Question # 1
A customer needs to implement a Highly Available solution for JMS that has a primary data center and a backup. Which three steps would you perform when designing your solution?
| A. Store Transaction Logs in a database and use Database stores for JMS to make replication between sites easier.
| B. Use file based Transaction Logs and JMS stores and implement a separate replication solution for files in addition to database in case database replication fails.
| C. Implement Oracle RAC at each site to provide a highly available solution within each datacenter.
| D. Configure Whole Server Migration to migrate WebLogic Managed Servers from the primary to the secondary site.
| E. Configure Automatic Service Migration for JMS high availability within a datacenter |
A. Store Transaction Logs in a database and use Database stores for JMS to make replication between sites easier.
C. Implement Oracle RAC at each site to provide a highly available solution within each datacenter.
E. Configure Automatic Service Migration for JMS high availability within a datacenter
Question # 2
A common approach to solve application performance issues is to add more hardware. Which two reasons describe why this alone does not always solve performance problems?
| A. There may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.
| B. Adding more hardware is costly and time consuming.
| C. Adding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded database, network appliance, or storage system.
| D. Adding more hardware may introduce new configuration requirements that need to be tested. |
A. There may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.
C. Adding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded database, network appliance, or storage system.
Question # 3
What type of Java EE application can be upgraded to WebLogic 12c using the Smart Upgrade tool?
| A. GlassFish
| B. iAS
| C. WebLogic Server 11g
| D. JBoss |
Note: * iAS: Oracle Application Server * Oracle WebLogic Server SmartUpgrade is one several Oracle software tools that can help you upgrade your entire Oracle Application Server or Oracle WebLogic Server environment to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.
Question # 4
Which two statements are true regarding the WebLogic domain?
| A. A WebLogic domain can have more than one Administration server.
| B. A WebLogic domain has at least one WebLogic server.
| C. A WebLogic domain can have at the most one cluster.
| D. A WebLogic domain can cross multiple physical machines.
| E. Each WebLogic domain is associated with a different Node Manager. |
B. A WebLogic domain has at least one WebLogic server.
D. A WebLogic domain can cross multiple physical machines.
A domain consists of one or more WebLogic Server instances (and their associated resources) that you manage with a single Administration Server. D: In a domain, server instances other than the Administration Server are referred to as Managed Servers. Managed Servers host the components and associated resources that constitute your applications. Incorrect: Not A: Each WebLogic Server domain must have one server instance that acts as the Administration Server. Not C: A domain can include multiple WebLogic Server clusters and non-clustered WebLogic Server instances. Not E: A Node Manager process is not associated with a specific WebLogic domain but with a machine. You can use the same Node Manager process to control server instances in any WebLogic Server domain, as long as the server instances reside on the same machine as the Node Manager process. Node Manager must run on each computer that hosts WebLogic Server instances—whether Administration Server or Managed Server—that you want to control with Node Manager. Reference: Overview of WebLogic Server Domains
Question # 5
Which feature is enabled when you start a WebLogic server with the –DserverType=wlx option?
| B. JCA
| C. JMS
| D. EJB
| E. Java EE |
-DserverType={"wls" | "wlx"} Specifies the Server Type, which determines the set of services that are started in the server runtime. The default is "wls", which starts all WebLogic Server services, including EJB, JMS, Connector, Clustering, Deployment, and Management. The "wlx" option starts a server instance that excludes the following services, making for a lighter weight runtime footprint: * (not D) Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) * (not B, not E) Java EE Connecter Architecture (JCA) * (not C) Java Message Service (JMS) Reference: Oracle Fusion Middleware Command Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server , Options for Configuring Deployment Attributes
Question # 6
How can you configure High Availability for interacting with a non-Oracle database using WebLogic?
| A. Configure multiple physical data sources and reuse the same JNDI name for each.
| B. Use the "compatibility" option of Active GridLink to enable compatibility with non-Oracle databases.
| C. Configure a single physical data source for each node in a database cluster and wrap it using Multi Data Source.
| D. Configure a Data Source Group that contains a physical connection pool to each node in the database cluster. |
C. Configure a single physical data source for each node in a database cluster and wrap it using Multi Data Source.
* A multi data source can be thought of as a pool of data sources. Multi data sources are best used for failover or load balancing between nodes of a highly available database system, such as redundant databases or Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC). * (not B) A single GridLink data source provides connectivity between WebLogic Server and an Oracle Database service, which may include multiple Oracle RAC clusters * High Availability Storage Solutions If you have applications that need access to persistent stores that reside on remote machines after the migration of a JMS server or JTA transaction log, then you should implement one of the following highly-available storage solutions: / File-based stores (default or custom)—Implement a hardware solution, such as a dualported SCSI disk or Storage Area Network (SAN) to make a file store available from shareable disks or remote machines. / JDBC-accessible stores—Configure a JDBC store or JDBC TLOG store and use JDBC to access this store, which can be on yet another server. Applications can then take advantage of any high-availability or failover solutions offered by your database vendor. In addition, JDBC stores support GridLink data sources and multi data sources, which provide failover between nodes of a highly available database system, such as Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC). Reference: Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server 12c, High Availability Storage Solutions
Question # 7
Which three scenarios are true about Domains?
| A. Domains can be created using the Configuration Wizard.
| B. Domains can be created using WLST.
| C. Domain configuration files are located in the WebLogic home directory.
| D. Domains can be created based on a domain template. |
A. Domains can be created using the Configuration Wizard.
B. Domains can be created using WLST.
D. Domains can be created based on a domain template.
A: a WebLogic domain can be created by using the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode. B: WLST enables you to create a new domain or update an existing domain D: A domain template is a JAR file that contains domain configuration documents, applications, security data, startup scripts, and other information needed to create a domain.
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