Question # 1
An administrator is looking to install VMware Aria Automation Config to integrate with existing VMware Aria Automation environment.
Which pre-requisite must be met to complete the installation using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle? | A. Access to NSX cloud account
| B. Access to a VMware Aria Automation tenant
| C. Integrate VMware Aria Automation with Active Directory
| D. Access to NSX Load Balancer
B. Access to a VMware Aria Automation tenant
To integrate VMware Aria Automation Config with an existing VMware Aria Automation environment, one fundamental prerequisite is access to a VMware Aria Automation tenant. This access ensures that the Config component can communicate and operate within the specific tenant's context, applying configurations and settings as needed.
Question # 2
While deploying a virtual machine VMware Aria Automation template, an administrator encounters the following error:
Error: com.vmware.xenon.common.LocalizableValidationException: Unable to find a valid subnet for network *Network_External' of type 'EXISTING’ with constraints '[dcimetro, tier:!]’, reasons: [Network profile ’publicnet / Metro* was skipped because [Network [Network_External] allocation: cannot allocate a network with static IP ranges for profile ’publicnet / Metro’.)]
Where should the administrator start to troubleshoot? | A. Tags | B. Network Profiles
| C. Cloud Zones
| D. Projects |
B. Network Profiles
The error message suggests an issue with finding a valid subnet for a network profile, indicating a misconfiguration or limitation in the network profiles setup. Therefore, the administrator should start troubleshooting by examining the Network Profiles configuration to ensure that the correct subnets are available and that the network profile is correctly configured to support the deployment requirements, including any specified constraints like data center locations or network tiers.
Question # 3
What are two prerequisites for a VMware Aria Automation standard deployment? (Choose two.)
| A. DHCP server
| B. Load Balancer
| C. IPv4 addresses
| D. IPv6 addresses
| E. DNS server
C. IPv4 addresses
E. DNS server
Prerequisites for a standard deployment of VMware Aria Automation include aDNS server(E) for name resolution andIPv4 addresses(C) for network communication. These foundational network services are critical for the deployment and operation of VMware Aria Automation components.
The two prerequisites for a VMware Aria Automation standard deployment are IPv4 addresses and DNS server. A standard deployment of VMware Aria Automation consists of a single VMware Aria Automation appliance and a single VMware Workspace ONE Access appliance. A standard deployment does not require a load balancer or a shared database. However, it does require the following prerequisites: -
IPv4 addresses: You must have static IPv4 addresses for the VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access appliances, as well as for the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance that is used to install and configure them. You must also have a range of IPv4 addresses for the Kubernetes pods and services that run on the VMware Aria Automation appliance. You can either use the default values or specify your own ranges in the advanced configuration section of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle UI.
DNS server: You must have a DNS server that can resolve the host names and FQDNs of the VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access appliances, as well as the load balancer VIPs if you are deploying a clustered VMware Aria Automation environment. You must also have a DNS server that can resolve the host names and FQDNs of the cloud accounts and endpoints that you want to integrate with VMware Aria Automation.
The other options, A, B, and D, are not prerequisites for a VMware Aria Automation standard deployment, as they are either irrelevant or optional. A DHCP server is not required, as the VMware Aria Automation components use static IP addresses. A load balancer is only required for a clustered VMware Aria Automation deployment, which provides high availability, scalability, and load balancing. IPv6 addresses are not supported by VMware Aria Automation, as it only supports IPv4 addresses.
The other options, A, B, and D, are not prerequisites for a VMware Aria Automation standard deployment, as they are either irrelevant or optional. A DHCP server is not required, as the VMware Aria Automation components use static IP addresses. A load balancer is only required for a clustered VMware Aria Automation deployment, which provides high availability, scalability, and load balancing. IPv6 addresses are not supported by VMware Aria Automation, as it only supports IPv4 addresses.
Question # 4
What component would an administrator use to manage VMware Aria Automation cluster settings? | A. VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
| B. vracli
| C. Cloud Assembly
| D. VAMI |
B. vracli
To manage VMware Aria Automation cluster settings, an administrator would use the vraclicommand-line
interface. This tool provides a range of commands to configure, manage, and troubleshoot various aspects of
the VMware Aria Automation cluster, including settings related to clustering, deployment, and system
Question # 5
How does an administrator create a VMware Aria Automation default custom name template for deployments that do not have project-level templates? | A. The administrator must create a new custom name template and select Organization as the scope.
| B. The administrator must assign all projects to one custom name template.
| C. The administrator must create a new custom name template and select Projects as the scope.
| D. The administrator must create a new custom name template and give it the name "DEFAULT".
A. The administrator must create a new custom name template and select Organization as the scope.
To create a default custom name template for deployments that do not have project-level templates, an administrator should create a new custom name template with the scope set to the Organization. This ensures that the naming template is applied globally across the organization for any deployments that do not have a specific project-level naming template defined.
Question # 6
An administrator is configuring user roles to access various VMware Aria Automation services. The development team members require access to create and test automation templates and manage their deployments.
What is the minimal service role the development team members require? | A. VMware Aria Automation Assembler User
| B. VMware Aria Automation Consumption User
| C. VMware Aria Automation Consumption Administrator
| D. VMware Aria Automation Assembler Administrator
A. VMware Aria Automation Assembler User
For development team members who need to create, test automation templates, and manage their deployments, the minimal service role required would likely be the VMware Aria Automation Assembler User. This role should provide sufficient permissions for handling the lifecycle of automation templates while not necessarily granting administrative privileges over the broader Aria Automation environment.
Question # 7
After collecting a log bundle using the vracli CLI command, the resulting .tar file contains many paths and files.
Where will the administrator find the logs related specifically to the embedded VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator? | A. /pods/prelude/vco-app-
| B. /pods/kube-system/
| C. //var/log/vco
| D. /pods/prelude/extensibility-ui-app-
A. /pods/prelude/vco-app-
In the log bundle collected using the vracli CLI command, logs related specifically to the embedded VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator can be found in the path/pods/prelude/vco-app-. This path contains the logs generated by the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator component, providing insights into its operations and activities.
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