Question # 1
Identify three ways in which the Fair Share Scheduler can be assigned.
| A. poolcfg
| B. dispadmin
| C. zonecfg set pool=<value>
| D. zonecfg set cpu-shares=<value>
| E. by creating a project and attaching a process to that project |
A. poolcfg
B. dispadmin
D. zonecfg set cpu-shares=<value>
Explanation: A: Resource Allocation: Zones, Pools and FSS Example: Then create a pool for your zone (in this example, we'll use the zones named 'habitue,' 'creator,' 'netid,' and 'linguo'): pooladm -x pooladm -s poolcfg -c 'create pool habitue-pool ( string pool.scheduler = "FSS" )' poolcfg -c 'create pool creator-pool ( string pool.scheduler = "FSS" )' poolcfg -c 'create pool linguo-pool ( string pool.scheduler = "FSS" )' poolcfg -c 'create pool netid-pool ( string pool.scheduler = "FSS" )' pooladm -c B: Set the default scheduler for the system to be the FSS. # dispadmin -d FSS D: Example: global# zonecfg -z global
zonecfg:myzone> set cpu-shares=100 zonecfg:myzone> set scheduling-class=FSS zonecfg:myzone> exit
Question # 2
Which two statements are correct regarding IPS repositories?
| A. Remote client access is governed by svc:/application/pkg/server.
| B. Every new repository contains the solaris publisher by default.
| C. One repository can replicate the contents of another.
| D. The pkg.depotd process makes all local repositories remotely available.
| E. A repository uses separate protocols for pkg and browser clients.
A. Remote client access is governed by svc:/application/pkg/server.
D. The pkg.depotd process makes all local repositories remotely available.
Explanation: A: The pkd.depotd service is managed by SMF under the service identifier svc:/application/pkg/server.
D: * Example: Configure pkg.depotd to provide remote access. pkg.depotd provides an HTTP interface to a pkg repo. Here we are going to make the repo server listen on port 10000, and use the repo dir we created as its default. # svcadm disable pkg/server # svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root = /data/myrepo # svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/port = 10000 # svcadm refresh pkg/server # svcadm enable pkg/server * pkg.depotd is the depot server for the image packaging system. It provides network access to the data contained within a package repository. Clients that do not support direct access to a repository through the file system, or for which network access is the only available or preferred method of transport, typically use the package depot.
Question # 3

| A. No default route is configured. | B. in.mpathd cannot identify failed interfaces.
| C. There are no active interfaces in the group.
| D. There are three standby interfaces in the group.
| E. The property transitive-probing is false. |
E. The property transitive-probing is false.
Explanation: Disabled in the MODE column means that all probe-based failure detection is disabled. You must enable transitive probing to use this failure detection method that does not require test addresses. Note: * ipmpstat - display IPMP subsystem status The ipmpstat command concisely displays information about the IPMP subsystem. The -t option identifies the probe targets that are associated with each IP interface in an IPMP group. * Target mode displays IPMP probe target information. The following output fields are supported: / INTERFACE The IP interface name associated with the information. / MODE The probe target discovery mode:
routes Probe targets found by means of the routing table. multicast Probe targets found by means of multicast ICMP probes. disabled All probe-based failure detection is disabled. transitive Failure detection is by means of transitive probing, where the health of the IP interface is determined by probing other active interfaces in the group. / TESTADDR The source address used in outgoing probes. Active interfaces that are being used for data traffic, as well as interfaces that have been explicitly configured with NOFAILOVER test addresses, will have the hostname (or IP address) that is used for sending and receiving the ICMP probes. All other interfaces in the group will display the name of the interface from which the probes are sent. Note that if an active IP interface is configured with both IPv4 and IPv6 test addresses, probe target information will be displayed separately for each test address. / TARGETS A space-separated list of probe target hostnames (or IP addresses) for ICMP probes, or target interfaces for transitive probes. The IP targets will be listed in firing order, and, if no probe targets could be found, this field will be empty.
Question # 4
You want to configure your IPS repository server for high network bandwidth and network availability. Which two technologies are best suited for achieving these goals?
| A. naxbw resource control
| B. zpool disk aggregation
| C. link load balance
| D. link aggregation
| E. IP multipathing |
D. link aggregation
E. IP multipathing
Explanation: DE: Link aggregations provide high availability and higher throughput by aggregating multiple interfaces at the MAC layer. IP Multipathing (IPMP) provides features such as higher availability at the IP layer. Both IPMP and Link Aggregation are based on the grouping of network interfaces, and some of their features overlap, such as higher availability. These technologies are however implemented at different layers of the stack, and have different strengths and weaknesses.
E: The IP network multipathing or IPMP is a facility provided by Solaris to provide faulttolerance and load spreading for network interface cards (NICs). With IPMP, two or more NICs are dedicated for each network to which the host connects. The IPMP load spreading feature increases the machine's bandwidth by spreading the outbound load between all the cards in the same IPMP group.
Question # 5
The following information describes the current dump configuration of your server:

Assume that the following command lines have been run on a system: (root) # coreadm –g $HOME/var/core/%m.core.%f.%t (non-root) $ coreadm –p core.%f.%p Identify the result of a subsequent process crash. | A. A copy of a core file will appear in /var/core.
| B. A copy of a core file will appear in the process' current working directory.
| C. The root copy will include the taskid of the process.
| D. The nonroot copy will include the day of the process crash.
| E. The global format will override the per-process format.
B. A copy of a core file will appear in the process' current working directory.
Explanation: * -p pattern Set the per-process core file name pattern to pattern for each of the specified process-IDs. The pattern can contain any of the special % variables * Variables: %f, executable file name, up to a maximum of MAXCOMLEN characters %p, process-ID * Example. The core file name pattern:
/var/core/core.%f.%p would result, for command foo with process-ID 1234, in the core file name: /var/core/ * Example. Setting the core file name pattern When executed from a user's $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.login, the following command sets the core file name pattern for all processes run during the login session: example$ coreadm -p core.%f.%p $$ $$ is the process-id of the currently running shell. The per-process core file name pattern is inherited by all child processes.
Note (see synopsis 2 below). * The coreadm command is used to specify the name and location of core files produced by abnormally-terminating processes. SYNOPSIS coreadm [-g pattern] [-i pattern] [-d option...] [-e option...] coreadm [-p pattern] [pid...] coreadm –u The first form shown in the synopsis can be executed only by the super-user and is used to configure system-wide core file options, including a global core file name pattern and a perprocess core file name pattern for the init(1M) process. The second form can be executed by non-privileged users and is used to specify the file name pattern to be used by the operating system when generating a per-process core file.
Question # 6
The following command is issued: pkg set-publisher –P publisher2 What is the impact on your system? | A. makes the specified publisher sticky
| B. makes the specified publisher the highest-ranked publisher
| C. displays information about the specified publisher
| D. moves the specified publisher one step higher in the search order
B. makes the specified publisher the highest-ranked publisher
Explanation: Set-Publisher With -P or -search-first, set the specified publisher first in the search order. When installing new packages, this publisher is searched first. Updates to already installed packages come from the same publisher that originally provided the package as long as that publisher remains sticky. When -P or -search-first is used with -p, only added publishers are placed first in search order.
Question # 7
What is the effect of configuring privileges via the zonecfg utility? | A. It forces every /one process to run with the same privileges.
| B. It restricts zone processes to the inherited set of zsched's privileges.
| C. It restricts zone processes to the inherited set of zoneadmd's privileges.
| D. It removes some privileges that are normally available in the zone.
| E. It can add some new privileges to or exclude some default privileges from the zone.
A. It forces every /one process to run with the same privileges.
E. It can add some new privileges to or exclude some default privileges from the zone.
Explanation: Adding privileges must be performed the global zone administrator by using zonecfg(1M). While adding this functionality, we also added the ability to remove privileges from a zone's limit set.
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