Question # 1
You have the following business requirements when creating an implementation project:
You want to see the list of offerings and functional areas that are configured for the project.
You want to identify at which stage all offerings and functional areas are.
Which two fulfill these requirements? | A. Select the Enable check box to specify the options. | B. After creating the implementation project, set the status of tasks to in Progress or Implemented. | C. Although the offering configuration can be changed at any time, the changes will influence any existing implementation task lists. | D. Change Provisioned to "No" to specify the offering that you want to select while creating an implementation project. | E. You need the IT Security role to fulfill these requirements. |
A. Select the Enable check box to specify the options. B. After creating the implementation project, set the status of tasks to in Progress or Implemented.
When you create an implementation project, you can select the offerings and functional areas that you want to implement by selecting the Enable check box for each option. This will generate a list of setup tasks for the selected options. You can also see the status of each offering and functional area, such as Provisioned, Enabled, or Not Enabled. After creating the implementation project, you can update the status of each task to indicate the progress of the implementation. You can set the status to In Progress, Implemented, or Not Applicable. This will help you to identify the stage of each offering and functional area in the implementation project.
How You Use Implementation Projects to Manage Setup
Oracle Fusion Applications Procurement Implementation Guide, Section 2.1: “Create Implementation Project”
Question # 2
You have the following business requirements when creating an implementation project: You want to see the list of offerings and functional areas that are configured for the project. You want to identify at which stage all offerings and functional areas are. Which two fulfill these requirements?
| A. Select the Enable check box to specify the options.
| B. After creating the implementation project, set the status of tasks to in Progress or Implemented.
| C. Although the offering configuration can be changed at any time, the changes will influence any existing implementation task lists.
| D. Change Provisioned to "No" to specify the offering that you want to select while creating an implementation project.
| E. You need the IT Security role to fulfill these requirements.
A. Select the Enable check box to specify the options.
B. After creating the implementation project, set the status of tasks to in Progress or Implemented.
When you create an implementation project, you can select the offerings and functional areas that you want to implement by selecting the Enable check box for each option. This will generate a list of setup tasks for the selected options. You can also see the status of each offering and functional area, such as Provisioned, Enabled, or Not Enabled. After creating the implementation project, you can update the status of each task to indicate the progress of the implementation. You can set the status to In Progress, Implemented, or Not Applicable. This will help you to identify the stage of each offering and functional area in the implementation project.
How You Use Implementation Projects to Manage Setup Oracle Fusion Applications Procurement Implementation Guide, Section 2.1: “Create Implementation Project”
Question # 3
Within your organization, there is a problem of notification emails not always being recognized and being moved to the spam folder.
What do you first need to configure in order to enable the options for thefromand Replytoemail addresses? | A. Business-to-Business Service (B2B) | B. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) | C. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) | D. Application Development Framework (ADF) |
B. Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a protocol that allows the owner of a domain to specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of that domain. This helps to prevent spoofing and phishing attacks by verifying the sender’s identity. By configuring SPF for your Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement application, you can enable the options for the from and reply to email addresses for supplier onboarding and profile management notifications. This will help your suppliers to trust the notifications and avoid them being marked as spam.
How You Configure Sender Name and Email in Supplier Management Notifications1
Configure Purchase Order Email Approval Notifications Using Reports2
Question # 4
Your client wants to be able to automate the process to ask employees to evaluate their suppliers periodically and enable a touchless process to track supplier performance over time. Which feature do they need to opt in to?
| A. Assess Supplier Eligibility for Sourcing
| B. Full Supplier Profile Change Management
| C. Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
| D. Sourcing Programs
C. Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
The feature that enables the automation of supplier evaluation by employees is Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification. This feature allows you to create and publish internal surveys to collect feedback from employees who have interacted with suppliers. You can use predefined or custom questions, assign survey respondents, and schedule survey frequency. The survey responses are automatically captured and aggregated in the supplier qualification work area, where you can view the supplier performance scores and trends over time. This feature helps you to monitor and improve supplier performance, as well as identify potential risks and opportunities.
Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
How You Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement: Supplier Qualification
Question # 5
Within your organization, there is a problem of notification emails not always being recognized and being moved to the spam folder. What do you first need to configure in order to enable the options for thefromand Replytoemail addresses?
| A. Business-to-Business Service (B2B)
| B. Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
| C. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
| D. Application Development Framework (ADF)
B. Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a protocol that allows the owner of a domain to specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of that domain. This helps to prevent spoofing and phishing attacks by verifying the sender’s identity. By configuring SPF for your Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement application, you can enable the options for the from and reply to email addresses for supplier onboarding and profile management notifications. This will help your suppliers to trust the notifications and avoid them being marked as spam.
How You Configure Sender Name and Email in Supplier Management Notifications1
Configure Purchase Order Email Approval Notifications Using Reports2
Question # 6
Your client wants to be able to automate the process to ask employees to evaluate their suppliers periodically and enable a touchless process to track supplier performance over time.
Which feature do they need to opt in to? | A. Assess Supplier Eligibility for Sourcing | B. Full Supplier Profile Change Management | C. Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification | D. Sourcing Programs |
C. Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
The feature that enables the automation of supplier evaluation by employees is Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification. This feature allows you to create and publish internal surveys to collect feedback from employees who have interacted with suppliers. You can use predefined or custom questions, assign survey respondents, and schedule survey frequency. The survey responses are automatically captured and aggregated in the supplier qualification work area, where you can view the supplier performance scores and trends over time. This feature helps you to monitor and improve supplier performance, as well as identify potential risks and opportunities.
Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
How You Conduct Internal Surveys for Supplier Qualification
Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement: Supplier Qualification
Question # 7
When you are creating your purchase orders, you want to be able to apply discounts to all purchase order lines with a single action and have opted in to the feature. Which are the two conditions when the base price CANNOT be changed?
| A. The purchase order tine is created from a punchout marketplace that does not allow the price to be changed.
| B. The purchase order line is for catalog items.
| C. The purchase order line is received or billed, and the procurement business unit configuration does not allow manual price updates.
| D. The purchase order line is included on a Procurement Contract.
A. The purchase order tine is created from a punchout marketplace that does not allow the price to be changed.
D. The purchase order line is included on a Procurement Contract.
The base price of a purchase order line cannot be changed if the line is created from a punchout marketplace that does not allow the price to be changed, or if the line is included on a procurement contract. These are the two conditions that prevent the application of discounts to all purchase order lines with a single action.
Oracle Fusion Applications Procurement Implementation Guide, section “Purchase Order Pricing”, subsection “Price Change Conditions”.
PRC:PO: Purchase Order Price Is Not Updated After A Change Order …, section “Cause”, subsection “Solution”.
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