Question # 1
How do you configure a CDB for local undo mode? | A. Open the CDB instance in upgrade mode. In cdb$root, execute alter database local undo on, and then restart the CDB instance | B. Open the CDB in read-only mode. In cdb$root, execute alter database local undo on, and then change the CDB to read/write mode | C. Open the CDB instance in restricted mode. In cdb$root, execute alter database local undo on. create an undo tablespace in each PDB, and then restart the CDB instance | D. Open the CDB instance in restricted mode. In cdb$root, drop the undo tablespace. Execute alter database local undo on in each PDB, and then restart the CDB instance. | E. Open the CDB instance in upgrade mode. In each PDB, execute alter database local undo on, create an undo tablespace, and then restart the CDB instance. |
D. Open the CDB instance in restricted mode. In cdb$root, drop the undo tablespace. Execute alter database local undo on in each PDB, and then restart the CDB instance.
Question # 2
Which three are true about transporting databases across platforms usingRecovery Manager (RMAN) image copies? (Choose three.) | A. By default, the transported database will use Oracle Managed Files (OMF) | B. Data files can be converted on the destination system. | C. Data files can be converted on the source system. | D. A new DBIDis automatically created for the transported database. | E. Databases can be transported between systems with different endian formats. |
C. Data files can be converted on the source system. E. Databases can be transported between systems with different endian formats.
Password file is automatically converted by RMAN.
Question # 3
Examine these actions: 1.Create a new database for a recovery catalog. 2.Create a tablespace with sufficient space in the catalog database for the recovery catalog. 3.Configure ARCHIVELOG mode for the catalog database. 4.Create a user to own the recovery catalog schema with quota on the tablespace that will containthe catalog. 5.Grant the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role to the recovery catalog schema owner. 6.Grant the SYSBACKUP privilege to the recovery catalog schema owner. Which are the minimum actions that must be performed before executing the CREATECATALOG command? | A. 2, 4, 5, 6 | B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | C. 1, 2, 4, 5 | D. 2, 4, 5 | E. 1, 3, 4, 5 |
Question # 4
Which three are true about opatchauto? (Choose three.) | A. It performs a shutdown and then a restart of all processes in both Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database home during the patching process. | B. It must be invoked by a user with root user privileges | C. Patches are appliedvia opatchauto. | D. Users must always input patch plans to opatchauto. | E. It requires the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database instances to be shut down before being invoked. |
B. It must be invoked by a user with root user privileges C. Patches are appliedvia opatchauto. E. It requires the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database instances to be shut down before being invoked.
Question # 5
Examine thisconfiguration: 1. CDB1 is a container database running in archivelog mode. 2. Multiple uncommitted transactions are running in CDB1. 3. Redo log groups 1 and 2 are inactive. 4. Redo log group 3 is the current group. All members of redo log group 3 arelost before it is archived. Examine these possible steps: 1. SHUTDOWN ABORT 2. STARTUP NOMOUNT 3. STARTUP MOUNT 4. ALTER DATABASE MOUNT 5. RESTORE DATABASE 6. RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO 7. RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL AVAILABLE 8. RESTORE ARCHIVELOG ALL 9. ALTER DATABASE OPEN 10. ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS Choose the minimum required steps in the correct order to recover the database. | A. 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 | B. 1, 3, 5, 8, 6, 10 | C. 1, 3, 5, 6, 9 | D. 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 | E. 1, 2, 5, 7,4, 10 |
Question # 6
Which three are true about an application container? | A. It must have an application root PDB. | B. It can contain multiple applications. | C. An application PDB can belong to multiple application containers. | D. Two application containers can share an application seed PDB. | E. It can contain a single application. |
B. It can contain multiple applications. D. Two application containers can share an application seed PDB. E. It can contain a single application.
Question # 7
Examine this output:

Which two are true? (Choose two.) | A. Any PDB not specified in the plan will be unable to execute statementsin parallel. | B. PDB3 can use all available parallel execution processes at times. | C. PDB1 is always limited to 40% of the available system resources regardless of demand. | D. Any PDB not specified in the plan will be able to use a maximum of 16.5% of the available system resources. | E. PDB3 is guaranteed to receive at least 20% of the available system resources if there is enough demand. |
A. Any PDB not specified in the plan will be unable to execute statementsin parallel. E. PDB3 is guaranteed to receive at least 20% of the available system resources if there is enough demand.
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