat hacker hacks under good intentions with permission, and a black hat hacker, most frequently unauthorized, has malicious intent, there’s a 3rd kind referred to as a gray hat hacker who hacks with good intentions but sometimes without permission.White hat hackers can also add teams called “sneakers and/or hacker clubs”,red teams, or tiger teams.While penetration testing concentrates on attacking software and computer systems from the beginning – scanning ports, examining known defects in protocols and applications running on the system and patch installations, as an example – ethical hacking may include other things. A full-blown ethical hack might include emailing staff to invite password details, searching through executive’s dustbins and typically breaking and entering, without the knowledge and consent of the targets. Only the owners, CEOs and Board Members (stake holders) who asked for such a censoring of this magnitude are aware. to undertake to duplicate a number of the destructive techniques a true attack might employ, ethical hackers may arrange for cloned test systems, or organize a hack late in the dark while systems are less critical. In most up-to-date cases these hacks perpetuate for the long-term con (days, if not weeks, of long-term human infiltration into an organization). Some examples include leaving USB/flash key drives with hidden auto-start software during a public area as if someone lost the tiny drive and an unsuspecting employee found it and took it.Some other methods of completing these include:• DoS attacks• Social engineering tactics• Reverse engineering• Network security• Disk and memory forensics• Vulnerability research• Security scanners such as:– W3af– Nessus– Burp suite• Frameworks such as:– Metasploit• Training PlatformsThese methods identify and exploit known security vulnerabilities and plan to evade security to realize entry into secured areas. they’re ready to do that by hiding software and system ‘back-doors’ which will be used as a link to information or access that a non-ethical hacker, also referred to as ‘black-hat’ or ‘grey-hat’, might want to succeed in
Question # 4
Samuel a security administrator, is assessing the configuration of a web server. He noticed that the server permits SSlv2 connections, and the same private key certificate is used on a different server that allows SSLv2 connections. This vulnerability makes the web server vulnerable to attacks as the SSLv2 server can leak key information. Which of the following attacks can be performed by exploiting the above vulnerability? | A. DROWN attack | B. Padding oracle attack | C. Side-channel attack | D. DUHK attack |
Question # 5
Attacker Rony Installed a rogue access point within an organization's perimeter and attempted to Intrude into its internal network. Johnson, a security auditor, identified some unusual traffic in the internal network that is aimed at cracking the authentication mechanism. He immediately turned off the targeted network and tested for any weak and outdated security mechanisms that are open to attack. What is the type of vulnerability assessment performed by Johnson in the above scenario? | A. Distributed assessment | B. Wireless network assessment | C. Most-based assessment | D. Application assessment |
B. Wireless network assessment
Explanation: Expanding your network capabilities are often done well using wireless networks, but it also can be a source of harm to your data system . Deficiencies in its implementations or configurations can allow tip to be accessed in an unauthorized manner.This makes it imperative to closely monitor your wireless network while also conducting periodic Wireless Network assessment.It identifies flaws and provides an unadulterated view of exactly how vulnerable your systems are to malicious and unauthorized accesses.Identifying misconfigurations and inconsistencies in wireless implementations and rogue access points can improve your security posture and achieve compliance with regulatory frameworks
Question # 6
Abel, a cloud architect, uses container technology to deploy applications/software including all its dependencies, such as libraries and configuration files, binaries, and other resources that run independently from other processes in the cloud environment. For the containerization of applications, he follows the five-tier container technology architecture. Currently. Abel is verifying and validating image contents, signing images, and sending them to the registries. Which of the following tiers of the container technology architecture Is Abel currently working in? | A. Tier-1: Developer machines | B. Tier-4: Orchestrators | C. Tier-3: Registries | D. Tier-2: Testing and accreditation systems |
D. Tier-2: Testing and accreditation systems
Explanation: The official management decision given by a senior agency official to authorize operation of an information system and to explicitly accept the risk to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, or individuals, based on the implementation of an agreed-upon set of security controls. formal declaration by a designated accrediting authority (DAA) or principal accrediting authority (PAA) that an information system is approved to operate at an acceptable level of risk, based on the implementation of an approved set of technical, managerial, and procedural safeguards. See authorization to operate (ATO). Rationale: The Risk Management Framework uses a new term to refer to this concept, and it is called authorization. Identifies the information resources covered by an accreditation decision, as distinguished from separately accredited information resources that are interconnected or with which information is exchanged via messaging. Synonymous with Security Perimeter. For the purposes of identifying the Protection Level for confidentiality of a system to be accredited, the system has a conceptual boundary that extends to all intended users of the system, both directly and indirectly connected, who receive output from the system. See authorization boundary. Rationale: The Risk Management Framework uses a new term to refer to the concept of accreditation, and it is called authorization. Extrapolating, the accreditation boundary would then be referred to as the authorization boundary.
Question # 7
_________ is a tool that can hide processes from the process list, can hide files, registry entries, and intercept keystrokes. | A. Trojan | B. RootKit | C. DoS tool | D. Scanner | E. Backdoor |
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