Question # 1
Ewan McGregor works as a cloud security engineer in a multinational company that develops software and applications for eCommerce companies. Owing to the robust services provided by AWS for developing applications and software, his organization migrated to the AWS cloud in 2010. To test whether it is possible to escalate privileges to obtain AWS administrator account access, Ewan attempt to update the login profile with regular user accounts. Which of the following commands should Ewan try to update an existing login profile?
| A. aws iam update-login-profile -- user-name < password > -- password < username >
| B. aws iam update-login-profile -- user-name < username > -- password < password >
| C. aws iam update-login-profile -- user-name < password > -- password < username >
| D. aws iam update-login-profile -- password < password > -- user-name < username >
B. aws iam update-login-profile -- user-name < username > -- password < password >
To update an existing login profile for an IAM user, the correct AWS CLI command syntax is as follows:
aws iam update-login-profile --user-name --password
Here’s the breakdown of the command:
aws iam update-login-profile: This is the AWS CLI command to update the IAM user’s login profile.
–user-name : The --user-name flag specifies the IAM username whose login profile Ewan wants to update.
–password : The --password flag followed by sets the new password for the specified IAM user.
It’s important to replace with the actual username and with the new password Ewan wishes to set.
AWS CLI documentation on the update-login-profile command1.
Question # 2
Simon recently joined a multinational company as a cloud security engineer. Due to robust security services and products provided by AWS, his organization has been using AWS cloud-based services. Simon has launched an Amazon EC2 Linux instance to deploy an application. He would like to secure Linux AMI. Which of the following command should Simon run in the EC2 instance to disable user account passwords?
| A. passwd -D < USERNAME >
| B. passwd -I < USERNAME >
| C. passwd -d < USERNAME >
| D. passwd -L < USERNAME >
D. passwd -L < USERNAME >
To disable user account passwords on an Amazon EC2 Linux instance, Simon should use the command passwd -L . Here's the detailed explanation:
passwd Command: The passwd command is used to update a user's authentication tokens (passwords).
-L Option: The -L option is used to lock the password of the specified user account, effectively disabling the password without deleting the user account itself.
Security Measure: Disabling passwords ensures that the user cannot authenticate using a password, thereby enhancing the security of the instance.
AWS Documentation: Securing Access to Amazon EC2 Instances
Linux man-pages: passwd(1)
Question # 3
Curtis Morgan works as a cloud security engineer in an MN
C. His organization uses Microsoft Azure for office-site backup of large files, disaster recovery, and business-critical applications that receive significant traffic, etc.
Which of the following allows Curtis to establish a fast and secure private connection between multiple on-premises or shared infrastructures with Azure virtual private network? | A. Site-to-Site VPN
| B. Express Route
| C. Azure Front Door
| D. Point-to-Site VPN
B. Express Route
Question # 4
Trevor Noah works as a cloud security engineer in an IT company located in Seattle, Washington. Trevor has implemented a disaster recovery approach that runs a scaled-down version of a fully functional environment in the cloud. This method is most suitable for his organization's core business-critical functions and solutions that require the RTO and RPO to be within minutes. Based on the given information, which of the following disaster recovery approach is implemented by Trevor?
| A. Backup and Restore
| B. Multi-Cloud Option
| C. Pilot Light approach
| D. Warm Standby
D. Warm Standby
The Warm Standby approach in disaster recovery involves running a scaled-down version of a fully functional environment in the cloud. This method is activated quickly in case of a disaster, ensuring that the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are within minutes.
Scaled-Down Environment: A smaller version of the production environment is always running in the cloud. This includes a minimal number of resources required to keep the application operational12.
Quick Activation: In the event of a disaster, the warm standby environment can be quickly scaled up to handle the full production load12.
RTO and RPO: The warm standby approach is designed to achieve an RTO and RPO within minutes, which is essential for business-critical functions12.
Business Continuity: This approach ensures that core business functions continue to operate with minimal disruption during and after a disaster12.
Warm Standby is a disaster recovery strategy that provides a balance between cost and downtime. It is less expensive than a fully replicated environment but offers a faster recovery time than cold or pilot light approaches12. This makes it suitable for organizations that need to ensure high availability and quick recovery for their critical systems.
Question # 5
IntSecureSoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that develops software and applications for various educational institutions. The organization has been using Google cloud services for the past 10 years. Tara Reid works as a cloud security engineer in IntSecureSoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. She would like to identify various misconfigurations and vulnerabilities such as open storage buckets, instances that have not implemented SSL, and resources without an enabled Web UI. Which of the following is a native scanner in the Security Command Center that assesses the overall security state and activity of virtual machines, containers, network, and storage along with the identity and access management policies?
| A. Log Analytics Workspace
| B. Google Front End
| C. Security Health Analytics
| D. Synapse Analytics
C. Security Health Analytics
Question # 6
Georgia Lyman works as a cloud security engineer in a multinational company. Her organization uses cloud-based services. Its virtualized networks and associated virtualized resources encountered certain capacity limitations that affected the data transfer performance and virtual server communication. How can Georgia eliminate the data transfer capacity thresholds imposed on a virtual server by its virtualized environment? | A. By allowing the virtual appliance to bypass the hypervisor and access the I/O card of the physical server directly
| B. By restricting the virtual appliance to bypass the hypervisor and access the I/O card of the physical server directly | C. By restricting the virtual server to bypass the hypervisor and access the I/O card of the physical server directly
| D. By allowing the virtual server to bypass the hypervisor and access the I/O card of the physical server directly
D. By allowing the virtual server to bypass the hypervisor and access the I/O card of the physical server directly
Question # 7
Chris Evans has been working as a cloud security engineer in a multinational company over the past 3 years. His organization has been using cloud-based services. Chris uses key vault as a key management solution because it offers easier creation of encryption keys and control over them. Which of the following public cloud service providers allows Chris to do so?
| A. AWS | B. Azure | C. GCP
| D. Oracle |
B. Azure
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