Question # 1
An LTM Specialist configures a new virtual server with a single pool member. The LTM
Specialist has NOT defined a health monitor for the pool, pool member or node.
What is the status of the virtual server? | A. Available (Enabled)
| B. Offline (Disabled) | C. Unavailable (Enabled) | D. Unknown (Enabled) |
D. Unknown (Enabled)
Question # 2
An LTM Specialist needs to deploy a virtual server that will load balance traffic targeting to a set of three web servers. Persistence needs to be
ensured. No persistence mirroring is allowed SSL offloading is required.
A fourth web server with fewer resources will be used to handle requests from engine bots
to https://register.example.comvrobots.txt by an iRule. The (Rule will use the
What are the required profile and persistence settings to implement this | A. tcp. dientssl, hup, source address persistence | B. tcp, clientssl, http. cookie persistence | C. tcp, clientssl, serverssl, ssl persistence | D. tcp, clientssl, http, serverssl cookie persistence |
B. tcp, clientssl, http. cookie persistence
The option is wrong, it should be clientssl and serverssl. If the title requires ssl offload
instead of encryption, you need clientssl instead of serverssl. irule needs HTTP profile to
enable HTTP_REQU£ST. If the session cannot be mirrored, the cookie session remains to meet the demand.
Question # 3
An LTM device load balances a pool of routers. The LTM device needs to verify path availability to an HTTP server with the IP address 192 168.10 10. located beyond the routers.
Which monitor type and parameters arc required? | A. HTTP monitor alias address 192 168.10 10. and set the alias to port 80 | B. TCP monitor, alias address and set the alias to port 80 | C. TCP monitor change transparent option to Yes. set alias address and set the alias to port 80 | D. TCP monitor, change transparent option to Yes, and sot the alias to port 80 |
C. TCP monitor change transparent option to Yes. set alias address and set the alias to port 80
Question # 4
An LTM Specialist must reconfigure a BIG-IP system that load balances traffic to a web application. The security department has informed the LTM Specialist that the following cipher string must be used for TLS connections from BIG-IP to the web application.
In which virtual server profile should the cipher string be configured?
| A. Server SSL
CB. Client SSL
| B. SPDY profile
| C. Rewrite profile
A. Server SSL
CB. Client SSL
Require SSL and flow F5 to server, server ssl
Question # 5
An LTM device load balances a pool of routers. The LTM device needs to verify path availability to an HTTP server with the IP address 192 168.10 10. located beyond the routers. Which monitor type and parameters arc required?
| A. HTTP monitor alias address 192 168.10 10. and set the alias to port 80
| B. TCP monitor, alias address and set the alias to port 80
| C. TCP monitor change transparent option to Yes. set alias address and set the alias to port 80
| D. TCP monitor, change transparent option to Yes, and sot the alias to port 80
C. TCP monitor change transparent option to Yes. set alias address and set the alias to port 80
Question # 6
An LTM Specialist needs to apply SNAT using currently used SNAT pool to a new virtual server.
What needs to be completed before applying that configuration change? | A. Review connection for the selected SNAT pool and enlarge it if appropriate | B. Make sure that the BIG-IP device is NOT operating under heavy load during peak times | C. Verify that the IP address of the SNAT pool are in the same subnet as the pool members | D. Verify that the IP address of the SNAT pool are in the same VLAN as the pool members. |
A. Review connection for the selected SNAT pool and enlarge it if appropriate
SNAT does not need to in the same vlan or same network segment as the pool member, as long as the route is reachable , excluding C and D he connection information of the SNAT pool to avoid port exhaustion under high concurrency
Question # 7
An LTM Specialist must reconfigure a BIG-IP system that load balances traffic to a web application. The security department has informed the LTM Specialist that the following cipher string must be used for TLS connections from BIG-IP to the web application.
In which virtual server profile should the cipher string be configured? | A. Server SSL
CB. Client SSL | B. SPDY profile | C. Rewrite profile |
A. Server SSL
CB. Client SSL
Require SSL and flow F5 to server, server ssl
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